Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1339: : My university is a bit biased (plus)

Han Jin looked at Xia Xiaolan.

The other two exchange students are boys, and they look forward to looking at Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan was uncomfortable in Hong Kong, and she hadn't been relieved. The long-distance flight made her a little haggard. This haggard didn't lose much of her appearance, but added a bit of pitifulness.

When Xia Xiaolan got on and off the plane, there were male classmates vying to help carry the suitcase.

"Will classmate Xia come? All five of us are in New York State. Like classmate Han Jin said, we can get together more often."

"Yes, classmate Xia——"

Xia Xiaolan smiled apologetically: "I don't know what the school is like yet, so I can't agree to everyone's kindness for the time being. The town of Ithaca, where Cornell University is located, is five or six hours away from downtown New York..."

A boy has already exclaimed:

"So far!"

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "It's so far away, the team leader also said before, the United States is vast and sparsely populated."

So I'm sorry, she can't participate in the weekend party initiated by Han Jin.

Xia Xiaolan’s reasons are reasonable, and Han Jin is not entangled, but it is a pity for Xia Xiaolan: "It turns out that Cornell University is so remote."

Xia Xiaolan didn't speak.

New York University is also very good. To say that the world rankings are a bit worse than Cornell University. She is very satisfied with Cornell University. She is here to exchange and study instead of being drunk. Why should we be so busy?

However, it is a bit far from downtown New York. This is why Americans need to buy a car. It is too inconvenient not to drive.

The cars that students drive are not expensive, or simply used cars, but not many luxury cars.

Although Xia Xiaolan didn't want to go to a weekend party, she needed to buy a car after she settled down.

It doesn't need to be too expensive, just like she has been riding a bicycle in Huaqing for more than a year?

Before boarding the plane in New York, check your luggage and ask if you are carrying meat, seeds, and plants. None of the five of Xia Xiaolan brought these things. They can enter the waiting room for a long time to wait-even Han Jin is surprised, the United States There are even black people at the airport to help carry luggage and provide coffee. These are all free services!

It didn’t take much time for Chicago to fly to New York. At the New York airport, the two boys wanted to show their courtesy and cared about how Xia Xiaolan went to Ithaca. Xia Xiaolan wanted to run away under the wind:

"Someone will pick me up, don't worry, thank you for your concern!"

She didn't lie. Someone really came to pick her up. It was an old friend of Mao Kangshan. Mao Kangshan contacted him early. After all, Xia Xiaolan went to the United States alone, hoping that someone could take care of her.

Considering the age of Mao Kangshan, his old friend is naturally not young. It is the other party's daughter, a Chinese woman in her forties, who came to pick up Xia Xiaolan.

"Xia Xiaolan?"

"You are Aunt Wen, I am Xia Xiaolan."

Aunt Wen doesn't like this name very much, "I am Winmani, you can also call me Connie."

Wen Manni's style is very American, and she prefers Xia Xiaolan to call her by her name instead of adding an "auntie" title.

Women don't want to be called old, Xia Xiaolan changed her mouth from goodness.

"Connie, thank you for coming to pick me up."

Winmany is a lawyer, her parents still live in Ithaca, and she herself works in New York. It was her father's request to pick up Xia Xiaolan, but she didn't expect Xia Xiaolan and her party to be five people, and Winmany's car had five seats, so she couldn't carry everyone away, so she couldn't help but frown:

"Are they going to Ithaca too? The traffic laws in the United States are very strict..."

"No, Connie, they are not going to Cornell University."

Wen Manni immediately stuffed Xia Xiaolan's luggage into the trunk, and the car left as soon as the door was closed.

Xia Xiaolan only had time to wave to her companions, and even the people and cars disappeared.

Resolute and resolute, also called Han Jin and others caught off guard.

Han Jin didn't expect that Xia Xiaolan was so familiar with Americans that someone would pick it up as soon as the plane landed.

Seeing the different colors on the other two students, Han Jin smiled and said, "It has nothing to do with Xia. People here in the United States are quite indifferent, but we will wait for a while. Some acquaintances will pick me up. When I see an acquaintance, let me take a look. If it is convenient for him to take you two to your destination, you have to find out how to get on the bus."

The two thanked Han Jin.

The English that can come out is good, but if you really want to talk to foreigners, they are still a little frustrated in the United States, where they are not familiar with their lives.

After a while, a car really came to pick up Han Jin. Han Jin said that it was someone she knew at home. The other party was different from Winmany. He asked Han Jin to answer all questions and sent the two boys to the destination with great enthusiasm.

Finally, Han Jin and Chen Qing were sent to school to help with the formalities before and after the run.

Before leaving, give Han Jin an envelope:

"Your father asked me to give this to you. If you have any difficulties at school, you can tell me."

"Thank you Uncle Qin!"

This difficulty obviously refers to the situation of insufficient money.

The envelope that Uncle Qin handed to Han Jin contained colorful US dollars, a full 2,000 US dollars.

It is not a small amount of money for American students. Many people still rely on loans to go to college! Han Jin and Chen Qing went abroad at public expense. The tuition and air tickets are paid by the state, and there is a certain amount of living allowance. If you save a little, you can live on.

When Chen Qing went abroad, his uncle who got Xia Xiaolan to go out of the oil residue business sponsored 3,000 yuan, and Chen Wangda gave 1,000 yuan. His parents paid 2,000 yuan and collected 6,000 yuan for him.

This money was exchanged into U.S. dollars on the black market, not even 1,000 U.S. dollars.

However, this is all the extra money Chen Qingneng spends in the United States.

Compared with the $2,000 brought by Han Jin’s father, the difference in family background between Chen Qing and Han Jin can be seen—not to mention, it was the Han family who gave Chen Qing and Han Jin a quota to go abroad at public expense. The ranking is not bad. At New York University, Chen Qing owes a lot of this favor, which is why Chen Qing can’t say hard things in front of Han Jin!

Han Jin picked up the envelope and looked at the campus, showing a satisfied expression.

She stretched out her hand to hold Chen Qing's arm, Chen Qing's body was stiff, Han Jin broke his body over:

"What's the matter? This is not domestic, so it's normal for lovers to be close before!"

What's holding hands, there are more intimate ones on campus.

The campus lovers lie on the lawn and give kisses from time to time, and no one will say anything.

Chen Qing put her hand down, "This is the United States, but we are still Chinese."

Han Jin smiled and said, "You must be angry, just because I asked Xia Xiaolan a few more words? I'm just curious about her, Chen Qing, don't forget that I am your target."

Han Jin put his hand back again, and Chen Qing did not withdraw again this time.

Han Jin accepted it as soon as he saw it, and walked around the campus with Chen Qing.

Here Han Jin and Chen Qing have completed the formalities. Wen Manni drove Xia Xiaolan on the road. The town of Ithaca is in the distance. The romantic poet Xu Zhimo called Ithaca the "home of Yi", which is adjacent to the card in one of the Five Finger Lakes area. Yuga Lake is where Xia Xiaolan will study and live in the next year...

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