Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1374: : Afraid of ugly soul (4 more)

"Of course I won't marry her. In this life, I won't marry anyone except Xiaolan."

Zhou Cheng quickly corrected Liu Fen's deviation.

Liu Fen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then you mean..."

Zhou Cheng is embarrassed, he is suspected of using the guarantee of his elders.

"I just want you to know that I never said that I want to marry Jiang Yan. If you hear any rumors, it must be a fake news from the Jiang family. If you don't believe me, Jiang Yan is discharged from the hospital today. You can go with me. Hospital."

Go to the hospital together?

Liu Fen still trusts Zhou Cheng.

From the very beginning, Zhou Cheng had targeted Xiaolan, and that was going to get married.

People at Liu Fen's age don't pay attention to romance. Only those who can pass the time can get married. On this basis, Zhou Cheng can kill many competitors in seconds.

"I won't go, you and the **** comrades should make it clear that if Xiaolan knows, I can testify to you about this matter."

Zhou Cheng nodded, "Aunt Liu, you still treat me best!"

Grandma Yu just heard a few words when she came back from outside.

This flattery makes people unbearable to listen. It knocked Zhou's family all over. Liu Fen treats Zhou Cheng best? Dare to love that Zhou Cheng is the son of Zhou's family picking it home.

It is also said that girls are outgoing.

Zhou Cheng has forgotten his mother-in-law without marrying her.

He was cheeky, as if he had become Liu Fen's own.

Grandma Yu also had to say that Zhou Cheng was smart, and Hua Guo was influenced by old ideas. Some men thought that if they married a wife, the wife should help his family be a cow and a horse. The wife must treat her parents-in-law as her parents, and handle the relationship between her parents and children. As for men, they treat their father-in-law and mother-in-law as relatives who walk around several times a year. In some places, women call their parents-in-laws parents, and men call them uncles and aunts. Why treat it differently? !

Zhou Cheng, this young man, is different from those stupid men. He didn't ask his mother to come forward on this matter, but he came to let Afen give his advice.

Grandma Yu coughed twice:

"It's almost enough. Don't behave if you get a bargain. You're here to coax Afen."

Have the ability to coax Xiaolan's ghostly cleverness.

See if this matter will pass easily!

Zhou Cheng said sternly: "Don’t worry, Grandma Yu, I’m definitely going to explain this to Xiaolan personally, so I have another thing coming today. I’m going to the United States next month. I want to ask you and Liu. Does Auntie have anything to bring to Xiaolan."

To the United States?

Grandma Yu nodded secretly. It is not easy for active military personnel to travel abroad. Zhou Cheng is the real sincerity.

Grandma Yu wanted to ask about Xia Xiaolan's progress in finding someone there, but she also knew that she still had school studies, and the urgency was also pressured Xia Xiaolan.

Liu Fen was really happy now: "Have you brought anything to her? You brought her something to eat, I'm afraid she won't be used to eating in the United States. If you take a good look, how is she doing in the United States!"

The mother is worried about the child traveling thousands of miles, but Liu Fen is afraid that Xia Xiaolan will report the happiness but not the worry.

If Zhou Cheng went there in person, she wouldn't worry about her at home.

Zhou Cheng readily agreed.

From the future mother-in-law invited the "Shang Fang Sword", Zhou Cheng didn't care about Jiang Yan's parents jumping up and down.

Today Jiang Yan is discharged from the hospital. Zhou Cheng wants to talk to Jiang Yan. He was delayed in Shichahai and when he went to the hospital, Jiang Yan had already completed the discharge procedures. She seems to want to carry the luggage by herself. After the burned skin on her back has healed, she can't move her arms too much, and even turning her neck is a bit difficult.

"Jiang Yan, congratulations on being discharged from the hospital."

In an accident, everyone is still alive, which is more important than anything else.

Jiang Yan also seemed to be in a good mood.

That is, Mother Jiang was very unacceptable, "Zhou Cheng, you finally came forward, I thought you would hide and deny it!"

Zhou Cheng was too lazy to mess with this woman.

The other party thought that he was young and thin-skinned, and under the bombardment of public opinion, he would have to be "responsible" and chose to be with Jiang Yan and be a person who knows his gratitude.

After a month of bombardment by public opinion, Zhou Cheng still did not waver at all:

"I have nothing to deny. I have said that if you are worried that Jiang Yan will be retaliated by Jiang's family, the door of Zhou's family will always be opened for Jiang Yan, and she can accept Zhou's asylum! But it is not because of my Zhou Cheng's wife. Identity, this identity, I have already booked it to another woman, except for her, I will never marry anyone else in my life."

Mother Jiang trembled with anger, "...I'm going to the army to find your leader. There is always something reasonable in this world, unless you don't even want your future!"

Zhou Cheng laughed: "Please! You must do this. I can't stop it. It's impossible to send someone to take care of you day and night, right?"

Looking for troops?

He has only heard of being responsible for playing hooligans against lesbians and messing around with men and women, but he has never heard of the principle that marriage must be paid back.

Jiang Yan’s parents should be able to ruin his future so that Zhou Cheng would not be in a dilemma between career and love. He can go to Xiaolan by patting his butt, and withdrawing from the army, relying on his own hands, can’t it? Earn a good life for Xiaolan?

Zhou Cheng's indifferent free and easy attitude blocked Jiang Yan's mother speechless.

Jiang Yan was silent for a long time, and finally couldn't help it at this time:

"Mom, that's enough, stop talking! You are not embarrassing Zhou Cheng, you are insulting me!"

What character is Zhou Cheng.

No one can force Zhou Cheng to do what he doesn't want to do, no one can force him to accept people he doesn't like.

It's really hard to get Zhou Cheng's likes.

The only chance was wasted by her parents when she couldn't be sober in her consciousness.

The more you force Zhou Cheng, it will only push Zhou Cheng farther.

Jiang Yan threw away the suitcase, "I tried to stop the childish behavior of my parents. I'm sorry, but I didn't succeed. It caused you a lot of trouble!"

Zhou Cheng's expression slowed down: "You really burned to save me--"

Jiang Yan laughed instead, "Zhou Cheng, I saved you at the time, not because I liked you, I was saving my comrades-in-arms! Do you think that Pan Sange was by my side at the time, so I wouldn't pounce on it? "


Zhou Cheng chewed the word in his heart.

"Except for not agreeing to marry you, and not doing things that will misunderstand Xiaolan, I will do everything else for you...because we are comrades-in-arms and friends."

This is the promise Zhou Cheng can make.

A promise that a man must make.

Jiang Yan thought about it seriously, "I still want to stay in the army, so I want to continue treatment."

Continue treatment?

What Zhou Cheng can pay is the treatment fee.

But if Jiang Yan is willing to continue treatment in this situation, the army will cover the cost.

"I can contact foreign hospitals for you. Xiaolan is now studying in the United States. What do you think of American hospitals?"

Jiang Yan nodded cheerfully.


Jiang's mother was chattering around Jiang Yan and was mad, Jiang Yan ignored it.

Are you crazy?

She rushed to push Zhou Cheng away at the moment, and finally she was willing to face her feelings squarely.

She really liked Zhou Cheng. She placed Zhou Cheng on the opposite end of the scale against her family. She gave the evidence to Zhou Cheng. The weight increased towards Zhou Cheng, the scale tilted, and her likes gradually sublimated into love. ——If you love someone and think that he will hate yourself, Jiang Yan will not allow herself to be ugly.

Ugly is not a scar, it's not that she doesn't deserve Zhou Cheng from the outside.

Ugly is spiritual, she is afraid that Zhou Cheng will look down on her!

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