Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1432: : I want to buy this work! (Plus)

This world is not crazy.

Strong people are always respected.

The third squad of Bitter Gourd Face has stepped down. "Sky Forest Garden" is a work full of ideas, but Mr. Dick of Foster & Partners clearly said that this is a conceptual work, and no one will invest money to make it a reality. .

Ning Xue and Xia Xiaolan team were invited to the stage together.

The sleepy reporters couldn't help but startled.

Two Asian faces.

One is pretty, the other is very pretty.

Wow, there are not only some nerds in the architecture major, but also a few young and energetic future female architects like this.

Professor Lipton snatched the conversation and did not let the firm’s judges continue to grab the limelight:

"Unbelievable, the first CW architectural design competition this year, to the last juncture, are all sophomores. Professor McCarthy, do you have anything to say? They just learned the "Structural Elements" that you lectured. Now that I can design works independently, it's amazing!"

Professor McCarthy is not used to comments.

Lipton and the others didn't dare to give him the microphone before. Who knows if this big devil will spray the works of other winners in public.

This is exactly what McCarthy can do!

It doesn't divide the occasion, just spray when you need it, which makes people feel tired.

But now there is a champion selected by McCarthy himself, and Professor Lipton feels that it is safer at this time.

McCarthy took the microphone and said unexpectedly:

"The main designer of "Electronic Plaza" is an exchange student who has just arrived at Cornell University this year, majoring in architecture. "Library on the Cliff", the author is also an international student who has just arrived at Cornell this year to report on architecture. It's very coincidental They are all from China and from the same university in China. It is not so much that Cornell University has made them, as it is the Huaguo University they originally attended, which has laid a very good foundation for them."

Huh? ? ?

Professor Lipton is not black, but now it is the expression of the black question mark face.

Is it too early for him to rest assured that he wants to **** the microphone back from McCarthy!

Ning Xue and Xia Xiaolan looked at each other.

Only they understand what Professor McCarthy means.

Professor McCarthy is unwilling to take credit because he has not taught them long enough. He believes that the foundation of Xia Xiaolan and Ning Xue was laid in the Department of Architecture of Huaqing University!

This is McCarthy's recognition of the Huaqing Architecture Department.

Huaqing University's ranking in the world is embarrassing at this time. The world knows too little about China, and its universities have not yet squeezed into the mainstream of the world.

The two competitors, Xia Xiaolan and Ning Xue, both felt proud at this time.

Although they have their own teachers, they still taught them a lot in the Department of Architecture of Huaqing!

Professor Lipton's eyes were almost squeezed out, and McCarthy took the words back:

"The foundation is good. You will not regret coming to Cornell for further studies. Cornell will teach you more and make you reborn. Both "Electronic Square" and "Library on the Cliff" are very good works, but champions. There is only one. I can only vote for the one I think has the highest overall rating--"

McCarthy was so unreliable, he almost announced who the champion was.

The host had to interrupt McCarthy, "The Dick judges seem to have opinions to be published. Let us listen to Mr. Dick's evaluation of the two works."

Dick took the microphone, "Actually, I personally like "Library on the Cliff" very much. Can I ask the designer, where did your inspiration come from?"

"Library on the Cliff", built on a mountain and chiseled wall, is very characteristic.

There is a modern library in the depths of the mountains and mists.

Dick thinks that there is a story behind this...There is indeed a story. Ning Xue and Ning Yanfan went to inspect ancient buildings. They originally went to see the temple built on the cliff, the famous Hanging Temple, but they saw the deep mountain together. School.

Inspiration comes from this.

It’s better to build something really useful to waste a lot of manpower and financial resources to build temples on the mountain.

This is the result of this work.

But when Dick asked, Ning Xue didn't know whether to speak in public.

What are you talking about?

Let these reporters report that the Chinese people are living in dire straits? Selling miserably to win sympathy in this way violates Ning Xue's original intention of designing, so she just said a few words perfunctorily.

On the projection screen, Xia Xiaolan saw Ning Xue's work for the first time.

The library built on the cliff.

Ning Xue's own inner reflection, right?

Ning Xue is a pure architectural designer, and Xia Xiaolan knows that she is not so pure.

Ning Xue couldn't become her, and she couldn't be Ning Xue either.

Dick's words changed:

""The Library on the Cliff" gives me a kind of empty inspiration to wash my soul, but from market considerations, I am more optimistic about "Electronic Square". There is no fancy and useless design. Every detail is for practicality. With perfection, it can even be directly invested in construction. I am optimistic about the plan of "Electronic Plaza", it is hard to believe that it came from the hands of sophomores... Hi, guys, after the game is over, whether you have won the championship or not, Would you like to talk to me? On behalf of Foster & Partners, I want to buy your "Electronic Plaza"!"


This is already the highest rating, right?

Like "Library on the Cliff", but want to buy the design copyright of "Electronic Plaza"!

Foster's partners don't make such jokes in public.

If it weren't for being on the podium and being watched by so many eyes underneath, Daisy would definitely ask Richard to pinch her.

All this is really like in a dream.

The firm wants to buy the copyright to the design.

Oh my God, it’s not a shame to win the championship with such a result, right?

What does it matter even if he wins second place!

The host exclaimed: "Wow, Mr. Dick gave two works a high evaluation, you can see how difficult choices our judges face. Who is the champion, who can only regret to be second, the result has been installed in In the envelope in my hand, I now invite the sponsor of this competition, Mr. Harold Wilson, to unravel the mystery for us."

Did Harold present the award himself?

Xia Xiaolan thought that Harold was just going through the scene, from beginning to end, Harold was trying to reduce his sense of existence.

At this time, Harold, dressed in black, walked to the podium with a strong aura.

Xia Xiaolan suddenly thought about it. Today, she and Zhou Cheng are wearing white T-shirts. Harold is dressed in black.

Harold took the envelope from the host and stood very close to Xia Xiaolan.

Zhou Cheng was in the audience, clasping his hands on his knees.

100% sure, this man covets his wife.

How long has it been since I've been on stage, I ran towards Xiaolan several times!

A reporter couldn't help but snapped a photo. From his side angle, Harold and Xia Xiaolan were head to head, indescribably close. Of course, this is actually a poor vision. The reporter also knew that it was a messenger of ghosts and gods, and felt that the picture was eye-catching and snapped a chapter.

Daniel thought to himself, is there something wrong with Harold. After going around such a big circle, he wants to give Xia awards in person?

Harold clutched the envelope.

It's useless to be young and handsome. He is presenting awards to Xia Xiaolan on stage.

When Zhou Cheng got into his position, I don’t know how many years it would take. Harold was quite confident and quickly opened the envelope. According to the process, he should announce the second place first, but he glanced at Xia Xiaolan and read directly. Champion:

"The champion of the first CW Architectural Design Competition is-"Electronic Plaza"!"

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