Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1348: : Professor McCarthy of Hell (1 more)

Ning Xue was not too enthusiastic about Xia Xiaolan as he continued to be an alumnus in a foreign country.

Xia Xiaolan is not lost, this is what Ning Xue should be like, the flower of Gaoling!

It seems that Ning Xue is really suitable for Cornell University. Cornell University's undergraduate degree in architecture is the first in the United States. Every year, it recruits students from all over the world, no more than the Huaqing Department of Architecture... When the players gathered, Ning Xue should have a new opponent.

Ning Xue quickly walked by with the new classmates. What they talked about was the homework assigned by Professor McCarthy, which was a study group.

Xia Xiaolan also wants to take Professor McCarthy's class. The schedules of her and Ning Xue overlap to a large extent. Ning Xue needs to take credits, and some courses have to be chosen. Xia Xiaolan will come to exchange and study for a year, so naturally she has to choose a big-name professor. Fang did not live up to the toss of going abroad.

"Then you still have to deal with it?"

She was distracted by Ning Xue, and the front of the car was tilted. Several professional books were thick and heavy and fell out of the car basket.

Xia Xiaolan was about to bend over, with both hands already picking up the book for her.

With golden-brown hair and gray eyes, Xia Xiaolan is no longer short, and she has to look up at this person... She calculated in her heart that this is a bit taller than her Chengko.

He is a handsome guy.

Handsome guys with high noses and deep eyes abound in the United States, especially at the New York Airport. After all, it is the largest city in the United States. Handsome guys and beautiful women all over the world are running toward New York, trying to realize their "American dream" in this city. .

"Professional in architecture? Hi, I don't seem to have seen you, Danny, the hotel manager."

Hotel management is the trump card major of Cornell University.

The architecture major is the first in the United States, and the hotel management major can compete for the first in the world.

The others are very friendly, and Xia Xiaolan didn't refuse people thousands of miles away. "I am an exchange student from China. You can call me Xia. It is always difficult to pronounce our Chinese names correctly."

Self-ridicule is indeed a good way to open up the social situation. Danny couldn't help laughing and pointing to the group of people behind him:

"A group of us are going to solve our own lunch. Would you like to join?"

Xia Xiaolan originally wanted to continue walking around the campus, or take a walk around the town.

Danny was warmly invited, and Xia Xiaolan couldn't never have contact with other students, and she simply agreed.

She had no problem speaking, and her personality was not introverted, so she quickly spoke to this group of people.

It's very easy to make friends in the United States. It's easy to talk about whoever is pleasing to the eye. Introverted reservedness is not a virtue. On the contrary, it should be rejected. Danny's group of seven or eight people, basically all professional in hotel management.

Xia Xiaolan has not yet mixed with the architecture majors, and has already entered the circle of hotel management majors.

This is also very out of Xia Xiaolan's accident.

Hotel management majors have a high percentage of handsome men and beautiful women. Danny and their luncheon dinners are in the school cafeteria. The school cafeteria has cheap student buffets. Danny and others said it was not delicious.

"The burger set is good."

Danny said this and said that Xia Xiaolan is a new friend and he is willing to pay for Xia Xiaolan's meal.

Oh, everyone eats AA, and each pays their own money. Xia Xiaolan is also mentally prepared.

She didn't take the big shot and said that she was a treat, and she didn't make friends by spending money.

Besides, what kind of money did she spend in front of people like Danny?

I don’t want to eat cheap buffets, and I have to eat burgers and sandwiches set for 3 dollars a customer. Xia Xiaolan doesn’t think they are very poor either.

But she insisted on paying her own share. The social rules here are such that Xia Xiaolan didn't want others to think that the Chinese students were greedy for petty pets.

"OK, OK, you have the final say!"

Danny didn't force it.

Xia Xiaolan is a new acquaintance, and everyone's focus is on her for a meal, and they are all very interested in her.

Knowing that Xia Xiaolan was only here to exchange and study for one year, a girl named Nancy regretted: "Xia, you should try to stay and finish your undergraduate degree. Cornell's undergraduate architecture major is great. You will get what you want here. !"

Are there any good universities in China?

These people are totally unimpressed.

The strength of the United States is the strongest in the world, and universities are naturally the best. Americans have this self-confidence.

"Nancy, thank you, I will consider it."

Finished undergraduate studies at Cornell?

It's almost the same as Ning Xue's careless person. She can't manage Xia Xiaolan to completely put aside the good situation in the country.

One year is already the limit, and more time will interrupt her career planning.

Exchange students are publicly funded. If Chinese students want to stay in the United States for a long time, how can they live without applying for the full scholarship? Danny changed the subject exaggeratedly when he saw Xia Xiaolan's bad watch too late to change:

"Xia, you happen to be here for your sophomore year, so you have to take Professor McCarthy's course? God testifies that he is the great devil of your architecture major! The high demands of hell, I know a friend, he said he was from Professor McCarthy's hands The price of getting A is that the hair volume is reduced by half!"

Xia Xiaolan couldn't help touching her ponytail. She didn't lack nutrition, and her hair was dark and shiny. She was quite satisfied with her hair.


Can she cancel Professor McCarthy's class now?

Danny is not joking, Professor McCarthy’s "famous" has radiated to the School of Architecture, and even the hotel major has heard of Professor McCarthy’s perversion... Oh no, it’s severe!

Nancy also cast a sympathetic look at Xia Xiaolan.

There can be happiness when there is a foil. Nancy suddenly felt that it was still very happy to learn hotel management. She and Danny talked about the previous vacation internship and said what Wilson Hotel was, and Xia Xiaolan's ears moved.

Which Wilson?

It won't be so coincidental!

However, there are so many "Wilsons" in the United States, Xia Xiaolan did not ask, she is still more worried about her tomorrow-tomorrow she will have Professor McCarthy's class, it is terrible.

Parting with Danny and others, Xia Xiaolan returned to Wen's house.

Professor Wen saw that she had even bought the textbooks, and couldn't help sighing, "Forgot to tell you that you can buy old textbooks."

"Time saving is the top priority. I'll talk about buying old textbooks next semester. Today I heard that Professor McCarthy is very strict. Do you know him?"

Professor Wen had a meal, "Almost forgot, you are going to take McCarthy's class... What do you think of your teacher's temperament?"

Mao Kangshan's temper?

The firecrackers ignite at a point, and it is already rare to be kind to Xia Xiaolan. This is not what Xia Xiaolan summed up, but Senior Brother Zhou Maotong said in a nostalgic tone.

But Mao Kangshan, whose offensive power has declined, is usually easy to talk, and once he enters the teaching mode, he often scolds Xia Xiaolan in blood.


"So Professor McCarthy is a mean version of your teacher's heyday."

Add another mean attribute to Mao Kangshan?

Xia Xiaolan has numb scalp, "What should I do?"

Professor Wen pulled out a copy of "Structural Elements" from the textbook she bought today.

"My suggestion is that you preview Professor McCarthy's work in advance. There are still 15 hours before you listen to Professor McCarthy's class for the first time."

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