Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1253: : Xiaolan, you will spend a lot of money (4 more)

Gu Siyan couldn't understand:

"The surname Yuan is a bad guy, why is he willing to sell his ancestral things for sister Zhou Yi?"

Good guys and bad guys, Gu Siyan can't simply define them.

Xia Xiaolan asked Cheng Min to say that Cheng Min couldn't sum up what he fumbled.

Xia Xiaolan is sad, these idiots!

"Look at his sneaky appearance, let's not say whether the things are his. He sells things to pay for Zhou Yi? He doesn't marry Zhou Yi to marry someone else, and it costs money to get married."

That's how the big trend is.

Individual lesbians do not want the four big pieces and new furniture and are willing to marry. There may be various considerations.

But it cannot be said that it is wrong to ask for something.

In order to marry Yang Jie's daughter-in-law, the Yang family gathered for the betrothal gift. Yang Yonghong's sister and brother went to Pengcheng to work, even their shoulders were worn out, and their palms were all calluses.

If Yuan Han is a good one, Zhou Wenbang will not embarrass him like that.

He wanted to find someone whose conditions were not as good as Zhou Yi, or even worse than himself, and he still had to spend money to get married.

It's like a later generation man bought a full house before marriage, saying how much money was spent on marrying his wife. The wife has a place to live. The ownership of the house is the man's right to marry the house. It is still the man's right to marry the house after changing people. What has increased is the man's own assets.

Home appliances and furniture can't be named, is it really rare for the Zhou family?

Yuan Han wants to get married, but he is also buying things for himself.

He sold things to collect money to get married, showing how urgent he was to marry Zhou Yi...Xia Xiaolan felt sick, maybe Zhou Yi would be moved to death.

After listening to Xia Xiaolan’s analysis, Gu Siyan cursed Yuan Han for deep thoughts:

"We have all found out, can we just watch and do nothing?"

Gu Siyan felt aggrieved, and Cheng Min was unhappy.

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "I can't say it, it's useless to say it."

This incident itself could not fault Yuan Han. Zhou Wenbang wanted to embarrass Yuan Han. Now it seems that Yuan Han might soon have enough of the list requested by the Zhou family.

"Forget about today's matter, you will soon have a wedding drink. What time is it, go, I will take you home."

Xia Xiaolan would talk to Zhou Wenbang, but she would not allow Gu Siyan and Cheng Min to mix up, especially if she went to the paper and pen shop just now: "If you two are not obedient, I will ignore you again."

Shopping for food, shopping for gifts, and giving advice, all these benefits are gone!

Gu Siyan and Cheng Min both promised again and again.

At this time, Gu Siyan realized that he was afraid: "It's over, my mother must know that I skipped class. Going back will definitely kill me..."

Cheng Min comforted her, "Just say I took you out of school to play, and my aunt would scold me if she wanted to."

The two knew they were covering each other.

Xia Xiaolan looked at the time, "Stop acting, I'll take you back, and ask Uncle Gu for advice by the way."

Gu Siyan was overjoyed, and Xia Xiaolan was going to her house. Her mother must be the first to entertain the guests instead of scolding her. And her father likes Xia Xiaolan very much. You must know that she is staying with Xia Xiaolan, so she won't be too aggressive.

Send off to Cheng Min first, and then go to Gu's house.

I walked halfway and found something wrong, "Siyan, does your dad have a hobby of writing and painting?"

Educators seem to have this meaning. Principal Sun of Anqing County No. 1 Middle School also pretends to be a gentleman. Xia Xiaolan thinks that Gu Zhengqing's temperament mostly likes these things.

Seeing Gu Siyan nodding, Xia Xiaolan weighed her things:

"Yes, I'll buy a set for Grandpa Zhou another day. This set of four treasures of the study will be given to Uncle Gu first. You are not allowed to say how much money you know?"

Huh? !

Came to find sister Xiaolan, cheated herself a watch, and cheated her dad into the four treasures of the study?

Gu Siyan was particularly embarrassed.

Xia Xiaolan led her home, and Miss Zhou was really furious, scolding Gu Zhengqing.

"Your daughter has learned to play truant, and she still dare not go home. If she wants to come back, I have to interrupt her foot!"

Where did Gu Zhengqing give birth to a daughter?

But smart men know that they can't talk back at this time, and Gu Zhengqing honestly suffers.

Gu Siyan bit her scalp and knocked on the door. Her mother wanted to twist her ears as soon as she opened the door. Gu Siyan hid behind and Xia Xiaolan hurried up and called sister-in-law sweetly.

Miss Zhou forgot to twist her ears:

"Xiaolan, why are you here? Look at what I said... Old Gu, Old Gu, come out and see, who's here."

Gu Zhengqing slowly came out of the house, and Xia Xiaolan was also very happy.

Gu Zhengqing just likes good students.

Xia Xiaolan is a model among good students.

The college entrance examination results are a thing of the past. Now what Gu Zhengqing teaches his children all day is the case of Xia Xiaolan going abroad to exchange and study. Tell Gu Siyan and her brother that even if there is no help, as long as they study hard, they can have everything!

What kind of university do you want to go abroad, which one can't do it?

"Come in quickly."

When Xia Xiaolan delivered the things, Aunt Zhou still groaned, "Just come and play, you are not allowed to bring these next time."

"I heard that my uncle likes these, but I don't understand. I just bought some. It's not worth a lot of money. It's my little heart."

Isn't it worth a lot of money?

Gu Siyan stuck his tongue out from behind, and was caught by her mother again.

"Be honest, and settle accounts with you later!"

Xia Xiaolan said a few good things for Gu Siyan. Not only did she send Gu Siyan back, but the main purpose was to talk to Gu Zhengqing about the student plan in her heart.

Originally there was nothing to rely on, like empty talk, big talk.

Ying Jinchuan called this morning to say that the accounts on the 15th were also clear, and the bank's 16 million was more than enough. If the remaining balance was collected, after deducting various costs and taxes, Xia Xiaolan made about 8 million this time.

It can only be approximate, because the house has not been repaired and the price of building materials may fluctuate.

So Xia Xiaolan is now considered to be a person with millions of wealth. Gu Siyan and Cheng Min happened to see her in a very good mood, and they were shopping and buying gifts. Ordinary people suddenly got a large sum of money and couldn’t help but want to buy. These two girls just happened to meet each other!

Now that she has money, the plan she and Zhou Cheng talked about can finally get a little brow.

I don’t know whether the Department of Higher Education should take the lead or the Department of Planning and Development where Gu Zhengqing works. If possible, Xia Xiaolan still wants to give Gu Zhengqing this political achievement.

She was not trying to flatter Uncle Zhou Cheng and let outsiders take care of her. Xia Xiaolan was afraid of constraints.

She didn't like having a leader over her head who was in charge of everything, who knows that those leaders are not sober.

Just like when Du Zhaohui donated money to the university in Beijing, it was obviously a good thing. Wang Guangping still wanted to get a card from the young master...Xia Xiaolan didn't want to encounter such a thing.

She believes in Gu Zhengqing more!

If acquaintances have differences, they can discuss it, and Gu Zhengqing will not cheat her.

As soon as Xia Xiaolan started talking, Gu Zhengqing heard the way, and the more he listened, the more surprised he became:

"Why do you have this idea? This matter will consume a lot of manpower and involve a lot of people... Xiaolan, your idea will cost a lot of money!"

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