Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1358: : Encounter in New York (2 more)

The United States is really a strange country.

Crimes are everywhere, even New York is full of pornography, drugs and violent crimes, but Winmany told Xia Xiaolan not to touch the bottom line of "integrity".

Xia Xiaolan heard that she was not joking.

If the person who came to Winmani to say these things was not Xia Xiaolan, he would have been kicked out by the other party long ago.

If Winmany did what Xia Xiaolan said, she might ruin her career as a lawyer... Knowingly committing a crime, Winmany herself would be charged!

"I'm sorry, Connie, I'm really dealing with this matter with Huaguo thinking. I apologize to you. I will not mention this idea again in the future!"

Wimmany's expression slowed down: "You have just arrived in the United States, and you are anxious to find that family."

In this matter, the only thing Winmany can help Xia Xiaolan is to introduce her a good private detective.

"I will let him go to Ithaca to find you. You don't have to come to New York again. I heard that you have passed the written test for your driver's license and you are making an appointment for a road test. How about it? Did you see any favorite car?"

Wen Manni took the initiative to switch from work to home, which made her look uncomfortable. Xia Xiaolan couldn't help laughing: "Connie, I know this is what Aunt Hu asked. You don't need to do that."

Wimmani rubbed her brows, "She asked me to talk to you, to be honest, you are different from what I thought!"

Do you care about your sister?

Winmani felt that she was too rigid to do it.

And Xia Xiaolan was too bold, she was not that good looking girl at all.

Wen Manni learned that she would not return to Ithaca until tomorrow, and was very worried about Xia Xiaolan's "unscrupulous" party in New York, so she asked Xia Xiaolan to stay at her house at night.

There are very few people in the United States who take people home to live in. There are more friends who come to stay in hotels. The home is a very private place. Suddenly there is an outsider, and some people feel that their personal territory has been violated.

"I can stay in a hotel..."

"No, let you stay in a hotel, I will be scolded to death. You now have two choices, one is to wait for me to get off work at the law firm, and the other is to go around and wait until around 7 o'clock in the evening to come to the law firm to find me. In short , Let's go home together!"

Wen Manni couldn't allow Xia Xiaolan to refuse.

Xia Xiaolan looked at her watch frequently and knew that Winmany had other schedules. At this time, it was really inconvenient to continue to be polite with Winmany:

"If I don't disturb, I'm willing to go there."

Wimmani pursed her lips, "Klaus is on a business trip. I am the only one at home and there are idle rooms. Don't think it troubles me."

"...OK, see you tonight, Connie!"

Klaus is the husband of Winmanie.

The two have been married for 10 years and have not had any children so far.

I don't know if it is DINK or other reasons.

Hu Ying and Xia Xiaolan did not say when they were chatting. Professor Wen and Hu Ying were also open to them and didn't urge Wen Manni at all... Maybe it would be useless to urge Wen. In the United States, parents cannot be the masters of adult children.

Financial independence means complete independence in personality, and parents will not even know what they want to do.

Before Xia Xiaolan left the law firm, she left a check in accordance with Winmany's fee standard.

She is not a foolish person.

A&G Law Firm is close to Wall Street, and the neighborhoods are very prosperous, full of skyscrapers, pedestrians walking on the street, compared with the towering buildings, like ants wriggling.

"This is New York..."

On the Wall Street next door, the myth of wealth is being staged every day, and every day there are bankruptcies who want to jump off the building.

What Xia Xiaolan didn’t know was that the New York University Business School was also nearby. In two years, the New York University Business School would receive a donation of US$30 million from alumni Mr. Stern, and the new building of the Business School was established. Also renamed the Stern School of Business!

Because of its special geographical location, the business school has a close connection with Wall Street. Many alumni who graduated from the business school work in the financial industry of Wall Street, so it is also known as the "Wall Street Technical School"-and Huaqing University Jianghu Known as "Wudaokou Vocational and Technical School", Shanghai Jiaotong University is called "Dongchuan Road Men's Vocational and Technical College" and so on.


Xia Xiaolan will undoubtedly feel cordial if she can hear the accent on the streets of New York.

Turning around, it turned out to be Chen Qing, which was quite embarrassing.

Han Jin, Chen Qing's jealous girlfriend, is not by her side, Xia Xiaolan hesitates, is it good to talk to Chen Qing?

But Chen Qing had already walked over, and Xia Xiaolan couldn't take it as she hadn't seen it.

"Why are you here?"

Chen Qing was indeed pleasantly surprised, alone, his attitude was not restrained.

"I came to find someone nearby. Everyone has been in the U.S. for half a month. How are you doing?"

Chen Qing pointed in a direction, "The business school is nearby."

He thought that Xia Xiaolan came to him just now, it was impossible to even think about it, it was just a coincidence.

As for how did you say it?

This half month was also a turmoil, and Chen Qing didn't know where to start.

He and Han Jin can go abroad. Because of his good performance at the University of International Business and Economics, Han Jin's family has also done a lot, which makes Chen Qing always short in front of Han Jin.

Xia Xiaolan only communicated in the United States for one year, but Chen Qing and Han Jin had to finish their undergraduate studies.

If conditions permit, Chen Qing still wants to continue his studies... New York University Business School is too close to Wall Street. The school environment and future employment prospects make Chen Qing very yearning. He is a farmer's son. Don't you cherish it?

Chen Qing has nothing to rely on, only to study hard.

He can't keep up with the business school courses.

But Han Jin is not like that. Han Jin has been in New York for half a month and is keen to make friends with local Chinese students in New York.

Every week I meet with two other boys who come to New York together, and I also get in touch with many other Chinese overseas students. Today is the weekend again. Han Jin asked Chen Qing to go out together, but Chen Qing just wanted to stay at school and hurry up and learn more. The English level is not as good as Xia Xiaolan's, and seeing professional textbooks is also very difficult.

One wants to go out and the other wants to stay. Isn't that a disagreement?

The two broke up unhappily. Chen Qing felt that this life was too depressing, so he strolled around and didn't know that he had met Xia Xiaolan.

He simply said a few words, watching the leopard, Xia Xiaolan has been able to guess the ins and outs-so why do women help men? Since it was posted upside down, we must get the benefits. If Han Jin has always been in the upper hand, Chen Qing will have a rebellious mentality after a long time!

Xia Xiaolan complained in her heart, but said in her mouth:

"I'm not good at commenting on the two of you, I'm afraid that Han Jin will misunderstand me! Chen Qing, what you plant for will get what you want. If you want to live a good life in the future, you can't always deal with the relationship in such a negative way."

It is impossible to think about it if the woman needs to post it upside down, but also to be gentle and accommodating.

Those who eat soft rice should also have an attitude. Yuan Han is annoying enough, but they are professional enough to be a little white face and know that they have to spend their time to make Zhou Yi happy.

Xia Xiaolan was shocked when she thought of this, she actually compared Chen Qing and Yuan Han's scheming man together?

Did Chen Qing change or she changed.

——Or, everyone has changed a lot!

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