Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1357: : Your set will not work in the United States! (1 more)

"Who is Harold Wilson? Are you a friend?"

Nancy asked in surprise.

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "No, I made a mistake."

Danny was driving, hesitated for a moment, "Xia, do you know someone from the Wilson family? Nancy, Mr. Harold is the actual owner of the Wilson Hotel."

Harold is not low-key.

Like other wealthy people, they like to socialize with models or actresses. If you can get into that circle, it’s not surprising that you have heard of Harold’s name. If you can't reach that circle, you will naturally be unfamiliar with this name-Harold's association with models and actresses does not mean that he likes exposure. He may have been in a quiet relationship for a period of time and then broke up in a low-key manner. The media does not know.

I accidentally photographed it, and the news was bought and won’t be announced!

Rich people always have different hobbies. Some people like to make themselves celebrities, which in turn increases the company’s reputation.

Some people make money low-key, quietly turning over the clouds, and accumulating wealth.

Danny is strange. Nancy had an internship at the Wilson Hotel. She didn't even know "Harold Wilson", but Xia Xiaolan, an exchange student from China, knew it!

"I'm not very familiar. He went to invest in China last year, because by coincidence he met several times, but he suddenly thought of Nancy when he talked about the Wilson Hotel. He didn't expect that the hotel really belonged to Mr. Harold."

Xia Xiaolan said casually, but Nancy couldn't treat her casually.

The owner of the Wilson Hotel went to invest in China, and those who can meet him a few times are not ordinary people in China!

Danny was very gentle, but he didn't ask.

Xia Xiaolan changed the subject and began to complain about Professor McCarthy. How could there be only McCarthy as a behemoth like Cornell University, and there are always one or two great demon kings of the same level as him.

Wouldn’t it be less fun for students to get along in private without complaining about the professor?

When I finally arrived in New York City, Danny recommended a less expensive restaurant with a good reputation. Xia Xiaolan really invited three people to dinner.

New York is the largest city, and the consumption level is much higher than that of Ithaca. This is no way.

Coming out of the restaurant, Danny asked Xia Xiaolan, "Xia, would you like to go to the Wilson Hotel with us? Are you going back to Ithaca today?"

Xia Xiaolan waved her hand: "No, I made an appointment with a friend to meet, and I will go back tomorrow."

The place where Xia Xiaolan got off was close to Wall Street.

Wimmany's law firm is nearby.

The New York University School of Business is also nearby.

The three of Danny waved at her and watched her go up to a building.

Nancy squeezed her face, "Xia is so mysterious! Danny, I really hate you rich people. You may have to manage your own hotel after graduation, but I will work for you hotel heirs! It's hard to get to know a new friend. , It seems that there is also a rich man... My heart is too painful to be with you."

Xia Xiaolan knows the owner of Wilson Hotel.

I invited everyone to dinner just now, and the tip is more than 80 dollars, which is much more expensive than the postage from Ithaca to New York City!

Xia Xiaolan didn't even blink her eyes when she paid for the money, it can be seen that she is another "hateful" rich man!

Danny glanced at her, "Then would you like to go to the Wilson Hotel with our two nasty rich people, as a guest instead of an intern?"


Those who don't go are fools.

Danny has a VIP card, which can save a lot of money by taking it with him.

Thinking about it this way, it's still good to be friends with the wicked rich!


Xia Xiaolan pinched a point and entered the A&G law firm.

American law firms are often named this way, which should be the abbreviation of the two senior partners of the law firm.

If you have money in your pocket, you can avoid stage fright. Xia Xiaolan took the elevator all the way up to the 17th floor.

"I'm looking for Connie, and I have an appointment with her at 14:30."

"Miss Xia? Please come with me."

Although Winmany is not a senior partner, she has her own independent office and has a good vision. It seems that she is doing well in the law firm.

"Connie, thank you for meeting me!"

Winmany nodded, "No, no thanks, you are my client can consult me ​​now."

Wen Manni didn't tell Xia Xiaolan about the tariff. She charges by the hour. If the US dollar is changed into Chinese currency, Xia Xiaolan will feel very distressed according to the official exchange rate.

Lawyers are very popular in the United States. If you get a master's degree from Harvard Law School, you can get an average annual salary of more than $30,000 in your first year of social work.

Xia Xiaolan didn't think about consulting fees either, she could afford to pay anyway.

"Connie, it's the same thing I mentioned before. I want to find someone in San Francisco. They came to the United States in 1966. When they first arrived in the United States, they wrote a letter to return to China. Later, you also know that China cannot go abroad for 10 years. Contact, there will be no news from this family. If you use the method of prosecution, can you find them out?"

If he is prosecuted, the court will issue a subpoena to Xu Zhongyi...If Xu Zhongyi is still alive, he has been in the United States for 20 years, it is impossible for him to leave a record in the official system.

Without a criminal record, there is always a tax record, right?

Unless Xu Zhongyi has been a black household for 20 years, the kind who don't have to pay taxes!

This possibility is too small.

Wen Manni was very convinced by Xia Xiaolan's bold ideas. This girl from China who looked charming and charming was far more terrifying than her cleverness.

Xia Xiaolan didn't look like someone who had just left the country, she was just an old fritters!

Winmany shook her head: "You have a good idea, but what to prosecute? You said that Xu Zhongyi arrived in the United States 20 years ago. He has a mother in China. The crime of abandonment is not acceptable. There is no cause for prosecution. There is evidence to prove him. Is it subjective and deliberately abandoned?"

Xia Xiaolan was very lost.

"I also brought a letter of attorney signed by Grandma Yu-what about theft? Xu Zhongyi stole a lot of property from his home in 1966. I can guarantee those things..."

Winmanie felt a bit cold in her neck inexplicably.

This is too cruel.

Are you here to find the son for the grandmother, or kill the other's son?

"Xia, such a serious accusation, once the case is filed, the accusation cannot be withdrawn. Do you want to find this Mr. Xu and send him to jail? I know you want to use the police record to find someone, Xia , You made a big mistake, this is not China, but the United States that values ​​personal privacy. If I help you, then I am also committing a crime... I suggest you find a private detective! I really know a few good private individuals Detective, you know my profession, and sometimes I need the help of these detectives."

Xia Xiaolan was talking.

Winmani is right, her thinking is indeed very Chinese.

"In the past few years, it's not that no one has helped to find it. The private detective should have been hired, but there is still no result. This family just disappeared in San Francisco... Am I really going to tell a story on TV to find relatives?"

Xia Xiaolan looked too depressed, and Wen Mannie spoke unpretentiously:

"There is a big difference between private detectives and private detectives, and capable detectives charge more. What you said is a good way to find TV stations and newspapers. I'll give you a piece of advice. In the United States, you can't touch the line of integrity. Never!"

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