Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1452: : Can't lose this job? (2 more)

"Oh, come and listen, what do you want me to do for you?"

Guessing what Ye Xiaoqiong came from, Xia Xiaolan was not disappointed at this time.

Everyone has different positions, and Ye Xiaoqiong didn't know that Xia Xiaolan was helping Du Zhaohui. He wanted to use the little scent of the past to play two shots with or without dates. What if Xia Xiaolan would be particularly happy to help her?

Ye Xiaoqiong was actually a little embarrassed.

After all, the education she received taught her to be vigorous, and asking for help is nothing.

Besides, Xia Xiaolan didn't owe her, but helped her. Now she wants to make Xia Xiaolan embarrassed——

"You saw it today. I work next to Du Zhaoji, the second young master of the Hongrong Group. Now the second young master wants to buy a production line, and the Chinese delegation also wants to buy it. I... I want to ask you to help."

Xia Xiaolan smiled and encouraged Ye Xiaoqiong to continue:

"What then? Did you hear that the American company wants to sell the production line to the Chinese delegation, because of Zhou Cheng, you want to come and let me help, hoping that the Chinese delegation can give up the competition?"

The truth is usually not too appealing.

Although Xia Xiaolan is smiling, she doesn't speak tactfully, but the truth is even worse.

Ye Xiaoqiong lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, if it were not for desperation, I would not come here. Du Er Shao really needs to buy the production line, and I also need this job..."

Xia Xiaolan said softly.

With a long tone, the shy Ye Xiaoqiong wanted to find a place to sew in.

"Xiao Qiong, your personal ability is very strong. You can become an effective female secretary next to Du Er Shao in such a short period of time. You can be valued by the Second Young Master and you can definitely find a job in other companies in Hong Kong. I know Du Er Shao You definitely need this production line. You also feel that you need the work given by Du Ershao. Have you ever thought about whether the Chinese delegation needs this production line?"

Why does the Chinese delegation give up?

If you don't buy this production line, Du Zhaoji can buy something else.

The United States has many restrictions on the mainland of China, but it is very lenient on Hong Kong!

The price that the Chinese delegation can buy is right, and the production line with the right technology may be this one. Finally, it is an opportunity to let Du Zhaoji, not to mention that Deng Changxing and Song Zhicheng will go crazy, even Xia Xiaolan can't agree.

Although she often calls herself a profiteer, she can still tell the difference.

If you buy a production line like this, you don’t see any impact on one or two items. If ten pieces and eight pieces are put together, it really has no impact on China at all?

Asking Xia Xiaolan to donate all her family property to support the country's construction can't be done, but when she is able to help, she will not refuse!

Even if she doesn't help each other at the same price as Du Zhaohui, she is willing to help... Ye Xiaoqiong doesn't want to lose her job, she can understand it, and she can't understand it when she comes here tonight.

Only Ye Xiaoqiong's work is called work?

Isn't it necessary to finish the work just like Deng Changxing does.

With a few words from Xia Xiaolan, the mocking Ye Xiaoqiong couldn't lift her head.

She opened her mouth to tell Xia Xiaolan about her situation, but found that she didn't know where to start.

It's not easy to say that you have a big revenge?

Said that she could not lose the job beside Du Zhaoji, because she was suffering day and night, and finally gained the trust of Du Zhaoji, she was not confident to replicate the abnormal promotion speed in the Yung Rong Group again?

She said, how can Xia Xiaolan feel the same way.

"Sorry, I don't think I should come this time, if I let you down, I'm sorry!"

Ye Xiaoqiong stood up and bowed.

Xia Xiaolan didn't stop her until she walked out of the hotel.

This is really impossible to help her.

Ye Xiaoqiong laughed at herself:

"I actually lived to look down upon myself. It's pathetic and shameful!"

She regarded Xia Xiaolan as a benefactor, but now she ran to her benefactor to be embarrassed. Even if she lost her face and didn't get things done, how would she face the second young master when she went back?


"I thought you would encourage her if you refused."

In the end, Ye Xiaoqiong was sent away very quickly, and he only finished smoking two cigarettes!

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "I encourage her to do something. I think she has a lot of ideas in her heart. Ye Xiaoqiong is no longer the kind of airbag we encountered on the train. She can stand firm next to Du Zhaoji. She has changed a lot!"

If Ye Xiaoqiong didn't say that he knew her and Zhou Cheng, how could Du Zhaoji let Ye Xiaoqiong come and run this time?

Ye Xiaoqiong chose to come, so no matter what he said, half of it was Ye Xiaoqiong's own meaning.

At least with a fluke, Xia Xiaolan will help her again.

Sorry, I am destined to disappoint Comrade Xiaoye!

Last time in Hong Kong, Xia Xiaolan reminded Ye Xiaoqiong vaguely that Du's house is not a peaceful place. A small company employee should not be involved in the Du's contention. Ye Xiaoqiong still plunged into this vortex... What can Xia Xiaolan do?

You choose the road yourself, and if you want high returns, you have to take high risks.

At that time, Xia Xiaolan didn't know that she would agree to help Du Zhaohui. Now it's okay. She and Ye Xiaoqiong are opposed to each other.

Xia Xiaolan's words were free and easy, and her tone seemed to be a little angry. Zhou Cheng stretched out her hand and rubbed her face: "Okay, why don't you be angry about other people's things? The road is chosen by yourself. The road ahead will be cliffs and cliffs. You still Can you predict it for others?"

"I'm not angry, I just think that a **** who originally looked at a pretty good **** has changed too quickly."

Xia Xiaolan's words are a bit more unpleasant, Xiaoye's behavior is a bit shameless.

In the business arena, there is nothing wrong with intrigues and deceptions. Is there a bottom line to be a man?

Anyway, Xia Xiaolan would not be able to run to find someone else, and open her mouth to make others give up the competition. Whether there is gratitude or hatred, why should people agree? The production line is about a business worth nearly tens of millions of dollars. How much profit can be created by buying it?

If Xia Xiaolan said this, she would have to give others equal compensation.

She is accustomed to win-win, even when multiple parties make profits at the same time, everyone will not suffer, and there will be business talks.

Ye Xiaoqiong opened her mouth to let the Chinese delegation suffer a loss and abandon the competitive production line, but did not say what to do to make up for the loss of the Chinese delegation...

Zhou Cheng drove her to bed:

"I refused, and I still think so much. You have to rest early, and you have to be an interpreter tomorrow."

Xia Xiaolan nodded her head, "I have to translate well, and I must make Du Er Shao feel hopeful. He wants to fix you. If Director Deng works harder, he will directly give Du Er Shao's support. Very disappointed."

As for whether Ye Xiaoqiong will lose his job because of this.

It's impossible to call Xia Xiaolan in charge.

She doesn't owe Ye Xiaoqiong.

If you lose your job, you can only say that Du Zhaoji's small belly chicken intestines is not a "good master" to follow!

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