Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1373: : It's time to be promoted (3 more)

"Okay, I know it well and will help arrange it."

Zhou Guobin couldn't do anything if he didn't agree. Zhou Cheng only "notified" him as an old man. Zhou Guobin would still think of a solution if he didn't make a move.

"What about the Army Academy?"

It is said that it is two years of advanced studies, which is only a year and a half.

Zhou Guobin is not at ease here.

Zhou Cheng is quite confident: "I just need to take the completion exam in advance, so I can get a college degree equivalent."

In 1986, the officers in the army had a good college degree, especially those who joined the army early like Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Guobin is a standard strict father. He never allowed Zhou Cheng to float too high, so he immediately poured some cold water on him, "That's very good. Both have a college degree... It's a bit worse than Xiaolan. Xiaolan went there. Cornell University in the United States, I have asked others how many people are ranked in the United States and can be ranked in the world."


If this is not his father, or praise his wife, Zhou Cheng really wants to turn his face!

At the end of the conversation, Zhou Guobin looked serious and said business:

"Pan Baohua's case is over. He has his own way to go. We can't decide for him whether he can return to the army. The Jiang family is like that. Jiang Wu will be tried in secret by a military court soon. It is also a scandal when things are made public, and it will greatly damage the image of our army in the international community! Don't even think of a rat **** that will ruin the whole pot of soup. If you get rid of it, it is also the army's elimination of internal pests. Some of your previous credits have been suppressed, and then With Jiang Wu, when you finish your advanced studies from the Army Academy, you may be promoted together."

Zhou Cheng was born in 1963, only 23 years old this year!

He is promoted further, it is really dazzling.

In peacetime, the army will never have this kind of promotion speed. Zhou Cheng has caught up with the special war period.

This is Zhou Cheng's military merit in exchange for his life. Zhou Guobin is worried, but he can no longer push Zhou Cheng's promotion down by himself... This is the opinion of the army, and Zhou Cheng should be established as a benchmark.

What does Zhou Guobin use to suppress?

Could it be that Zhou's family speaks for Zhou Cheng to grind for a few more years?

Hehe, the army was not run by Zhou's family. Zhou Cheng didn't want to be benchmarked. The army would naturally find someone else to establish him. There were so many outstanding young officers, and Zhou Cheng was not the only one!

Now it’s a little bit behind others. The others are the lieutenant colonel and Zhou Cheng is the major. It doesn’t matter.

In another two years, someone else mentioned that he became a colonel, and Zhou Cheng started chasing after him as a major. There are too many lagging behind!

Although Zhou Guobin didn't mention Xia Xiaolan's theory of "squeezing the circle", he understands this basic theory.

No matter how worried that Zhou Cheng's foundation is not strong enough, Zhou Guobin does not intend to stop it. Opportunities always coexist with risks. Is it because you are afraid of risks and you miss opportunities?

"I know your concerns. If the organization trusts me, I have confidence in myself!"

He is definitely different now from two years ago.

Zhou Cheng also felt that he should move up.

Xiaolan has her own career, and his career lies in the army. Xiaolan is advancing by leaps and bounds, but he stops. If things go on like this, his wife will not dislike him, Zhou Cheng will dislike himself!

When the young eagle grows up, he always leaves the nest and **** his wings. Zhou Guobin knows that he doesn't say much in his heart: "Go and do your own business, you are so old, and you can't count on the family to wipe your **** for anything. ."

Jiang Wu is about to go to a military court. The Jiang family in Jinling is implicated by this, and the Jiang family is torn apart. Zhou Cheng can't hold back even this Jiang family, and Zhou Guobin will be disappointed!

Zhou Guobin didn't mention Jiang Yan from the beginning to the end. Only the women in the family would worry about this. The man's vision was not in a small place at all.

As long as Zhou Cheng's heart is stable enough, and even if Jiang Yan's parents jump up and down like a clown, he will be as unaffected by the wind and rain from the outside world like a strong pine on the top of a mountain!

Zhou Cheng ended the conversation with his father, and instead of going to the hospital first, he went to Shichahai.

After Xiaolan went abroad, Liu Fen lived in Pengcheng for half a month. Tang Hongen was very happy, but the business in the capital could not be ignored. After all, Liu Fen returned to the capital.

The future father-in-law sees him as unpleasant, and the future mother-in-law treats him well.

He didn't tell Xiaolan about Jiang Yan. He was afraid Xiaolanyuan would think about it in the United States, but he had to tell Liu Fen...Would he wait for his wife to come back, can I tell you clearly?

When Zhou Cheng came to the door this time, Jiang Yan was in a stable condition and was leaving the hospital. He thought it was time to confess.

When I found Liu Fen in Shichahai, Zhou Cheng's posture was very low.

"Aunt Liu, I have to tell you something. After you have listened, can you give me an idea?"

What did this kid say?

Liu Fen was pleasantly surprised when he saw him, but was confused by Zhou Cheng.

Is there anything Zhou Cheng needs her to advise? She didn't know anything about the troops, so what good advice could she give Zhou Cheng.

"You say you say, I'm listening."

Zhou Cheng started from the beginning and made friends with Pan Baohua and talked about the relationship with Jiang Wu and Jiang Yan. Of course, he simply took care of the specific bad things Jiang Wu did. Zhou Guobin said it was not a joke if he said that he would not be tried in public.

"...That's the way it is. Today is the day when Jiang Yan is discharged from the hospital. She has more serious burns. If she wants to minimize the sequelae, she will have to undergo multiple recovery operations."

Severely burned skin will lose its elasticity after the wound is healed, and if the arm is stretched on the back and cannot move freely, many troops' training actions will not be able to be completed.

However, Jiang Yan was originally a technical type, and her advanced studies were in communication classes, so she didn't need to retire.

Taking into account Jiang Yan's own wishes, surgical repair is better.

Human skin is malleable, and the function of the back can be restored by skin grafting. It is harder to see scars at all, but it can be greatly improved.

Liu Fen did not expect such a thing at all!

"You boy, why didn't you say it earlier? Before Xiaolan went abroad to catch up, you encountered a car exploded!"

She asked Tang Hongen, Tang Hongen also said to communicate with her on an equal footing, dare to fool her again.

"I suffered a little injury. After such a long period of recuperation, it is almost the same. Aunt Liu, now my injury is not important. It is Jiang Yan’s parents who have been saying that Jiang Yan did it for me. I must marry Jiang Yan."

Can it be like this? !

Is this bullying the country folks who read less, Liu Fen has never repaid his life-saving grace, so he can only agree with him.

This first saved others, and then forced others to repay... This kind of topic is beyond the scope of Liu Fen's point of view!

"Then what do you want to do, listen to Jiang Yan's parents, want to marry that lesbian?"

Liu Fen got a knot in her mind, what should her daughter Xiaolan do? She lost her subject after she was away for studying abroad for a month. !

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