Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1410: : You are not allowed to complain! (Plus)

Song Minglan is not a fool either.

Now being held by Xia Xiaolan's shortcomings, she has to resolve this deadlock.

After returning everyone's money, she was responsible for the expenses of the party. Although she still doesn't know how much money was spent, Song Minglan thinks she can always afford it.

She came to study abroad, the family gave a sum of money, and indeed there is a scholarship.

Song Minglan finished his studies in China and went to New York University to study for a master's degree. Scholarships are easier to apply than undergraduates.

Miss Song San is indeed extraordinary, and her disadvantage was reversed in a few words, and Xia Xiaolan had to give Song Minglan a compliment.

Li Yong saw that the situation was not right, so he hurried over:

"Miss Song, it was a misunderstanding. I didn't expect that you and Junior Sister Xia also knew each other."

What's wrong with Han Jin?

Isn't it that Xia Xiaolan's family is self-employed?

She also said that Xia Xiaolan's hometown was in the rural area of ​​southern Henan, and she had no background except for knowing a boyfriend from a good family background.

Han Jin can't believe a word of nonsense, can ordinary people know Song Minglan?

Song Minglan didn't want to pay attention to Li Yong, but Li Yong had a very good reputation among foreign students, Song Minglan had to explain a few more words:

"Senior Li, you should call me Minglan. There is no Miss Song here, only Song Minglan who is flattered and grateful for everyone's care. If you welcome me sincerely, then don't make me bear the burden. I must bear the expenses tonight. According to the amount on the sign-in book, the money will be returned to everyone."

As for why he knew Xia Xiaolan, Song Minglan didn't mention it.

People like Li Yong are not qualified to let her explain in such a detailed manner.

Although Song Minglan hated Xia Xiaolan's mother and daughter, especially Liu Fen, who had frustrated her cousin Sheng Xuan's many years of true love, but Xia Xiaolan said that she had also been to the Song family door and was seen alone by her grandfather. What are these overseas students?

The intelligence is wrong, and Li Yong is also saving the situation:

"Since Ming Lan has said, I really can't let everyone join the party's event fund. Together, we thank Ming Lan."

Li Yong took the lead in applauding, and the audience burst into applause.

Hey, why did you save money for meals again?

Xia Xiaolan was indeed very quick-witted. Just now Ning Xue was still thinking that if Xia Xiaolan didn't want to pay to go in, she also planned to leave together. Song Minglan felt that other people were not worthy of explanation, and Ning Xue was also a bad idea. Xia Xiaolan could be regarded as a powerful peer opponent. What are these foreign students who listen to violin music with their wine glasses?

No one else studies architecture, so what can we talk about.

At this time, Xia Xiaolan stopped leaving, because Song Minglan had invited Xia Xiaolan in and sit down. She spoke earnestly. It seemed that Xia Xiaolan would not go in, and Song Minglan would not be able to go on tonight’s party... I can’t leave if I want to go, "Your Royal Highness." Too enthusiastic.

Ning Xue couldn't figure out who the princess was.

Although her father is also a national cadre, Ning Xue spends more time with her grandfather Ning Yanfan, and doesn't pay much attention to these matters.

Xia Xiaolan was enthusiastically brought in by Song Minglan.

Li Yong looked at Han Jin, Han Jin bit her lip, and chased after him.

"Senior Sister Minglan, how do you meet Xiaolan?"

Song Minglan took Xia Xiaolan to sit down, and she would not let Xia Xiaolan see that the party was "paying" for the party tonight. Song Minglan would not let Xia Xiaolan go. When Han Jin asked her, Song Minglan didn't answer, but instead asked how Han Jin knew Xia Xiaolan.

Han Jin smiled, "My partner and Xiaolan's hometown are both together. Their village is very good, and they passed two college students. Of course, my partner is not as good as Xiaolan, but Xiaolan was admitted to Huaqing University."

