Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1233: : New interrogation methods? (2 more)

How can Du Zhaohui speak?

Xia Hongxia... Regarding what she did, Xia Xiaolan didn't take a second look at her when she came in. Zhou Cheng discovered that Du always secretly looked at his daughter-in-law.

"Go, I'll take you to listen."

What to listen to?

He must have listened to Ke Yixiong's interrogation.

Xia Xiaolan nodded vigorously, "Okay!"

Zhou Cheng took Xia Xiaolan away, and Du Zhaohui's gaze followed until neither of them could see.

Ah Hua relaxes his tight body, and then looks at Master Du who hasn't taken his gaze back. Ah Hua is also in a complicated mood-Young Master is really ignorant and fearless. He secretly looked at Miss Xia, thinking that the guardian of the other party hadn't noticed it?

When Zhou Cheng's eyes swept over, Ah Hua felt as if he was being stared at by a tiger or a leopard. Zhou Cheng brought him great oppression. For a moment, Ah Hua couldn't help but make a move.

Zhou Cheng is better than the white pearl who has kicked off the young master's teeth!

When Bai Zhuzhu shot, it was a fight and a lesson.

If Zhou Cheng makes a move, it is likely to be a killer!

The ignorant and fearless Young Master Du is still arguing:

"Comrade Public Security, why can he take people over, and I have to wait here?"

The city bureau's elite gave Du Zhaohui a cold look. There are no Hong Kong bosses here, only the big case of human trafficking. Du Zhaohui seems to be dissatisfied, and the police are not very polite:

"Comrade, don't ask about the chief, please come here to cooperate with the investigation and interrogation."


What kind of chief is such a young person, I don't know if Mao has grown together!

Du Zhaohui was shocked, feeling very upset.

The most uncomfortable thing is that Zhou Cheng looks better than him...

Xia Hongxia's eyes were red, and she thought about the same as Du Zhaohui: Xia Xiaolan found such a man, and the police would call him the chief. God is too unfair, and gave all the good things to Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Hongxia choked, Du Zhaohui moved away in disgust.

He remembered that Xia Hongxia had just been rescued by Ke Yixiong, and she was so stinky that she wanted to seduce him.

These are all surnamed Xia, the difference is too big!

Xia Hongxia felt the disgust of Du Young Master, tears could not stop, crying and close to Du Zhaohui: "Boss Du, why don't you ask my second uncle to be a bodyguard? Ke Yixiong is too bad, he fired us all. My second uncle has no choice but to go back to my hometown... woo woo woo..."

It's hard to make money.

Xia Hongxia dreams of entering a big company, sitting in the office, wearing high heels and stockings, getting a high salary, and then marrying a Hong Konger decently.

But she can only help on the dusty construction site and in the back kitchen of the greasy restaurant!

Du Zhaohui really wants to curse!

Such ugly monsters can also come to question him. Mom's mentally retarded, he is the boss who wants to open whoever he wants. Is it necessary to explain to an inexplicable woman?

Why put him and such a mentally retarded person in one place!

"Comrade Public Security, what on earth do you want to ask, I cooperate, all cooperate!"

It's terrible. This must be an interrogation method developed by the Public Security Bureau. Du Zhaohui admitted that he had lost. Now that he doesn't want to hold on to the wealthy arrogance, he wants someone to hurry up and finish the question, so he can leave this ghost place!


Zhou Cheng took Xia Xiaolan to an empty room.

There is no such kind of glass wall that can see another room. This is the China Yangcheng in 1985, not New York, USA.

But two adjacent rooms can hear the voice of the interrogation room.

Now I could only hear the voice of the police, and after a while, there was Ke Yixiong's lazy voice:

"Comrade Public Security, I don't know what you are talking about. I know He Wen. He has something to do with me?"

He Wen was nicknamed "Mosquito", who instructed Zhang Bing to get rid of Luo Yaozong's gangsters. They are now missing. According to Zhou Cheng's investigation, they should have smuggled to Hong Kong.

It's not easy to find this person even if you go to Hong Kong.

If Ke Yixiong's heart was more cruel, He Wen would be thrown into the sea halfway, and He would never be allowed to go ashore alive.

Hong Kong is so big, He Wen is nostalgic for the colorful world, and will never return to the Mainland for a lifetime. This excuse also makes sense.

As long as Ke Yixiong cares about He Wen's family, he is still a loyal Ke boss in the eyes of others.

Xia Xiaolan saw a pen and paper on the table, picked it up and wrote, "He won't admit it."

Zhou Cheng also took the pen back to her: "I don't need him to admit it! This is just a trap. When Ke Yixiong was in the Public Security Bureau, his subordinates were being arrested, and none of them could run away."

Sure enough, the police over there threw some information in front of Ke Yixiong.

"Trafficking people, stealing and robbery, intentionally hurting people, intentionally killing people, helping people smuggle...Ke Yixiong, we have all mastered what you did! Whether you admit it or not, you don't want to escape this time! See if there are people who are guilty of you. You **** are just the malignant tumors entrenched in the Yangcheng Railway Station area!"

The leaders of Yangcheng had long been determined to rectify law and order, and there had been cases where the mayor of Peng had his wallet stolen near the train station.

Although Mayor Pengcheng can't control Yangcheng, this kind of thing is too embarrassing, and it's dull to mention it!

The petty theft was sheltered by a gangster like Ke Yixiong.

He wants to be the "boss" of Bo Yuntian, wants others to listen to Boss Ke's words, he has so many brothers, so many open mouths to eat, how can Ke Yixiong not get involved in those conscientious activities, how can he support so many people!

As soon as he entered the Public Security Bureau, he was handcuffed and handcuffed.

Ke Yixiong reached out and flipped through the information on the table, closed his eyes and opened:

"Who wants to kill me!"

I'm afraid he didn't die completely enough, how much energy can we find out for these things?

Not only did I check it for a day or two!

Ke Yixiong refused!

He could have gotten rid of these things. He wanted to take people to do business in Pengcheng. It turned out that the money in the special zone was really good!

But White Pearl is coming to grab his turf.

Xia Xiaolan wants to report to his arrest.

Du Zhaohui crossed the river to demolish the bridge, and the Chengrong Group no longer gave Ke Yixiong the project.

These people are all pushing him step by step to prevent him from going ashore in vain.

His confidant Cao Liu was arrested again, and Ke Yixiong would vengeance Xia Xiaolan fiercely in order to prevent a group of people from being alienated!

Luo Yaozong is not dead.

Only one day, he was taken to the police station.

Ke Yixiong laughed: "It's Xia Xiaolan, right? I didn't expect that I, Ke Yixiong, was planted on a woman! Xia Xiaolan, you are so cruel!"


The door of the interrogation room was opened, and Zhou Cheng stood at the door.

"The chief..."

"You go out first, I'll ask him alone!"

Ke Yixiong's laughter stopped abruptly.

He looked at Zhou Cheng, and Zhou Cheng looked at him.

Mentioning Xia Xiaolan's name, Zhou Cheng came in, and Ke Yixiong's eyes narrowed.

"...Is you?"

Is it this person?

He never showed up before, and sent a Pan San to scan him twice!

So for the third time, is this man finally showing up in person?

"Ke Yixiong, if you shoot at a woman, you will be a **** for the rest of your life."

Zhou Cheng sat in a chair, and the two of them were separated from the table, and no one gave in in their momentum. After a while, Ke Yixiong's back was wet with sweat, and his whole body seemed to be fished out of water... If he was still free, Ke Yixiong believed that he would have a chance to equalize the gap.

Now that he is a prisoner under the order, what kind of face is he still bracing?

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