Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1234: : Winner and loser (3 more)

Ke Yixiong lowered his head and smiled:

"Don't be proud of you, the time will be long in the future..."

Those who can own Xia Xiaolan now may not be able to have it for a lifetime, because Xia Xiaolan runs too fast, and there will be more powerful and rich men around her!

How can Zhou Cheng discuss these issues with him?

"You don't need to worry about this. Do you think this is a personal grievance? It's just an inevitable result that you have come to today."

Originally in Yangcheng, Ke Yixiong was very cautious.

Zhou Cheng didn't like this bullshit, but couldn't catch the other side's pigtails.

When he arrived in Pengcheng, it might be too fast to grab land and money, and Ke Yixiong became unscrupulous.

Even if the matter of ambushing White Pearl was self-asserted by his subordinates, it was Ke Yixiong's indulgence. When he arrived in Pengcheng, Ke Yixiong let go of his courage, and his subordinates were naturally more arrogant!

"The inevitable result...nothing is an inevitable result, success and failure will naturally make you proud!"

The inevitable result of the shit, if given 10 or 20 more years, he would not be able to become the second Du family, he would still be a member of the party.

At that time, he was also a decent person, so naturally he would not touch gray business again.

Zhou Cheng also found it ridiculous.

Ke Yixiong refused to admit defeat.

People who are not conscious, waste his time.

"You can't escape."

I have arrested Ke Yixiong, and let him escape again. Isn't it necessary to worry about the other party's revenge all the time!

Zhou Cheng lost his interest in interrogating Ke Yixiong personally, and left the room, Ke Yixiong was embarrassed-he thought he would be treated differently, but that was the case!

Ke Yixiong stayed in the interrogation room and thumped the table angrily. Zhou Cheng didn't even tell him his name.

When Zhou Cheng returned to the next room, Xia Xiaolan was already asleep on the table. It's too tired to fall asleep in this kind of place, and it's too relieved for him. Zhou Cheng simply blocked the sound coming from next door and sat down to accompany Xia Xiaolan.

You can also come to the Public Security Bureau without Xiaolan.

But even though Ke Yixiong was brought back, his subordinates hadn't finished arresting him, Zhou Cheng was a little afraid of the opponent's crazy counterattack.

Just take Xiaolan with you, the public security bureau is the safest.

There is no need to worry about Liu Fen. Even if Ke Yixiong's people are really heartbroken and mad, and Mayor Tang is there, they will arrange everything properly.

The night is still very long.

"The world is too dangerous, how dare I let you go alone?"

Zhou Cheng looked at Xia Xiaolan's sleeping face and muttered to herself.

Break her wings and shut it up?

That's what the most inferior coward can do.

A real man will not be afraid that his woman is too good, but will work hard to improve himself, make himself better, and hold the sky higher for the other person!

Give freedom if you want to be free!

When there is danger, he must be able to solve it!


Xia Xiaolan was sleeping in the room.

Du Zhaohui was outside and accepted a very embarrassing investigation and inquiry.

Mainly, self-esteem can't stand it.

If no one knows, isn't it that Xia Xiaolan and her boyfriend are both in the Public Security Bureau? Du Zhaohui suspects that these two people have known it for a long time-Ke Yixiong that bad boy! Go to the street! Actually use the Xia family to lie to him?

A confession from one of Ke Yixiong's men.

It turned out that this person was following Cao Liu's affairs. The Xia family's affairs were handled by this person alone.

How to kidnap the Xia family? When I really wanted to sell it, I heard the Xia family yelling that Dajun Xia was following the big boss in Hong Kong. When Ke Yixiong heard that the big boss in Hong Kong was Du Zhaohui, he made a decision and sold it to Du Zhaohui for a favor.

There are many ways to hold the thighs, and someone is set to show favoritism. Du Zhaohui gritted his teeth and thumped the table:

"Ke Yixiong—"

Can Shao Du's face hurt?

A Hua looked at the palms of the eldest master's hands red, which shows how angry he is!

