Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1436: : You are a king, he is a knight (4 more)


As a man of demeanor, Harold should indeed thank Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng not only indirectly saved his life, but also prevented the hotel from suffering greater losses. In today's situation, unless Harold is willing to stand still and be killed by Hector, the innocent teachers and students in the venue will definitely be more implicated.

Now only the bodyguard was injured, Professor Lipton was unfortunately hit by a stray bullet, and the others were panic injuries, or bruises, as well as very minor losses.

After this incident, Wilson Hotel's reputation must have been greatly affected.

But this has nothing to do with Zhou Cheng and Xia Xiaolan, it is a problem that Harold wants to find a way to solve.

Before eliminating the bad influence, in public and private, he must thank Zhou Cheng.

Harold pushed the wheelchair himself:

"Let's go, let's meet her little boyfriend."

Oh, they are young, and they are not at all courageous.

The audience was shouting BruceLee, and Allen could imagine how green Harold's face was at the time. The CW architectural design competition sponsored by Ms. Xia finally made Ms. Xia’s Chinese boyfriend a big show... Poor Mr. Harold must be very uncomfortable at this time. Butler Allen closed his mouth tightly and decided not to Stimulate the unlucky employer again.

It's unlucky and extremely lucky.

Hector’s potential threat is solved. Without the award of the CW architectural design competition, Hector will choose other ways to do it. Who knows if Harold had that good luck to hide away at that time!

Xia Xiaolan was talking about looking for Harold, and Harold sent it to the door himself.

The two men finally communicated face to face at close range.

Harold was sitting in a wheelchair, half short, and his aura was not so strong.

"Mr. Zhou, I am personally very grateful that you subdued the gangster at the critical moment. You saved me and prevented others from being hurt by the gangster!"

Zhou Cheng shook his head, "No thanks, I just did what I should do."

For the American people, he will not be so desperate. It is moral and righteous to save innocent passers-by, but it is not Zhou Cheng's responsibility.

He is mainly for Xiaolan's safety.

As long as Xiaolan is not out of danger, there is a slight risk of being hit by a stray bullet, Zhou Cheng will not let Hector go, and that person must be firmly restrained. Hector is not a vegetarian either. A former Marine Corps veteran who can also serve as the security director of Wilson Hotel. He has been insisting on various physical training for many years, his marksmanship is accurate, and his physical fitness is outstanding. Zhou Cheng has no weapons in his hands. He was almost shot by Hector every time.

Harold saw it, Zhou Cheng didn't need his gratitude at all.

It seems that saving a billionaire is no different to Zhou Cheng than saving a passerby.

Harold took an envelope from Allen:

"Mr. Zhou, this is my little gratitude to you, you must accept it."

Anyone who owes favors will do, but those who owe Zhou Cheng will not do.

Zhou Cheng took a surprised look at Harold, "Don't tell me, there are checks inside? You Americans are so strange that everything can be measured by money, including your own life."

He didn't know how much Harold valued his life. Zhou Cheng was not trying to save Harold, so naturally he would not take the money.

Without going to pick up Harold's envelope at all, Zhou Cheng directly refused:

"If Mr. Harold wants to express his gratitude, why not help me stop those reporters from reporting... Oh, and the police commendation."

After the police station knew that he was a Chinese who came here with a visa, he must send a letter of thanks to the embassy, ​​thinking that the Chinese like this. Zhou Cheng and Xia Xiaolan refused repeatedly, and they thought the Chinese were humble.

This is terrible.

There are also those reporters who have been pestering Zhou Cheng, asking him if he is a Chinese Kung Fu actor who has just entered Hollywood.

He is handsome and can play. There is a reason why the people at Cornell University called him Bruce Lee.

It's really unlucky for Zhou Cheng to report it. The Captain Fang who let him secretly leave the group will be the first one to be unlucky.

Harold couldn't help but confirm again: "You only have this requirement?"

Does this Chinese man know what he refused?

Of course, there are checks in the envelope. The amount of checks is average for Chinese people, not to mention it for a lifetime, but it will not be earned in ten lifetimes!

"Just this one! Mr. Harold, are you okay? If nothing happens, I will take Xiaolan back. I'm afraid she will be frightened today."

Xia Xiaolan's eyes were bright like small light bulbs, and she was frightened by a fart.

"Yes, let's go back first. Mr. Harold should have a lot of things to deal with. The reporter and the police station please."

After speaking, the two held hands and left.

Harold is not only suffering from injured feet, but also uncomfortable with his heart, liver, spleen and lungs.

"Millions of dollars, can he make it? I just refused! Alan, does this man have a problem with his brain!"

The ridiculous pride of the poor!

Everything is fake, the dollars that can be spent are real.

I'm afraid that if I accept his money, I will be psychologically short, so I dare not accept it?

Butler Ellen said nothing.

He didn't think Zhou Cheng had a problem in his mind. People would not regret the amount of the check if they knew the amount of the check. The young Chinese man didn't put the money in his eyes at all. Whether Mr. Harold is a billionaire or not does not bring pressure to the other party... Unless Mr. Harold really attracts Miss Xia's attention, Mr. Zhou will be moved!

Although Ellen took Harold's salary, he couldn't admit that Xia Xiaolan had a very good vision. The boyfriend she sought was a brave knight who would stand up for her to subdue gunmen at a critical moment.

Those who have only courage and no ability are called idiots.

Only those who have the courage and strength to save the princess are called knights.

Mr. Zhou is a knight!

Who has seen a knight collect money after saving someone?

Even in Disney's cartoons, the princess was arrested. The king offered a reward. In the end, the knight rescued the princess. The king gave a treasure of gold and silver...Is poor Mr. Harold going to play the old king? The stage was set up in vain, but it made the appearance of others perfect-the king has the wealth, the knight has the princess!

Allen coughed and changed the subject, "Sir, they are a bit right. There are many things you have to deal with. Those reporters may write Hector's affairs as a special report. You have spent your energy to reorganize the Wilson Hotel in Queens. , Will this shooting affect your follow-up plan?"

I left Pengcheng in a hurry last year and returned to the United States to deal with the hotel.

After finally reorganizing the hotel and planning to open a new store in Washington, Harold intends to build the Wilson Hotel into a chain brand. The land in Washington has been bought. When such an incident occurs, newspapers and television stations must be very reporting. Impulse, the influence it brings is not necessarily good!

The dismissed former security director can easily sneak into the hotel. The security of the Wilson Hotel will discourage guests.

What a troublesome thing.

Under this circumstance, Mr. Harold shouldn't be entangled in the trivial matter of the relationship between men and women. After all, if a man can't even manage a career, his attraction to a good opposite **** will definitely be greatly reduced!

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