Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1252: : What did he sell? (3 more)

Even Xia Xiaolan hadn't seen the doorway, and Gu Siyan and Cheng Min couldn't understand it even more.

Yuan Han's appearance is good, very masculine, just looking at his face, he is definitely the look of a good person in the movie.

Gu Siyan, a simple child, is still confused:

"He doesn't look that bad..."

Xia Xiaolan couldn't laugh or cry, "Who told you to distinguish between good and bad people by looks?"

Gu Siyan was embarrassed: "Sister Xiaolan, you are a nice person, and you look good."

Good-looking Xia Xiaolan admitted, but it depends on who is right. Xia Xiaolan felt that Gu Zhengqing was righteous, and Gu Siyan was taught a little bit dull. The innocence and carefree showed that he had a happy life, which also protected him a little bit better.

Look at Xiaoyou again, he is not a year older than Gu Siyan, he has entered the society too early, and he is full of minds.

"Fool, if you are bad, don't write on your face. The more beautiful your face, the more vigilant you have to be. Such a person will easily lower your vigilance and deceive people without paying for your life! I will not lie to you, It’s boring to lie to you, but other people find it interesting to lie to you. What do they want from you?"

Gu Siyan was speechless.

Cheng Min was a bit older, and thought about it carefully, and said:

"Sister Xiaolan means, don't be prejudiced by his appearance, don't look at his appearance, whether he speaks well or not, it depends on what he did?"

Xia Xiaolan glanced at Cheng Min approvingly, and Cheng Min was encouraged.

"For example, if Sister Zhou Yi looked for this surname Yuan, if he was a good person, he would tell Sister Zhou Yi that she has a wife, and Sister Zhou Yi would naturally stay away from him. Even if she didn't mention this, Sister Zhou Yi ran to look for him, he should send Sister Zhou Yi away. Come back, or tell your uncle and aunt Zhou Yi, instead of hiding Zhou Yi."

Like a woman, hide her, wait until she is pregnant with a child, and then go to the woman's house to propose marriage?

Also let the woman kneel on the ground pregnant.

This Yuan Han is not a good person at all, and his character is not good!

"Even you can see clearly, but Zhou Yi can't see clearly. Are you confused?"

With Cheng Min's analysis, Gu Siyan's face was full of indignation, looking at the pen and paper shop across the street, eager to try.

"Why are you in a hurry, can you really go up and beat him? Don't say whether you can beat him, but you can't solve the problem if you beat him. Go to Zhou Yi, who do you think she will help?"

Gu Siyan was so angry that she wanted to cry, "Sister Zhou Yi must be helping this liar!"

It's so evil, this liar will also say to Zhou Yi sister, saying that he was worried by Zhou family, and Zhou Yijie won't come to hit her, but it will be more distressed. This liar.

Gu Siyan was discouraged and had no appetite for braised cooking.

Xia Xiaolan asked them to wait patiently for another half an hour, and Yuan Han came out of the paper and pen for the second time.

This time, Yuan Han was obviously smiling. No matter what he sold in the store, he must have sold it for the price he wanted.

The original bulging backpack collapsed. It seems that Yuan Han took the money and left things behind.

The three of Xia Xiaolan lowered their heads, and Xia Xiaolan called the boss to check out when Yuan Han was far away.

She walked to the paper and pen shop opposite, and the two small attendants followed suit.

"What do you three want to buy? Feel free to look at the things in the store, and choose whatever you want!"

The boss is a lean middle-aged man, who can see people with a pair of eyes, and can see the origin of the guests clearly with a glance. He knows regular customers, and strangers won't receive them. Most of the people who panic and look around are here to sell things, calm and relaxed, and most of them are his buyers.

There are also two types of buyers, those who buy paper and pens, and those who buy real bulk goods.

These three girls are a little strange, one calm and relaxed, two panicked, the boss finds it a bit interesting.

Of course, it doesn't look like a poor man.

The poor buy some paper and pen with their heads low, as if the money in their pockets is stolen, and they have no confidence in consumption.

Xia Xiaolan looked at the shop, and it was neat and tidy, with paper, pen, calligraphy and painting.

This is looking at things, but not the price.

"I don't buy anything, I just want to know the **** guy just now, did he come to sell things, and what did he sell?"

The boss smiled, "Look at what you said, can you tell others about business casually?"

Xia Xiaolan chuckled, "Then I go to the police station to report the case, can the police come with me to see it? I think about the report, what better to say, it is better to say that my house is stolen, I saw the thief enter this shop and sell the stolen goods?"

As soon as Xia Xiaolan's voice fell, there was a dog barking in the backyard, followed by the sound of someone training the dog.

Both Gu Siyan and Cheng Min felt that the atmosphere was unusual, and their palms were sweaty.

Xia Xiaolan was rather calm.

"I just want to know something. Since it's sold, I won't come forward to recover it."

Looking at each other for a long time, the boss murmured bad luck, and was defeated first.

I ran to the backyard and held out a bunch of things after a while:

"Look, I don't lose him for the price!"

Two volumes of calligraphy and painting, several ancient books, and several stone seals, some yellow and some red.

With these things, can Yuan Han collect enough money for the marriage?

Xia Xiaolan didn't understand antique calligraphy and painting at all. She asked her boss to open the two paintings, and just noted down the look and style.

"These are all good things. You won't make less money this time. I'll bother you! You just said a big talk in a hurry, don't worry about me! You recommend me a good set of four treasures for the study, and I will buy it and give it away. The elders."

Did you really look at things?

The boss was also numb by Xia Xiaolan, and he was also angry. He recommended Xia Xiaolan a set that is not cheap, including an inkstone, a set of pens, two ink ingots, and a knife of paper. For this little thing, Xia Xiaolan received 960 yuan. Xia Xiaolan didn't even pay the price, and went out after paying for the things.

Gu Siyan was stunned by the atmosphere, and she didn't dare to speak when she wanted to speak.

After Xia Xiaolan took the two to leave, she came out from the backyard, "Master Ding, do you want me to go..."

The middle-aged man waved his hand.

"It’s not to trouble us. It should be the man in front of it. In the future, this kind of strangers will have to pick up less. Fortunately, the things are really good. I can make a lot of money when I meet the right buyer. I can find someone quickly. Click to get something out."

I don't know if that girl really understands, she just took a few glances and said something good.

Although he felt uncomfortable and sold the Four Treasures of the Study Room, it was not a special ripped off. Everyone exposed the matter to each other.


"Sister Xiaolan, the boss was so fierce just now, why did you buy his things!"

And it's so expensive!

Gu Siyan didn't understand.

Xia Xiaolan shook the Four Treasures of the Study, "If you trouble others, of course, you have to give each other a step. Although the money is spent, things are not worthless. I think Grandpa Zhou is practicing calligraphy, and he will give him this set of Four Treasures of the Study with the help of Huaxian Buddha. Chant."

She didn't know how Yuan Han found this place. She was very guarded. The identities of these people who turned antiques were very complicated, and Xia Xiaolan was unwilling to provoke an inexplicable enemy to herself.

Regardless of how much Yuan Han's pile of things are sold for, it will certainly not make the boss less profitable.

Are these things belonging to the Yuan family?

Heirlooms can be sold, Zhou Yi needs to know, maybe he will be touched again, Xia Xiaolan feels that something is not right.

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