Du Zhaohui turned his head to look at Xia Hongxia, her teeth creaking, Xia Hongxia was also very afraid...she didn't want to come at all, okay? It is not a glorious thing to be sold to a small hair salon as a shampoo girl. The police arrested all the Feng brothers in the small hair salon and asked Xia Hongxia to identify it. It was a nightmare, and she wanted to find a place to get in.

Du Zhaohui's eyes seemed to swallow her, Xia Hongxia was so frightened that her heart stopped beating:

"No, it's none of my business."

Yes, it doesn't matter to her, it is impossible for such an idiot to conspire with Ke Yixiong. Xia Hongxia is still a victim!

Du Zhaohui was angry and deceived. What he lost was face.

Master Du don't want to get involved in the future?

Ke Yixiong is hateful. The Xia family are witnesses to his stupidity. Du Zhaohui's eyes hurt when he sees the Xia family.

Fortunately, Xia Dajun was taken away early, or Du Zhaohui would really be suffocated and die - this time if Ke Yixiong did not go to jail, Du Zhaohui himself would have to kill that death attack!

A policeman hurried out of the interrogation room and handed a piece of paper to a colleague.

Comrade Du Zhaohui’s public security officer looked serious, "Mr. Du, according to Ke Yixiong, he also helped you sneak through a fugitive named Xia Ziyu."

Du Zhaohui stood up excitedly:

"Slander! He is slander and bite! I don't know any fugitives. I'm still a victim. I kindly helped the bodyguards around me to find relatives, but I was taken advantage of sympathy!"

Xia Hongxia looked shocked.

Sister Ziyu was helped by Boss Du and Ke Yixiong to escape?

The second uncle doesn't know this at all?

Du Zhaohui's sophistry is that this is Ke Yixiong's unilateral testimony. It is indeed not true. It is said that Du Zhaohui helped the fugitive smuggle into Hong Kong, and the police could not get evidence, as stupid as Xia Hongxia knew that this should be true.

Naturally, there can be no evidence for this.

At that time, Ke Yixiong wanted to please Du Zhaohui, should he still collect money to do business?

From beginning to end, Du Zhaohui did not come forward.

There was no money transaction, no letters or recordings, and Du Zhaohui killed him and refused to admit it. No one could do anything about him.

After tossing until dawn, none of the key figures under Ke Yixiong's arrests slipped through the net.

Some people resisted fiercely, and one gangster died and three injured during the arrest.

It's dawn.

Today is another sunny day.

Xia Xiaolan slept uncomfortably at the Public Security Bureau, and it was better than Du Zhaohui, Xia Hongxia and others who had slept all night.

She came out red, and seeing that both of them looked bad, the police told Du Zhaohui: "Mr. Du, if there is a need here, you need to cooperate with our investigation at any time."

Had Du Zhaohui not been a Hong Kong businessman, and what kind of treatment Ke Yixiong would enjoy, Du Zhaohui would be the same.

Now that Du Zhaohui can get out of the Public Security Bureau well, he should be thankful that he has not done anything illegal in Pengcheng!

Du Zhaohui felt ashamed, and also stayed up all night, Zhou Cheng looked so handsome...Fuck, just rely on the face to eat, Xiaobai's face is wicked.

Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng were already in the car, and Du Zhaohui didn't want to stay in the public security bureau, so why not leave and wait for the bureau to take care of the food?

These people are all coming by car.

Only Xia Hongxia, looking around, had to drive back to Pengcheng by herself!

The Public Security Bureau brought her back, and now they are destroying Ke Yixiong's gang and are busy dealing with this matter. Who is free to take Xia Hongxia back.

Xia Hongxia walked pitifully on the road, Xia Xiaolan and Du Zhaohui were really ruthless, what happened to her by the way? Really stingy and stingy. These complaints, Xia Hongxia only dared to say in her heart, she was afraid of Du Zhaohui, and she was also timid in the face of Xia Xiaolan... When she was in Dahe Village, she dared to run Xia Xiaolan, dared to buy Xia Xiaolan clothes, and didn't even dare to put a fart here!

In just two or three years, Xia Xiaolan has become a big man she can't afford...

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