Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1340: : I will live in Wen's house from now on (1)

Winmany parked the car in front of a small building.

Out of professional sensitivity, Xia Xiaolan soon had an analysis in her mind: A very typical American suburban house looks like it has two floors, and there should be a basement.

This old friend of Teacher Mao did a good time in the United States.

It takes 5 hours to drive from New York to Ithaca. It is impossible for Xia Xiaolan and Winmanie to say a word. During the conversation, she already knew that Winmanie was a lawyer and now works in a New York law firm.

The tuition fees of American law schools are expensive. Attorneys must first become assistant lawyers, then formally become lawyers, and then there are junior partners to senior partners. Xia Xiaolan still doesn’t know what kind of Winmani belongs to... but no matter which kind, this profession is Destined to be a busy dog, Xia Xiaolan thanked Winmany again when she got off the bus:

"Connie, thank you very much for coming to pick me up specially, it took a lot of your time."

One time and one time, plus waiting for the pick-up, all day was spent.

Winmany was not as cold-hearted as she was at the airport, "I also picked you up by the way. I had to come back to visit my parents."

The two were talking, and the door was opened.

An elderly woman opened the door:

"Hi, are you Xiaolan? Come in, we have been waiting for you."

Wenmani introduced, "This is my mother."

Xia Xiaolan hesitated.

She was wrong when she called Winmany. Actually, think about it, Winmany's father and Teacher Mao are friends. According to seniority, she calls Winmany the eldest sister... It must have been a few times before she went to the United States to make her faint.

"You can call me Aunt Hu, or you can call me Hu Ying. The U.S. is not the same as in China, so you will get used to it."

Hu Ying is about the same age as Song Auntie. Song Auntie is really an old lady. Hu Ying looks much younger. Although she wears casually, she doesn't look like an auntie. There are traces of dyeing in her hair. So young!

Xia Xiaolan's face turned red and changed her name.

Professor Wen, an old friend of Mao Kangshan, did not come to pick up Xia Xiaolan at the door, which was obviously inconvenient.

He had been seriously ill before, and now he is still so weak that he has to temporarily rely on a wheelchair for transportation and waits in the house.

Professor Wen is a very gentle person. He seems to be a little weak after his illness. He is an immigrant who has taken root in the United States after studying in the United States in his early years. He teaches at Cornell University. Xia Xiaolan can come to Cornell University as an exchange student. Thanks to Professor Wen's help.

Professor Wen looked at Xia Xiaolan. In the contact with Mao Kangshan, Mao Kangshan was already quite proud to show off Xia Xiaolan's "talent", but he didn't say that Xia Xiaolan was so beautiful.

By the age of Professor Wen, people are no longer judged by their appearance, but human instincts are at fault. Seeing good-looking people will inevitably feel good.

This good impression is not like that of men and women, it is purely good-looking and pleasing to the eye.

Xia Xiaolan called Uncle Wen, and conveyed Mao Kangshan's longing for her old friend. She apologized for causing trouble to the Wen family. She took out a gift from China, namely good tea leaves and cut ginseng slices... …Professor Wen doesn’t pay much attention to these fictitious things, so let’s talk about the key points:

"What about the portfolio, did you bring your own portfolio?"

This Xia Xiaolan had been prepared with Mao Kangshan’s reminder. Her suitcase was so heavy, not because of the many clothes she brought, but mainly these things!

Xia Xiaolan quickly offered her collection of works.

Professor Wen read it carefully, and asked Xia Xiaolan more questions, his expression became more and more gentle.

"Dad, you have a lot of time to take the exam. Can you start the meal first? I drove all the way from New York back to Ithaca!"

Wen Manni protested, and Hu Ying did the same. Professor Wen thought about it, and temporarily let go of Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan was very sweaty when asked, Professor Wen was gentle, but the questions were very sharp.

After everyone had washed their hands and sat on the dining table, Professor Wen also asked his wife to open a bottle of wine to celebrate Xia Xiaolan’s coming to the United States....Students are not encouraged to drink alcohol in China. It is common to use wine as a meal in the United States. Xia Xiaolan was born in 1965 and was born in 1986. Her legal age is 21 years old, even in the "Minimum Drinking Age Act" promulgated in 1984, 21 years old has reached the age to legally drink alcohol!

Wen Manni explained to Xia Xiaolan: "This is to prevent young people from developing alcohol dependence. In addition, you can get married and get a driver's license at the age of 16. Can you drive? You should apply for a driver's license!"

Xia Xiaolan has a driver's license.

But that is in China, and obviously it cannot be used in the United States.

Xia Xiaolan also has this plan. It is too inconvenient to have a car in the United States. She has to go out and can't always rely on Winmany to pick her up. She consults a lawyer and charges by the hour. Why should someone be Xia Xiaolan's free driver?

In addition, Xia Xiaolan also has two choices in terms of housing, one is to live in the dormitory arranged by the school for exchange students, and the other is to rent a house by herself.

She prefers the latter. Renting is obviously more free. There is nothing to disturb your roommates. It is not free to live in a university dormitory. It also costs money, but it is cheaper than renting a house outside.

Hu Ying interrupted her:

"You went to a foreign country alone, why would we let you go out to rent a house alone? Manny has not lived at home for many years since she went to work in New York. You can pick one of the empty rooms upstairs!"

Professor Wen also meant the same.

Xia Xiaolan’s account contains 1.27 million dollars from Du Zhaohui, and she also carries several thousand dollars. In fact, she is not short of money for renting a house, but her hospitality is hard to come by. She also considered the safety of renting a house alone, and finally agreed to live in. Wen family.

Winmany is obviously a little cold outside and hot inside:

"When you apply for a driver's license, you can use your home car."

Xia Xiaolan is also very sincere: "I am very embarrassed to provide accommodation for me. If I can, I want to buy a car by myself. I will sell it when I leave. I can still afford the one-year loss."

Winmany nodded: "You are right."

Xia Xiaolan stayed at home because she was worried about her safety, and the Wen family was entrusted by Mao Kangshan to look after her.

But like Wen Mannie who grew up in the United States, she knows how to respect Xia Xiaolan’s right to choose. If Xia Xiaolan wants to buy a car, Wen’s family will only give advice and tell her how to buy it. They will not be tough to stop her from spending money—in the United States, you can’t just ask others. Income, let alone how others spend money!

This meal is considered a delight for the host and the guest.

There are still three vacant rooms in Wen's house. Xia Xiaolan chose a small guest room and didn't touch the bedroom where Wen Manni was at home.

Professor Wen and Hu Ying live downstairs. The upstairs is actually an independent space, which is exclusively shared by Xia Xiaolan.

Being close and keeping a certain distance, Xia Xiaolan is satisfied with the living environment.

By the way, she took off the watch and this inexplicably shattered watch. On the road, Winmany looked at it several times. She seemed to be suspicious of her financial situation, and they just didn't say it to hurt her self-esteem.

"I need a new watch."

Xia Xiaolan didn't want to think about the nightmare in Hong Kong.

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