Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1430: : We may be the top three? (3 more)

"Winner of Outstanding Prize..."

Daisy is really afraid of reading her group's work.

I'm afraid I won't miss it.

Do you take the top three, or leave the venue empty-handed?

The tense atmosphere makes people forget to breathe.

I want to talk to Xia Xiaolan. Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng are holding hands and looking at the stage. Daisy is embarrassed to be a light bulb.

Reading a work, there was a round of applause at the venue.

The judges also have to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the works. This CW architectural design competition has a small radiation range, but the judges are very serious.

The evaluation is very pertinent, the shining points do not hesitate to praise, and the deficiencies are also pointed out.

For the works that can win the prize, the design may be immature and there are some minor problems, but the overall level is already very high.

Cornell University's architecture major is worthy of being the strongest undergraduate in the United States.

Mr. Dick, a partner of Foster & Partners, commented humorously and received unanimous praise from everyone.

Listening and listening, Daisy forgot to be nervous, Mr. Dick commented that it was a key point, as if she was in a professional class.

And when it comes to the shortcomings of a certain award-winning work, it will also be said that in real firm bidding, mature architects will never make mistakes-these are not accessible during school, not only Daisy, others People listened attentively.


In addition to awarding awards, it is also a lively teaching.

Xia Xiaolan listened with gusto. Although she had practical experience, she was a wild way from the beginning.

The things she designed were technically supported, and other people tried desperately to fill in the shortcomings.

In China, we are completely using manpower to fill the gap. The gap with world-class architect firms is not only reflected in the salary of architects, but also in the precise grasp of design works, which can be seen from Mr. Dick's comments!

And Mr. Dick is just a junior partner of Foster & Partners.

Xia Xiaolan, who went wild, felt inspired a lot.

She whispered to Zhou Cheng:

"Before, Du Zhaohui wanted me to help design the electronic accessories plaza. He suggested that I set up my own architect firm. Do you think this idea is reliable?"

Xia Xiaolan has passed the news back to China and asked Mao Kangshan to ask for help.

If you can invite a few capable seniors to join, Xia Xiaolan will undoubtedly have to worry a lot.

Zhou Cheng shook her hand, did not answer casually, and thought about it seriously: "Generals can't do without soldiers in war, and there are no men under them. No matter how powerful you are, you are lonely and brave. If you plan to be an architect, just think about it. To climb to the top in the field of architecture, I would suggest that you stay abroad, finish university, and join a large architect firm like Foster step by step. Others have already developed a mature model. You only need to enter a large firm. Platform, everything is logical."

Xia Xiaolan snickered, "Are you telling the truth?"

The words are nice, but I don't believe them.

Would Zhou Cheng encourage her to finish university abroad and work in a large firm like Foster?

Such a difference is not a few months, but several years, or even longer.

The two want to end the foreign country, unless Zhou Cheng retires early!

Zhou Cheng didn't panic at all, and calmly rounded up what he said:

"I'm only talking about hypothesis. Your dream has never been to become a top architect. To shine on other people's platforms? No, Xiaolan I know will only build her own platform, which is completely yours. It may not be able to compete with world-class firms for a few years or more than a decade, but the entire firm is centered on you and serves you, which will save you a lot of energy."

What do you save your energy for?

From the very beginning, he knew Xiaolan and discovered that Xiaolan's outlook on money was different from most people.

The word "thrift" is almost inscribed in the bones of all Chinese people nowadays. People don't choose to take a car if they can walk on their legs. Not only the poor, but even those with better economic conditions can save money.

Xia Xiaolan would never do the same thing.

She can take a car, but she can't walk.

After being able to take a plane, she would not choose a train.

Comfort is not the most important thing, and she is not too **** the hard seat of the train, it saves time and energy.

Most people think that the more money you save, the more you have.

Xiaolan is not stingy where she can spend her money, she doesn't rely on saving, but on earning.

If he can save his wife's energy and not have to work so hard, then it is necessary to open an office that obeys his wife's orders! The big deal is a loss of wages, not to mention that you may not lose money. Zhou Cheng not only supported Xia Xiaolan's idea, but also wondered what resources he had that could help-no matter what, he could still contact some business for the firm.

Xia Xiaolan moved closer to Zhou Cheng, muttering softly: "Your likable ability is self-explanatory, right?"

Just ask him what he thinks, this guy is good, and he is flattering while giving suggestions!

Zhou Cheng laughed.

How can there be any skills for self-learning in this world?

Look at the comfortable secretaries who will serve the leaders. Wouldn't they be able to serve others when they were born? It's not because of their cleverness and winking to study and try to figure out the minds of the leaders.

Zhou Cheng hadn't done so much to the leadership of the army.

It is not important for the leader to appreciate him, as long as he has practical military merits.

But when treating Xiaolan, he longed to really understand her, to understand her, not for flattering...If he couldn't walk into Xiaolan's inner world, how could he love her?

The two were whispering.

The people around can't understand Chinese either.

Ning Xue could understand, but Ning Xue sat a little further away.

The 10 winning prizes won’t take too long to be announced, mainly because the judges’ comments are time-consuming.

It took more than an hour!

The teachers and students of the architecture major listened with gusto, and the reporters from newspapers and TV stations wanted to yawn.

It's so boring.

Harold Wilson refused to accept the interview. Everyone has to use up the awards of this CW architectural design competition. I really want to run away in the middle.

What about the explosion?

Whoever designed the game, there is no explosive point, how can it be influential!

Reporters actually know that this kind of niche professional competition is basically a self-entertainment in a small circle. How many people love architecture in the world? It's not football, not rugby, non-competitive sports events, and laymen who lack professional knowledge can't understand it, so where are the hot spots?

The reporters were over time, and teachers and students felt that time passed so fast. In the blink of an eye, all 10 winning prizes were reviewed.

Daisy woke up suddenly:

"Richard, didn't you recite the name of our work just now?"

Yes, all 10 awards have been reviewed, and there is indeed no work from their group.

This situation is too obvious, if it weren't for them to lose the election, they would not even have 10 winning prizes.

Or it's--

"We might be the top three?"

Richard's red hair seems to be burning.

Xia Xiaolan glanced at them, and sighed with Zhou Cheng: "This is my team. It's still a little immature. You haven't seen the world much. Don't laugh at them."

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