Miss Song San, don't you know the origin of Xia Xiaolan?

Or, is Xia Xiaolan's boyfriend, indeed from an extraordinary family background, and even has something to do with the Song family?

Han Jin was also in a mess.

While explaining, he did not forget to remind Song Minglan.

Song Minglan knew what Xia Xiaolan's background was and what was going on now.

Xia Xiaolan was really watching a monkey show. Watching Miss Song San, she was afraid that she would file a complaint. She would pay for the party by herself, and she had to take her as a witness. Seeing Han Jin’s changing attitudes, it was Xia at the beginning who evolved into Xiaolan, and now she calls Xiaolan directly, as if she knows how well she is?

Is it cooked?

If it weren't for Chen Qing, she knew which green onion Han Jin was.

Unfortunately, she and Chen Qing are quite strange now, and they are not very familiar with each other:

"Student Han Jin really understands me, ashamed and ashamed, but I don't know enough about Han Jin."

How can Han Jin be like a headless fly, making relations with people everywhere.

Slap her **** on Song Minglan and at the same time slap Xia Xiaolan?

Song Minglan was really not happy about Xia Xiaolan's false enthusiasm, so she immediately crossed her heart to Han Jin, who seemed to be flattering, and labelled him as a "flatterer".

Song Minglan put Han Jin aside and only talked to Xia Xiaolan.

Han Jin was embarrassed and slumped to pour water.

The other people also dispersed, Miss Song seemed to have something to tell Xia Xiaolan, they still shouldn't be an eyesore.

Only Xia Xiaolan and Song Minglan were left on the sofa. Song Minglan threw her hand away and whispered: "Xia Xiaolan, what do you mean, deliberately making trouble?"

Xia Xiaolan held back a smile and said solemnly: "Miss San, let's touch our conscience and say, can I arrange this in advance? You think I'm very familiar with these people when I go to New York first. You should blame it. Blame others for ringing you up and selling tickets. What's wrong with me?"

What Xia Xiaolan said is very reasonable.

Song Minglan also annoyed Li Yong and Han Jin who couldn't do anything.

But now, to seal Xia Xiaolan's mouth, only she can pass the matter back to Song's house.

"Someone is joking with me, I will naturally ask them to settle the account. I only have one request for you. Don't be nosy, let me deal with it myself!"

Xia Xiaolan finally couldn't help but smile, "Miss San, if I remember correctly, you brought me in and your enthusiasm didn't let me leave. I think your business is funny, but you think I will go to the Song family to file a complaint. You are wrong, I am not from the Song family."

Do you alarm Song Lao about such a thing?

What Song Minglan is, it really doesn't matter to Xia Xiaolan, the Song family is not good at each other, and Xia Xiaolan will not teach her daughter for the Song family.

Song Minglan breathed a sigh of relief:

"As long as you say it's worth it, Song Minglan owes you one. Don't worry, I will have a chance to pay back this favor soon!"

Did Xia Xiaolan know that Zhou Cheng was also on the inspection group?

The Song family and the Zhou family have no contact, and Song Minglan does not know Zhou Cheng either.

However, when I checked Xia Xiaolan, I learned that Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng were communicating. This time the investigation group organized by the Ministry of Economy and Trade to the United States, Song Minglan's father, Song Zhicheng, was also one of the leaders of the state-owned enterprises participating in the delegation.

He told Song Minglan that Zhou Cheng belonged to the security team of the inspection group.

Wouldn't Zhou Cheng want to meet Xia Xiaolan when he came to the United States? The inspection team is disciplined. If Xia Xiaolan doesn't talk too much, Song Minglan is willing to pay back this "favor" immediately, and use this to make Xia Xiaolan shut up!

Xia Xiaolan was surprised. Song Minglan said so surely, what kind of favor should she give her?

Didn't this fall from the sky, did you get it for nothing? Hey, it seems to save money for tonight's meal. Song Minglan said that she would invite all students to study abroad!

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