Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1349: : Being abused to the point of walking and fluttering (2 more)

15 hours left?

What is enough for 15 hours!

Professor Wen didn't seem to be joking.

The "Structural Elements" that Xia Xiaolan is holding is exactly the work of Professor McCarthy. This is very common in the United States. The price of textbooks is high, and the cost of writing textbooks is naturally high. Their teaching content is organized into professional textbooks and published. When they teach, they don’t choose their own books, do they choose someone else’s?

Like Professor McCarthy’s "Structural Elements", it has been tested by teaching and can be used as a textbook for the architecture major of Cornell University. Many other architectural majors in the United States have also selected Professor McCarthy’s version... Page 395, Wen The professor asked Xia Xiaolan to preview within 15 hours!

Xia Xiaolan still has a lot of content to watch. Others have been in school for a month, and Xia Xiaolan has to keep up with the progress.

She felt dizzy as soon as she opened "Structural Elements". She felt that her English level was very good, but the textbooks involved a large number of professional vocabulary, which Xia Xiaolan had never encountered in China.

The professional books she can borrow from the Huaqing Library have not yet involved the original English editions!

Hu Ying saw her face pale, and made her a cup of coffee, and blamed Professor Wen for saying too harshly, frightening Xia Xiaolan.

Professor Wen sat in a wheelchair and grunted:

"That's McCarthy! Of all my colleagues, the one you dislike the most, I didn't tell lies!"

Hu Ying remembered McCarthy's only visit to the house once, and she couldn't help showing a resisting expression.

"...It's hard to get along with."

It's hard to get along with colleagues. What kind of warmth can you say to students?

Xia Xiaolan became more and more desperate.

At the beginning, she could ask Professor Wen. Although Professor Wen did not teach this subject, he was also a professor in the Department of Architecture. Professor Wen couldn't help but learn professional vocabulary. He took Xia Xiaolan to preview.

This may be the benefit of living in the professor's house. Xia Xiaolan is grateful to Teacher Mao for his wise decision.

But when Professor Wen recovered from a serious illness, he took Xia Xiaolan with him for more than an hour, obviously lacking energy.

It's not that Xia Xiaolan's EQ is as low as negative. How can Professor Wen stay up late with her?

Hurry up to persuade Professor Wen to take a rest, and then asked Hu Ying to make a big pot of coffee for her, and Xia Xiaolan fought alone.

Those whose mother tongue is not English are particularly troublesome. When reading English textbooks, you must first convert these contents into Chinese, and then try to understand. Xia Xiaolan's English level has always been good. In the past, this process was shortened indefinitely. Read a newspaper. Or the magazine can think very smoothly, and when encountering professional teaching materials, she gets stuck from time to time.

Don't even think about going to bed at night.

She squinted for about half an hour, scoring the first few chapters of Structural Elements.

The next day she was walking and she was wafting. Hu Ying thought her condition was difficult even to ride a bicycle, and insisted on driving her to school.

There is no other way but to leave Professor Wen at home alone.

Seeing Xia Xiaolan keep yawning, Hu Ying sympathized with her:

"Poor little, this is the daily routine of Cornell University."

American universities seem to be freer than Chinese universities. University life can be extremely exciting. The school does not matter whether students are dating or not, whether they live in dormitories... But people and people have the same energy. There is no reason for this. Rare people must be smarter and more energetic than yellow people. If they want to live a splendid life, they also want to get an A in their schoolwork. How can they not stay up late?

In a group of outstanding students, to stand out, you have to work harder than others.

Hu Ying told Xia Xiaolan that this was the norm, and Xia Xiaolan tried to pat her face, holding the book to find the classroom.

The arc-shaped lecture hall was very large, and it was no problem to sit two or three hundred people, but at this time there were only twenty or thirty people in the classroom. Xia Xiaolan was late, and Ning Xue and the others had arrived long ago.

Sitting together in twos and threes, I wanted to finally determine the completion of an assignment before Professor McCarthy arrived.

In front of Ning Xue and the others, there are various models, which should be the homework left by Professor McCarthy last time.

Xia Xiaolan was empty-handed and knew no one, she just found a place to sit down.

She is so beautiful that she was warmly accepted by hotel alumni yesterday, but when she walked into this classroom, the air pressure was too low. Everyone was a poor worm under the high-pressure rule of Professor McCarthy. These architectural students who met for the first time, I'm really not in the mood to pay attention to Xia Xiaolan's beauty.

Beautiful Asian face... Oh, looking at it more often seems to be a crime, and Professor McCarthy's face immediately appeared in my mind!

Xia Xiaolan is also rarely treated coldly.

Looking at her alone, Ning Xue probably remembered the scene when she first entered school. She ignored her yesterday, but spoke to her today:

"Have you previewed?"

Ning Xue pointed to the textbook.

Xia Xiaolan's face was blue, "15 hours, is that enough?"

Ning Xue shook her head, "It will take at least a week to read "Structural Elements" intensively, but you should have just arrived in the United States and it is too late... Then good luck."

Xia Xiaolan that Ning Xue said was even more guilty.

There was a sound of footsteps, the large classroom was silent, and the short white professor stepped into the classroom.

He can toss only half of the student's hair volume in one semester. His hair is thick, curly hair, meticulously wearing a suit, carrying a briefcase, and the most prominent facial features on his face are the hooked nose.

"One more person today."

Professor McCarthy put the briefcase on the desk, "What's going on this year? There are so many students from China, new students, introduce yourself!"

Xia Xiaolan tried to keep herself smiling and introduced herself quickly.

The name can be introduced casually, and the face of the alma mater cannot be lost.

"Hua-TsingUniversity", Xia Xiaolan said in a round tone.

McCarthy pointed at Ning Xue, and it seemed that he hadn't remembered Ning Xue's name for a long time, "from a school."

Speaking of Ning Xue, McCarthy walked directly in front of Ning Xue and began to check his homework.

Ning Xue is also a leader in the Department of Architecture of Huaqing. In China, he is an undergraduate who can publish a thesis. In Professor McCarthy's place, he is not qualified to be remembered?

Xia Xiaolan didn't feel gloating at all, which only showed that Professor McCarthy was really terrible.

She thought it was mean, but she immediately saw something more mean.

In the eyes of Professor McCarthy, there is probably no word "will". All the assignments are only qualified and unqualified. He picks out all kinds of faults for the qualified ones. He pushes the unqualified ones directly to the ground, and he is too lazy to the classroom , There was more than one student whose tears were rolling in his eyes.

Except for her and Ning Xue, these are all self-confident American students, and they can't stand the pressure.

Although Ning Xue's group's homework was picked up by a bunch of faults, it hadn't been pushed to the ground anyway.

Xia Xiaolan ignored the self-esteem of poor others. McCarthy’s perversion immediately fell on her. This class was definitely Xia Xiaolan’s nightmare. For the entire class, McCarthy was looking for her new exchange student to answer questions——

After Xia Xiaolan was reborn, she met the gods to kill the gods, and met the ghosts to destroy the ghosts. It was the first time that she was slammed and hung up and abused!

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