Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1254: : Master of Money (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan was mentally prepared for something that would cost a lot of money.

Although her current assets are not rich, the prices in the mid-1980s were also particularly cheap.

What is the concept of a few million in cash and the monthly salary of the vast majority of people is less than 100? Xia Xiaolan is not as wide as Du Zhaohui and Tang Yuanyue, but she is indeed the "rich man" right now.

Gu Zhengqing didn't know how much money she had, and it was a headache when she thought of this student aid plan, and she was afraid of damaging Xia Xiaolan's enthusiasm, so she was very euphemistic.

Xia Xiaolan knew it in her heart!

"Uncle, money is not the most important thing. It can be resolved through coordination. What I am worried about is the organization's permission. Will there be cooperation? There may be no precedent for this matter?"

This has to be replaced by others saying in front of Gu Zhengqing that "money is not the most important thing." Gu Zhengqing, an educator who does not buckle for five buckets of rice, also wants to use a stick to drive people away.

But Xia Xiaolan is different. Out of his goodwill and trust in Xueba, Gu Zhengqing needs to be more straightforward:

"If you just want to find a few college students, you just want to arrange for them to go to township and other places to assist in teaching, and provide salary, accommodation and food for a few college students. The small business you can do can support it, but the scale of your plan It's huge. Even if the ministry agrees to allocate a portion of the money, it won't solve the big problem."

Nowadays, there is a saying in the society: No matter how poor you are, you can’t have poor education, and no matter how hard you are, you can’t suffer your children!

Gu Zhengqing agreed with this sentence very much.

But no way, the Ministry of Education is really poor!

It is very difficult to apply for any money, and you still think it's too much?

Xia Xiaolan shook her head:

"Uncle, you are misunderstood. I didn't want to give myself a glorious reputation. I came to you to talk about this plan. I actually counted on the ministry to pay for it. I never thought about letting the ministry pay for it. I just want to have it. Official intervention, this plan can have credibility, for example, for those college students who participate in teaching aid, can their time to aid teaching be counted as working age, if they delay one or two years, can they still assign work normally, or even more so. Directly, can you assign better jobs because of this, like a reward mechanism...I need you, the Ministry of Education, or other official departments to come forward, so that they have no worries, instead of needing funding!"

Gu Zhengqing looked surprised:

"You don't want to allocate funds, you pay the money yourself? This is not a problem that can be solved by a few hundred yuan, a few thousand yuan, or even tens of thousands of yuan!"

Xia Xiaolan had already forgotten it herself. In terms of cost accounting, she felt that she was better than Gu Zhengqing, and she naturally said: "The larger the scale, the more money will be spent. One hundred thousand...It's normal to spend millions of dollars every year in the end."

The scale is increasing year by year.

It is impossible for Xia Xiaolan to spread the stall very large from the beginning.

This is not a one-stop business, so what to do in a hurry.

Xia Xiaolan also wanted to let this plan develop and grow together with Qihang. Qihang needs this plan to gain a good reputation in society and can also select some college students from it.

Gu Zhengqing finally understood:

Don't pay for the Ministry of Education, as long as the Ministry of Education contributes!

In this case, Xia Xiaolan's ideas will be easily supported.

The procedure is quite cumbersome and may require repeated meetings and discussions.

But Gu Zhengqing felt that the problem was not big.

Because the biggest problem has been solved, everything is easy to say without talking about money. This is like some time ago the actor Zhang Xiao donated his own advertising remuneration, and the clothing brand owner promised to "sell one piece and donate one yuan". The situation is similar. Essentially, they are all themselves. Spending money is doing good for the society... Or, the plan Xia Xiaolan put forward is more pure than "sell one piece and donate one yuan."

"Sell one piece and donate one yuan" is to link good deeds to clothing sales.

Xia Xiaolan just paid for it by herself, and it didn't do any good!

More importantly, Xia Xiaolan said her head and she knew how much it would cost, so she could spend the money?

Gu Zhengqing was surprised and shocked, and couldn't help but ask two more questions:

"You pay for yourself?"

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while, "I will pay for it myself, but not in my own name, but in the name of a company."

Gu Zhengqing didn't know what to say at all.

For the first time at Xia Xiaolan's house last week, he knew that Xia Xiaolan was doing some business herself, and she did not hide it.

Anyway, under the aura of learning dominance, it doesn't matter that she is a rural person and self-employed. Who would dare to look down on her in the Zhou family!

At first I thought it was a small business, but Xia Xiaolan also said to go to school to make money.

Later, Xia Xiaolan's family bought a house in Beijing.

Liu Fen opened a store in Beijing, expanded one by one, and bought a car.

The Zhou family knew that the "small business" Xia Xiaolan did was not small at all. In terms of economic conditions, Xia Xiaolan was richer than the Zhou family! As dull as Gu Zhengqing and his wife, they both heard a little wind.

However, Gu Zhengqing still felt crazy when he heard Xia Xiaolan say that he paid for this student aid plan.

It seems that the economic conditions of this niece and daughter-in-law who have never been through the door are better than they thought... Gu Zhengqing didn’t ask how much Xia Xiaolan could spend. He was shocked and admired Xia Xiaolan. It is one thing to have money. How to spend money is another matter. Gu Zhengqing appreciates Xia Xiaolan's mind and courage in doing this family business, and even her open-mindedness with money!

"You are the master of money, not its slave. Uncle is proud of you. It is Zhou Cheng's luck that you can be with Zhou Cheng, and it is also the luck of Zhou's family!"

Gu Zhengqing said this a little louder, and it was heard by Miss Zhou.

She was curious as to what the two of them had talked about, so she asked Gu Siyan:

"Did your sister Xiaolan say what to do with your dad?"

Looking at Lao Gu, I hope that Xia Xiaolan is a real girl!

Xia Xiaolan was also pinching time to go back to school. Gu Zhengqing personally sent her downstairs. When she came back, she heard Miss Zhou training Gu Siyan: "You not only play truant, but also collect other people's stuff. Is such an expensive watch what your students should wear? Gu Siyan, let me tell you, take off the watch quickly, and I will return it to someone another day!"

When Xia Xiaolan left, Miss Zhou discovered that there was something on Gu Siyan's wrist.

Gu Zhengqing stopped his wife from scolding his daughter and asked Gu Siyan: "You tell my father that you asked Xiaolan to buy the watch, or she bought it for you? Why did you go to Xiaolan today and you are not allowed to tell lies."

Gu Siyan didn't resist, and honestly accidentally overheared the adult's conversation between himself and Cheng Min. When they got excited, they ran to talk to Xia Xiaolan.

"Sister Xiaolan bought the watch for us. Both my cousin and I have the watch. Sister Xiaolan said it was to celebrate our smooth progress in school."

Gu Siyan was embarrassed herself.

Cheng Min went to college to celebrate, what's there to celebrate when she goes to high school?

To the surprise of Gu Siyan and Miss Zhou, Gu Zhengqing returned the watch to Gu Siyan after listening:

"Since it was given to you, you should keep it. Be grateful and cherish the gift you receive. Don't take it for granted. Learn more from your sister Xiaolan!"

Gu Zhengqing seemed to be drunk, shaking her shoulders as she walked, Miss Zhou couldn't help rubbing her eyes:

"Your dad took the wrong medicine?"

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