Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1453: : Deadlock (3 more)

The next day Xia Xiaolan went to negotiate with Zhou Cheng and the others as an interpreter.

The situation is really not so good.

Mr. Elmer, the person in charge of the United States, did not agree to Du Zhaoji, but his attitude was a little perfunctory. Deng Changxing wanted to finalize the purchase contract, but Elmer made a little bit of prevarication and delay.

Deng Changxing and Song Zhicheng were worried, and said during the lunch break:

"Are they going back?"

Xia Xiaolan was helpless, "Du Er Shao directly increased the price by 1 million US dollars, who would have trouble with the US dollar? It would be nice not to regret it on the spot, leaving us time for activities!"

Either just follow the price, and the inspection team has an extra $1 million, which is equal to Du Zhaoji. With Harold's favor, it is impossible not to sell it to the Chinese inspection team.

However, Deng Changxing could never agree to increase the fare.

The production line originally worth US$8.7 million must be bought back for US$9.7 million. Who will bear the extra US$1 million?

Song Zhicheng's state-owned enterprise cannot accept it either!

Deng Changxing, as the cadre of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation who handles this matter, cannot be the master.

Deng Changxing was very anxious. He had already sent the news back to China. He was looking for people everywhere hoping to catch up with the chairman of the Hongrong Group. The Chinese delegation could not add 1 million US dollars, so Du Zhaoji had to give up the bid voluntarily... Deng Changxing affirmed Some compensation will be given to the Hongrong Group. It is uncertain whether the Hongrong Group is really close to China, but Deng Changxing already knows that the Hongrong Group has not only donated money to several universities in Beijing, but also has projects under construction in Pengcheng!

Amitabha, the information given by Xiao Xia is correct, so let's talk about it!

Deng Changxing stuffed the remaining burgers into his mouth and patted the crumbs on his hands: "Drag it and see who did it! Anyway, the rest of the delegation started the next trip, and the few of us stayed in New York. ."

The rest of the delegation had already gone to other cities, and the only ones who stayed in New York were Zhou Cheng, Deng Changxing and Song Zhicheng, and they did not delay the itinerary of the delegation.

The drag happened just enough to give him time to contact the Hongrong Group.

Deng Changxing thought to himself, can he still listen to Lao Tzu when he is a son? If Du Xingrong speaks, Du Zhaoji can't raise the fare here!

Xia Xiaolan also had the same idea.

This is a tug-of-war. Du Zhaoji is anxious to introduce production lines, and the Chinese delegation cannot let go.

Then it depends on who can drag him. Harold wants to return Zhou Cheng's "life-saving grace". That Mr. Elmer was very touched by Du Zhaoji's offer, but he didn't agree-as long as Zhou Cheng didn't talk about China's inspection If the group is no longer bought, Mr. Elmer will not reach an agreement with Du Zhaoji.

"It seems I will take a few more days off."

Xia Xiaolan smiled and said, Deng Changxing wants to understand, and is not as anxious as before: "This time it is really troublesome for Xiaoxia. Your translation level is also very good. I can't lose to the professionals arranged by the embassy."

This is Deng Changxing's brainless boast.

Xia Xiaolan's level is better than the average Chinese, after all, she won the English competition award.

But it’s not as good as a professional translation... Deng Changxing feels that Xia Xiaolan is easy to use because Xia Xiaolan is better at mastering the rhythm of business negotiations. Song Zhicheng and others can also feel more intuitively, this is very helpful for negotiation!

"Director Deng, when we have reached an agreement with Mr. Elmer, we need a lawyer to intervene. Does the delegation have any familiar lawyers here? If not..."

If not, she can also introduce it.

Chinese people are not used to the idea of ​​lawyers. For many years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, everyone did not have the concept of "lawyers".

It was not until 1979 that the reform and opening up were proposed, and gradually contacted foreign investors. With this demand, it was only in 1983 that the Pengcheng Judicial Bureau reported to the Guangdong Provincial Judicial Department that it would establish a lawyer's office in the Pengcheng Shekou Industrial Zone. The report.

The Guangdong Provincial Department of Justice gave special approval, and the "Shekou Lawyers Office" was established!

Up to now, it has only been two or three years. It is still not the habit of Chinese people to find a lawyer for things, including many cadres and state-owned enterprise leaders who can go abroad. It costs money to find a lawyer. It has caused a lot of evil results, and being deceived in foreign economic and trade activities is no exception!

Foreigners are also very treacherous.

Anyone who has a formal contract wants to find loopholes, let alone those that are not so formal.

Deng Changxing thought of some tragic past, his expression solemn:

"You must find a lawyer, this money can't be saved!"

Listening to Xiaoxia's tone, even the lawyer knew him.

Look, a capable little girl is not only capable on one hand, Deng Changxing admires Xia Xiaolan's eyes.

This world, that's how it is. Only capable young men can find capable young girls and join forces... Isn't it fair? What is unfair! Regardless of men and women, if you are not good enough, how can you find good people? It is impossible for a good target to fall from the sky, and save ordinary young men and women like "poverty alleviation"!

Naturally, Xia Xiaolan didn't know what insights Director Deng was thinking about.

When I went back to pick up the car after lunch, I ran into Du Zhaoji who had just arrived in the parking lot with someone.

This time, many people followed Du Zhaoji, but Ye Xiaoqiong disappeared.

Ye Xiaoqiong was really fired?

Du Zhaoji's hands and feet are really fast.

Xia Xiaolan didn't say anything, Du Zhaoji ignored them, and brought someone upstairs.

Both parties want to buy a production line. Now that the negotiations have reached a deadlock, they have to rely on their own skills!

Zhou Cheng whispered: "It's none of your business if Ye Xiaoqiong loses her job."

"Naturally it's none of my business, I'm wondering if Jiang Yan is coming to America soon..."

Jiang Yan is here, and then grandma Yu and her mother will arrive, and everything is getting together. I really hope that Du Zhaohui can find a Hong Kong buyer of the vase soon, so she always has new hope for grandma Yu to sustain it!


"The negotiations have reached a deadlock?"

Harold himself had a lot of mess to deal with, so he didn't care about the purchase of the production line by the Chinese delegation. He had already said hello, and it was easy to do if he wanted to.

Unexpectedly, another buyer, unwilling to let go, even increased the price by one million dollars in one breath.

"Yes, sir, the negotiation has reached a deadlock. If you don't increase your help, the China delegation where Mr. Zhou is located may not be able to buy the production line."

Butler Allen pointed out this fact.

Harold was noncommittal, "If you can't buy it, it means that they are not strong enough. I am already paying back the favor by allowing them to have this opportunity."

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That Zhou Cheng begged him by himself.

The Maotou boy is very arrogant. He will not accept a million checks. Now the negotiation has reached a deadlock. I think I regret not accepting the checks, right?

It is unlikely that another buyer will continue to increase the price. If the Huaguo delegation can earn more than US$1 million, it will buy the production line smoothly!

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