Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1431: : This world is crazy (4 more)

Americans like to express their emotions exaggeratedly, and Zhou Cheng knows that Xia Xiaolan is joking.

This is equivalent to the Chinese Minister of State saying, "My child is the most stupid." If the person next to him agrees, he is really stupid, and his parents will be greeted immediately.

I can only tell my family about being stupid, which is similar to Xia Xiaolan's current behavior.

If anyone believes in her and really laughs at the Daisy trio, Xia Xiaolan is definitely the first to stand up and protect her shortcomings.

Heidi looked over here secretly.

What a coincidence, the works of her team and Jonathan's team are not on the list of winners.

Heidi is very confident, she must have entered the top three!

But Xia Xiaolan's team, and Ning Xue's solo entry did not win the prize.

Did they also enter the top three together?

"How is it possible, they must have been eliminated, and they can't even get the winning prize!"

Jonathan glanced at his girlfriend.

No one would judge the quality of other people's works on this occasion. Everyone is a contestant, and only 5 judges are eligible for evaluation. Because of Heidi, Ning Xue has already moved out of the dormitory. Before coming to New York this time, she and Jonathan formally asked to withdraw from the study group.

Their study group can not only form a team in Professor McCarthy's class, but also in classes taught by other professors. As long as the assignments need to be completed by the team, they are all in the same group.

Ning Xue was not asking for Jonathan's opinion, it was more like informing Jonathan.

It is indeed troublesome to leave the group halfway through the semester, but she will ask the professors to explain...that is, no matter what the result of this competition is, Ning Xue's withdrawal from the group is a foregone conclusion.

In this case, Jonathan really hopes Heidi can be more generous.

No matter what you think in your heart, it is inappropriate to say it!

"Either Ning, or Xia's group, one of their works should always be in the top three."

Jonathan dropped this sentence and ignored Heidi.

Heidi didn't want to see such a result, but Jonathan was always right.

Do you want Ning Xue to make the top three, or Xia Xiaolan's team?

Heidi won't be happy for which of these two Chinese girls is in the top three!

Heidi did not expect that she would receive such a crit. The host of the awards ceremony announced the top three works in a more exaggerated tone: "..."Library on the Cliff", "Electronic Plaza", "In the Air" "Forest Garden", congratulations to these three works, which have entered the final selection stage. Who will be the champion of our first CW Architectural Design Competition? The final result will be derived from these three works!"

"The Library on the Cliff" belongs to Ning Xue.

"Electronic Square" is by Xia Xiaolan's group.

"Sky Forest Garden" is the work of Jonathan and senior students teamed up!

In other words, two of the top three works were designed entirely by sophomores, and the other was also participated by sophomores.

This year's sophomore is too strong, right?

Not only were the teachers and students in the whole room shocked, even Professor Lipton couldn't help but go to see McCarthy on the stage of the judges.

The Devil’s name is well-deserved. This time, the competition seems to be to find top students for the Devil. The top three students are all taking courses in McCarthy's "Structural Elements"!

Harold looked at the audience, Xia Xiaolan and her Chinese boyfriend were close to each other.

She is really good.

Relying on his own strength reached the top three.

Even if the competition is limited to the Cornell School of Architecture, this is already the strongest undergraduate major in architecture in the United States.

Wherever he went to slaughter, Xia Xiaolan was really talented in architecture.

Of course, Harold is still more interested in her whole person than Xia Xiaolan's talent in architecture.

Because of the strict confidentiality of several judges, Harold still doesn't know which place Xia Xiaolan won. It doesn’t matter, if she gets the first prize, he will give the prize to the first prize. If she takes the second prize, he will give the prize to the second prize. It doesn’t matter—the first prize is of course the best. The focus of much attention made her a bit shorter than others and only took second place, as if she was a great grievance.


""Electronic Plaza", only our work, call this, right?"

Daisy covered her face.

Oh my God, it's really the top three!

"Of course only us!"

The name is straightforward and rude, and there is no romance at all, and Lyle is absolutely sure that no one will collide with their group.

Zhou Cheng took the back of Xia Xiaolan's hand and kissed it: "Congratulations, this prize is well deserved."

Xia Xiaolan pretended to be humble, "I don't know which number it is."

Daisy is going crazy.

Which place does it matter?



Opportunity valued by big offices!

Professor McCarthy's "A" score!

There is also a practical opportunity to participate in the architectural design of the Wilson Hotel's new branch. The treatment of the top three makes Daisy want to scream.

Xia Xiaolan didn't scream, her eyes met Ning Xue.

The so-called contest between the two was in the class of Professor McCarthy, and it was also in such a competition. The CW Architectural Design Competition is just the beginning, a small-scale competition, it can be regarded as a warm-up!

Xia Xiaolan had an intuition that the first place would be between her and Ning Xue. As for the "Sky Forest Garden" that Jonathan and seniors collaborated with, Xia Xiaolan did not consider her to be her biggest opponent from the beginning.

A temporary running-in team.

Each has its own ideas.

You can't pinch all your inspirations together, and you can't make a big climate.

The time left for Jonathan is too short!

The most misguided strategy was to team up with the seniors and exclude Ning Xue. Ning Xue was too low-key at Cornell, and Jonathan hadn't realized the true value of Ning Xue.

The person trained by Ning Yanfan, how many years has Ning Xue been involved in architecture?

Xia Xiaolan and Ning Xue glanced at each other, then looked back.

Heidi's brains are all dumb, Xia Xiaolan and Ning Xue broke into the top three together! How is it possible!

What makes Heidi even more silly is yet to come.

On the projection screen, a design drawing of Heidi's "Sky Forest Garden" appeared.

"The third place, "Sky Forest Garden", let us invite the design team to come on stage and give them applause. They will receive a prize of 10,000 US dollars!"

Jonathan was not too happy.

The senior seniors who invited Jonathan into the group were equally unhappy.

Only took third?

Wouldn't the first place be between Xia Xiaolan's team and Ning Xue?

One is an international student from China, who personally signed up for the competition.

One was an exchange student from China, bringing three Losers who couldn't even get "A" under Professor McCarthy to compete.

Between them, there will be champions?

What a joke!

The "Sky Forest Garden" team came to the stage to accept the award, and none of them seemed very happy. The reporters seemed to be yawning. You guessed it, this niche professional competition, from the beginning to the end, it is impossible to have a hot spot.

Look at the contestants who won the prizes, they look so mournful.

Can't you show a smile?

Heidi looked at the audience, Daisy’s three Losers, at this time they actually began to pretend to be calm, thinking that the Loser group might take second place, or even the champion, Heidi’s smile, that’s uglier than crying—this The world must be crazy, and the judges are crazy, including Professor McCarthy, there is no normal person!

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