Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1411: : Offended (1 more)

Xia Xiaolan don't want the favors that are for nothing.

This favor doesn’t even need her to bend over to pick it up. It just waits for Miss Song Minglan to give it. To be honest, seeing Song Minglan obviously dislike her, and acting in front of so many people...Xia Xiaolan feels good, the situation is inexplicable. Forced, Miss Song San had to take the people-friendly route.

"Then I'll wait for the third lady to repay the favor! Don't tell me, today's party is really high standard."

Xia Xiaolan ate a lot. Ning Xue said that she was going to stay at the house of an uncle at home. Xia Xiaolan and Ning Xue were not so good to go to the hotel to open a room together, so she retreated after sending Ning Xue to the place. Ning Xue really returned the $5 she had given him from the sign-in place.

Xia Xiaolan and Ning Xue retreated from the party less than nine o'clock. Song Minglan played with the foreign students until 11 o'clock before showing a sleepy expression.

"Ming Lan is also tired today, so let's get together another day!"

Li Yong's words were what he liked, Song Minglan called him:

"Wait, you must return the money to everyone."

Song Minglan is not joking, she just reached an agreement with Xia Xiaolan, then Xia Xiaolan can't get hold of this matter.

Song Minglan watched it personally, refunded a money and hooked a person, then smiled and sent everyone away.

Although Ms. Song is big and arrogant, Ms. Song at least speaks her words!

This is for people who come to the party, whether it is voluntary or against their will, they all have a good impression of Song Minglan.

Alas, you can't blame Miss Song for this, let alone Xuechang Li.

It's all caused by poor communication.

When everyone is gone, Li Yong wants to explain:

"Ming Lan, I really don't know--"

Song Minglan raised his hand, "Li Yong, we are not very familiar with each other. You should call me my full name when there is no one! Do you know that it doesn't matter if I know Xia Xiaolan? This is not the point of my anger tonight. I’ll show you your love for hosting a party. You also asked the overseas students who came to the party to pay the activity fund... Li Yong, Li Yong, fortunately, Xia Xiaolan made a scene tonight. You concealed it from me and thought it was to please me. Song Minglan can live by the charity of all New York students!"

What a shame, it's not good to be seen by someone, and you have to lose face in front of Xia Xiaolan.

Song Minglan became angry when she thought of this, and she was obviously the one who despised Xia Xiaolan.

Today, Xia Xiaolan still doesn't know how to laugh at her in her heart for coming to New York to "begging"!

"Miss Song, things are not what you think, alas, it was my carelessness this time. I will personally make up for Miss Song's loss this time."

This Song Minglan is really hard to wait on, lowering his posture in front of him, and putting on airs after him.

If it weren't for Li Yong's temper so early fire.

Song Minglan took out the checkbook: "No, I can still afford this little money. Tell me, how much did it cost?"

Li Yong looked embarrassed, Song Minglan looked at Han Jin again.

Han Jin has been left out in the cold for a long time. At this time, she didn't dare to violate Song Minglan's meaning. She and Li Yong contributed to the party, and naturally understood: "The total is 2100 US dollars, Sister Minglan, you really don't need..."

Song Minglan gritted his teeth.

At $2,100, the "activity fund" returned just now was more than $2,700. Xiang Li wanted to hold Xia Xiaolan and then pay for it? Okay, these people are very good. While giving her a welcome party to please her, they can also use the party to make an ‘activity fund’. After eating, drinking and having fun, they still have to make money.

Very good!

Song Minglan wrote a check for $2100.

Song Minglan was very angry when three flatterers who looked down on them put one another. Dropped the check and left, a very low-key car drove over, "Miss Song, will you take you back to school?"

Song Minglan bent down and got into the car.

Han Jin called Sister Minglan for a long time behind him, and Song Minglan didn't say to pick her up.

Han Jin stomped in place.

Back in the room, Li Yong smoked on the sofa, and Han Jin became angry:

"You did a good job! This annoys her now, I am about to be killed by you two!"

Li Yong himself wanted to get angry.

But this is not in line with his usual image. Xiang Li has always played the role of spokesperson at this time, leaning on the sofa and sneered with her hands in her arms:

"Sister Han Jin, you are telling some truth. It is a mistake in the news that you gave us! You are mysterious, and you are not willing to tell us clearly about Miss Song. Let us rely on guessing, and there is a mistake, you Blame us again? If we had known that Miss Song and Xia Xiaolan knew each other, how could we make such a joke tonight!"

Xiang Li became more angry as she thought about it.

It was Han Jin who told Li Yong that in Xia Xiaolan's hometown in southern Henan, the family members made some money by themselves.

There is a boyfriend who has a good family background. Isn't this too far away from the ocean? Naturally, she and Li Yong can make up their minds.

It's all nonsense!

Xia Xiaolan actually knew Miss Song, and Miss Song was still very enthusiastic about her.

No wonder she said that she introduced Miss Song to Xia Xiaolan. Xia Xiaolan didn't care at all. Xia Xiaolan must have known that the protagonist of the party was Miss Song.

Xiang Li stopped Han Jin with a few words. She could only catch Li Yong and Xiang Li’s fault: "I never thought of using parties to make money. It is strange that Senior Sister Ming Lan is not angry when she knows this!"

"You gave the wrong information--"

Li Yong squeezed the cigarette out, "Okay, one of you should not say a word, don't make a noise. Don’t you think it’s not annoying enough? Everyone is wrong now. Let’s take a step back. What will Xiang Li and I be greedy for those hundreds of dollars? , It’s everyone who took the initiative to make up the members. I can still get them to make exactly $2,100 out of it? It has already happened, and what I should think about now is how to make it back!"

Yeah, how to save it.

Han Jin was originally accompanied by Chen Qing to study abroad, and being able to accidentally become an "alumni" with Ms. Song San would not be in vain to go abroad.

Her family would be happy to be able to make friends with Song Minglan. Her father also asked her not to be afraid of spending money, and the "Uncle Qin" would provide her with funds. Of course, you can't be particularly rich in front of Song Minglan. The Song family's family style is strict. If they spend too much money uncontrollably, what would Song Minglan think of the Han family?

Therefore, for this party, Han Jin only paid 500 US dollars instead of making a round by herself.

What Li Yong said also hit Han Jin's mind.

It seems that Chen Qing did not tell her everything about Xia Xiaolan.

"Everyone is trying to figure out a way tonight, and we will discuss it when we meet tomorrow!"

Han Jin hurriedly went back to school to ask Chen Qing to ask clearly, and left this sentence in a hurry.

Xiang Li poked at her back.

Li Yong rubbed his eyebrows: "Fortunately, I didn't really get it. If Xia Xiaolan has more background than we thought, it's not easy to let her invest."

Xiang Li couldn't figure it out, "Then forget it?"

Xiang Li didn’t know why she was obsessed with Xia Xiaolan. It might be because Xia Xiaolan invested in Xu Jing and Ma Hai... This brought great changes to her future life. Thinking that Xu Jing might succeed, Xiang Li was not so. Happy.

What will others say about her in the future, has eyes but no beads?

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