Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1451: : Everyone has a different stand! (1 more)

Director Deng is really eclectic to drop talents, whoever has the ability will send them.

After discovering that Xia Xiaolan was insightful, he immediately promoted Xia Xiaolan from a temporary driver with a self-provisioning car and self-paying gas to a negotiating interpreter-he didn't even know how well Xia Xiaolan's English was!

The translation is so wronged, I want to cry and chirp, I hope Xia Xiaolan can actively refuse, but Xia Xiaolan promised in one fell swoop:

"The leaders have asked for it. I will definitely ask for leave. Then I will follow you from tomorrow?"

If you don't join, how can you help Zhou Cheng?

If you don't join, you won't take advantage of Du Zhaoji.

To make Du Zhaoji feel that he has hope to buy the production line, time was wasted, but in the end it was in vain.

It's not that Xia Xiaolan is bad, it's that everyone has a different stand!

Deng Changxing repeatedly said a few good words and praised Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng as a match made in heaven.

It's useless to translate grievances. Deng Changxing feels that this translation is not clever enough, at least not as useful as Xia Xiaolan!

Xia Xiaolan had stayed in the hotel where the delegation stayed last night, but she paid for it. When she arrived at the hotel today, Deng Changxing said that she would take Xia Xiaolan’s room money to the public account... Director Deng is so cute in reality, what can Xia Xiaolan say.

Deng Changxing was an activist and said that he would go back to the room and show Xia Xiaolan the materials of this negotiation. Song Zhicheng also followed, leaving only Zhou Cheng and Xia Xiaolan in an instant.

"Can you ask for leave?"

Zhou Cheng did not expect that his wife had agreed to be a translator in one fell swoop, and was moved and worried for Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan nodded: "Cornell’s spring semester is closed in May. The most difficult course of this semester is Professor McCarthy’s "Structural Elements". The works we participated in the CW design competition, even if the semester’s "Structural Elements" is big Homework, the remaining subjects are not difficult, just go back and take the final exam."

Unlike most universities in China today, Cornell School of Architecture is four semesters a year.

Xia Xiaolan came as an exchange student just in the spring semester.

School starts in mid-January, and the final exam week starts on May 8. It will be closed on May 15th.

Late May is the time for graduates to hold graduation ceremonies.

By the end of May, the summer semester will begin. There are 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks and other courses to choose from. What is the two-month summer vacation?

Xia Xiaolan explained to Zhou Cheng by the way.

Zhou Cheng understood that his daughter-in-law did not suddenly rise up and behave in front of Deng Changxing, but deliberately attracted Deng Changxing's attention in order to join the negotiation.

"You reminded Director Deng that you want him to put pressure on Du Zhaoji through Du Xingrong and drag him for a while?"

Xia Xiaolan nodded rather bachelor’s head, “Yes, I’m helping Du Zhaohui waste his brother’s time. Du Zhaohui helps me inquire about vase buyers in Hong Kong. The equivalent exchange is reasonable.”

Du Zhaohui might not think so.

Zhou Cheng thinks his wife's simple and rude way is very cute.

Cute, he wants to rub his face vigorously.

"The one just now was Du Zhaohui's younger brother, the son of the second room in the Du family, and the secretary next to him is familiar."

"It's Xiaoye, the **** we rescued from the trafficker on the train, did you forget?"

It sounds a lot like this.

Zhou Cheng didn't care about other women either. Ye Xiaoqiong was now a shrewd and capable female secretary. There was a gap between the image of the crying bag on the train. It would be good to be familiar with each other.

However, human fate is really unclear. Last year, I was almost abducted by traffickers and couldn't even afford train tickets. Now I am a female secretary next to Hong Kong's wealthy young master...From Shanghai to Hong Kong, Hong Kong to the United States , Ye Xiaoqiong is climbing really fast!

Ye Xiaoqiong should have recognized him.

I don't know what effect it will have on the negotiation.

Zhou Cheng didn’t believe in the fact that the grace of dripping water should be reported to Yongquan. Although he and Xiaolan helped Ye Xiaoqiong, Ye Xiaoqiong must be on Du Zhaoji's side now:

"You still have to guard against her. If you want to help Du Zhaohui, your position will be different."

As soon as Xia Xiaolan nodded, Deng Changxing and Song Zhicheng ran back with a pile of documents:

"Xiaoxia, come and study together."

Director Deng, a pragmatic cadre, how could there be Xia Xiaolan's ignorance before, and his attitude is very cordial and enthusiastic!

Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng looked at each other and smiled, and both turned over the information Deng Changxing had brought.

Because Song Zhicheng's state-owned enterprise wants to introduce it, Song Zhicheng also acts as a narrator, explaining to Xia Xiaolan from time to time-when Tang Hongen takes Liu Fen and Xia Xiaolan to the Xiangshan Courtyard, which Song family can value the mother and daughter!

Song Zhicheng's wife and daughter didn't talk to Liu Fen and Xia Xiaolan. Which one knew that Feng Shui took turns, so quickly transferred to the time when Xia Xiaolan and the Song family had an intersection, and the Song family still needed her help.

What does Song Zhicheng think?

Inexplicably a little bit jealous of Tang Hongen's good luck.

It is estimated that Tang Hongen's bad luck was over in the past few years when he was in the bullpen. The father promoted him and wanted Tang Hongen to have the ability to improve himself.

Who believes bad luck?

Remarrying in the middle-aged, and picking up a stepdaughter in half a while back, he still has the brain so that he has the ability.


After being led by Director Deng and Song Zhicheng for several hours of discussion, until nine o'clock in the evening, the two had nothing to say, and finally they were willing to let Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng stay alone for a while.

The two are not married. It is impossible for Deng Changxing and the others to arrange two unmarried comrades to live in the same room. Anyway, if two young couples stay in the same room, some people will have to think about it. Xia Xiaolan and Zhou Cheng can only chat in the public area of ​​the hotel.

Pulling the little hands is really amazing, and you can't be too intimate to stimulate those old-fashioned comrades.

Not just after being alone for a while, someone came to look for Xia Xiaolan.

"Wait for me outside the hotel? I'm not going, please come in!"

At night, the public security in New York is not very good. This is not a high-end hotel. It is a rather shabby hotel. Xia Xiaolan would never stay alone. She was at ease with Zhou Cheng by her side.

People who refuse to go out can only come in.

But it's Ye Xiaoqiong!

Zhou Cheng pointed to the entrance of the corridor, "I'll go there to smoke a cigarette, you two will talk, just call me if you have anything to do."

In the United States, it is not always okay to smoke at any time.

Public places are basically non-smoking areas. If you want to smoke, you have to go to a special area, which may be a separate room or a corner of the corridor.

Where Zhou Cheng goes, he can smoke, and he can also ensure that he has enough time to react to any dangers here.

Although Ye Xiaoqiong looked soft and weak, no one could tell.

Xia Xiaolan pointed to the chair beside her:

"Xiao Qiong, sit down and say slowly, come to see me so late, is there something wrong?"

The deceased in another country should have been happy, but if the occasion of the reunion was not so simple, Ye Xiaoqiong's purpose would not be too pure.

Zhou Cheng's reminder is still in her ears, and Xia Xiaolan herself knows it.

Ye Xiaoqiong gritted her teeth:

"Xiaolan, I know I'm too presumptuous to say this, but can you help me?"

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