Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1435: : Hua Guo Kung Fu! (3 more)

A heavy blow hit Hector's throat bone, and Zhou Cheng had no scruples in his shot.

The temples, throat, eyes and other places were originally the key points that made the enemy lose their ability to move instantly. Hector, a former Marine Corps veteran, was also very physical, and it took Zhou Cheng two minutes to subdue the opponent.

The throat bone was hit hard, and Zhou Cheng kicked Hector's gun away.

Taking advantage of Hector's weakness, Zhou Cheng removed Hector's arms in one go.

Naturally, you can't shoot if you don't have enough energy in your hands.

Zhou Cheng's movements were neat and tidy, and the hotel security guards were dumbfounded.

Zhou Cheng pushed Hector to the ground and quickly checked it to make sure that this person did not hide dangerous goods such as bombs on his body.

There was no bomb, and he took out a gun and threw it far away together.

Until they didn't know who yelled "Help quickly", these talents rushed forward and rushed to take Hector from Zhou Cheng's hands.

The people at the venue did not finish evacuating. Many people saw how Zhou Cheng subdued the gunman. The smooth fighting movements were like making a movie. A Cornell boy suddenly yelled:

"BruceLee! Chinese Kungfu!"

He actually called Bruce Lee at Zhou Cheng.

The Chinese most familiar to Americans is Bruce Lee.

In 1973, a generation of Kung Fu superstar Bruce Lee died in Hong Kong at the age of 33. Although 13 years have passed since now, Americans have not forgotten this superstar.

Bruce Lee let the concept of Chinese Kung Fu take root in the hearts of the people, and also typed the word "kongfu" into the English dictionary.

Shouting "BruceLee" to Zhou Cheng is already the highest evaluation given by this male student subconsciously!

The boy's call resonated. The teachers and students who had not had time to evacuate all applauded, shouting BruceLee and Hua Guo Kung Fu. Zhou Cheng's performance just now was really a hero, and he overpowered the gunman alone!

Daisy's feet softened, "He is not BruceLee, he is Zhou!"

It's Xia's boyfriend.

In addition to being handsome, it turned out to be so powerful!

But no one heard Daisy’s argument, and even Professor McCarthy pushed Xia Xiaolan:

"Oh, you should give the hero a kiss at this time."

"Professor, didn't you—"

"Go! Don't talk nonsense!"

Professor McCarthy straightened her waist and signaled that she was not too frightened to make her legs weak. Xia Xiaolan let him go and ran two steps forward. Zhou Cheng also looked for her in the crowd. The crowd spontaneously gave up a trail, and the two of them were finally able to hug tightly. Together.

"Are you not hurt?"

After confirming that Xia Xiaolan's whole person was intact, Zhou Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.


"Kiss! Kiss her!"

I don't know who started booing, Zhou Cheng was not as embarrassed, Xia Xiaolan had already kissed Zhou Cheng herself.


This is called making a movie!

The scared reporter was still compiling the scandal between Harold and Xia Xiaolan just now. It was only then that they knew that these two talents were a pair. Who said that today’s CW construction competition’s awards scene was not a hot spot, and the killer suddenly appeared, enough to write A big report!

Harold's face was ugly, and he didn't know whether he was afraid because he was almost shot, or in the court, Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng embraced and kissed, setting off himself like an insignificant supporting actor.

The ambulance came soon.

There are also police.

Those seriously injured included Harold's bodyguard and Professor Lipton who was unfortunately hit by a stray bullet.

Harold himself injured a leg, and the rest suffered minor injuries.

Some reporters want to interview Zhou Cheng, and some reporters want to interview Harold. The fool can see that the gunman's target is Harold.

"Mr. Harold, do you know the identity of the gunman?"

"Do you think he was hired, or..."

Reporters are like sharks smelling blood, swarming to get this big news.

The police had taken over the scene and stopped the reporters, just as they wanted to exclude the gunmen's accomplices. Not only journalists will be investigated, but everyone present must be investigated.

Daniel and the others in charge of the venue were very unlucky. They were also responsible for why the gunmen got in.

Fortunately, Harold had a conscience and took the initiative to provide information to the police: Hector is the former security director of the Wilson Hotel. He can get into the hotel based on his understanding of the Wilson Hotel security and a group of hotel management professionals from Cornell University. Students have nothing to do.

Originally too.

The students are here for internships. How did Hector get into the meeting place, and even the hotel security didn’t notice. Is it because of the students like Daniel and Nancy?

That would be too ridiculous.

Had it not been for Zhou Cheng to discover that something was wrong with Hector, Hector's first shot would have hit Harold!

Although Zhou Cheng’s original intention was to remind Xia Xiaolan, who was also on the stage, to avoid the shooting, Harold was also rescued by Xia Xiaolan’s yelling... The audience was calling BruceLee and Hua Guo Kung Fu, Zhou Cheng was out in the limelight, but Also face the inquiry of the police for this.

This is unpleasant.

He came with the inspection team.

Now it is a secretly leaving the team. The reporter wants to report on him and the police station wants to commend him. How can Zhou Cheng keep a low profile?

Xia Xiaolan comforted him: "I will let Harold help."

Needless to say, Harold must help.

"He fired Hector, but did not settle Hector's unemployment settlement. This is where today's shooting took place, and Harold is fully responsible."

After knowing the identity of Hector, Xia Xiaolan sorted out the whole story.

It turned out that a scandal broke out at the Wilson Hotel last year. The vice president of the hotel took advantage of his position to occupy more than 20 million US dollars of property under the name of the hotel. The Wilson Hotel was almost closed as a result, and Harold had to hurriedly return to the United States to deal with the matter.

The end result, of course, was that the vice president was sent to prison and Harold reorganized the hotel.

Hector was only the security director implicated by the vice president. Harold did not prosecute him, but did not listen to Hector’s explanation, and eventually fired the other party—I don’t know what happened behind Hector, maybe Out of anger, perhaps personal financial bankruptcy after losing his job, Hector entered the hotel and decided to kill Harold to vent his anger!

Harold really shouldn't have died.

If Zhou Cheng and Xia Xiaolan were not invited to the club yesterday, and they happened to ran into Hector, Zhou Cheng would not recognize the man who had retired from the Marine Corps today. He would have recognized Hector and took a second look. Only then did I discover the strangeness of the other party.

Zhou Cheng did not claim to be Harold's savior. He and Xiaolan, like everyone else, accepted the police's inquiry and took notes.

On the other side, the emergency doctor treated Harold's leg wound and provided him with a wheelchair.

Harold himself was very resistant. Butler Allen had arrived quickly:

"Sir, if you insist on not being in a wheelchair, you need to stick with crutches."

Which one is more embarrassed?

Of course it is a cane!

You can still maintain your demeanor in a wheelchair, and you will be limping on crutches, and Harold decisively chooses a wheelchair.

Alan Butler pushed him, "One more thing, you seem to be going to thank Miss Xia Xia's boyfriend in person..."

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