Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1458: : Negotiation is like flying a kite (4 more)

There is a song that says that being in love is like flying a kite.

Too tight made him suffocate, and his feelings naturally fell to the ground.

It's too loose, and the man will go away like a kite again, and will not return when he is blown away by the wind.

Xia Xiaolan's views on this kind of relationship between men and women are noncommittal, but she feels that the negotiation in the business field is just flying a kite.

The direction of the wind is erratic, and the line of the kite needs to be tight and loose.

If two people want to buy one thing, of course the seller has the final say.

Both buyers have expressed their intention to withdraw, and the seller will panic.

The attitude of cooperation must be sincere, and the price that should be suppressed must be suppressed. This is Xia Xiaolan's suggestion.

Because of the information she said, the competitor Du Zhaoji successfully retreated. Now Deng Changxing trusts her especially, ignores Song Zhicheng's opinions, and has a clear attitude to support Xia Xiaolan's price reduction.

Since he wanted to keep the price down, he had to perform a full set of tricks. On the hotel side, Deng Changxing returned the room and made an attitude of packing up and leaving New York. As expected, Elmer couldn’t stand it. The next day was 10 o’clock in the morning. I called and invited Xia Xiaolan and his party to the company to have a talk.


To talk is to negotiate a price reduction.

Deng Changxing didn't take Joe either. The four of them left their luggage at the front desk of the hotel and ran to see Elmer.

The two sides saw each other, Elmer did not agree to sell the production line at a price cut of $500,000.

That 450,000?


Anyway, test Elmer's bottom line again and again.

When the refund reached 300,000 U.S. dollars, Xia Xiaolan felt that the heat was almost over, and she hinted to Deng Changxing that Deng Changxing would not make any more concessions.

Elmer was very angry:

"This is too much, this behavior is destroying the friendship between our two sides!"

Mr. Elmer was wronged like a 200-pound child.

Her tone also seemed to say "Tutu is so cute, how can you eat it", Xia Xiaolan also admitted that Tutu is so cute-so cute, you must put more peppers and coriander when you eat it, otherwise it won't be fragrant!

He insisted on not letting go of the $8.4 million offer.

I also mixed up for lunch at Elmer's company.

By 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Elmer yelled that the Chinese are shrewd devils, and finally gave in.

The most astute in business is the Jews, what is the matter with the Chinese people.

Deng Changxing happily shook hands with Elmer: "Then let's draw up the contract. The delegation invited the lawyer from A&G Firm."

Elmer had noticed it a long time ago that the Chinese delegation had scared him when he was leaving. No, as soon as he agreed to lower the price, he knew that the other party had hired the lawyer in advance.

But just as Zhou Cheng guessed, after releasing Du Zhaoji, Elmer didn't actually have much choice. He always wanted to sell the production line.

At $8.4 million, Elmer's company is still profitable.

For Deng Changxing, it saved 300,000 US dollars in foreign exchange!

How many pairs of cloth shoes can I earn by exporting 300,000 US dollars?

After leaving Elmer’s company, Director Deng also rarely became generous:

"Xia Xia is going back to Ithaca to take the final exam, right? It just so happens that we have a good meal tonight. Thank you Xia Xia for your hard work these days!"

Xia Xiaolan was flattered when the iron rooster plucked its hair.

"Director Deng, you don't have to eat, right?"

Deng Changxing waved his hand, "How can we not eat, because of your outstanding performance, we not only bought the production line, but also saved 300,000 US dollars in foreign exchange. Of course, Xiao Zhou also contributed to it. It was his righteous deeds that stabilized Mr. Elmer. Over there, let us have time to operate in the country..."

Deng Changxing talked about Xing Zhengnong, and Xia Xiaolan couldn't interrupt him.

After he finished speaking, Zhou Cheng said: "Leader, look at Xiaolan after running for our inspection team in the past two days. She will have the final exam tomorrow and she is still in New York today. She almost missed her business. , I wondered if I could ask you a few days off."

It will take about two days to finalize the contract after the negotiation is completed, and then Deng Changxing and Song Zhicheng will join the large group of the inspection team, and Zhou Cheng obviously does not want to go.

Deng Changxing had an accident, and then he urged earnestly:

"Young people have a strong sense of affection, so do they have to do their work first... Then, is it enough for me to give you five more days?"

Zhou Cheng arrived in the United States on April 15 and will return to the city with the group on May 15.

It is already May 7th, and I will give it another 5 days, which is the 12th. He also needs time to join the inspection team in advance to complete the final itinerary, otherwise he can only return to China alone-something that is absolutely not in compliance with discipline, how could Deng Changxing allow it? Zhou Cheng made this mistake?

Zhou Cheng knew it in his heart.

Director Deng has already given great convenience!

I will accept it as soon as I see it, and I sincerely thank Director Deng.

In the end, Deng Changxing insisted on the treat for the meal. Four people ate less than $40. Director Deng was so distressed that he was breathing gas between his teeth. Xia Xiaolan wanted to pay, but Deng Changxing did not allow it.

Xia Xiaolan didn't know what to say.

Respect a simple cadre like Deng Changxing from the heart!

Xia Xiaolan drove back to Ithaca overnight. Only when she and Zhou Cheng were two, she asked:

"You have been abroad for a month, and you have stayed with me. Will others have opinions after returning to China?"

Xia Xiaolan is not afraid of anything else, afraid of trivial matters, and returns to China to report Zhou Cheng or something.

"Then why do you think I went abroad? You can take the exam at ease. Aunt Liu and Grandma Yu are coming soon, I'm sure to receive them and arrange them. You will take the exam first, and I will take them to San Francisco!"

It turned out that it was for this reason to ask for leave.

If it weren't for driving, she would really like to jump up and kiss Zhou Cheng.

This is what her family Chengzi is like, and she is always thinking about it for her.

The feelings need to be vigorous, but it is impossible to stage the separation of love and hate every moment. When it is a little flat, the only thing that makes Xia Xiaolan feel "love" except for the company is Zhou Cheng's move to share the worries for her.

What is a partner?

In addition to hormonal attraction, there is also taking care of each other!


Tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk.

The way of knocking on the door that is neither light nor heavy, with a sense of rhythm, must be Allen's butler undoubtedly.

"Come in."

Allen knew he was working, and it wouldn't bother him if there was nothing important. Harold just wanted to stop and rest for a while and listen to the news that Allen had brought him.

"Sir, the Chinese delegation has discussed the introduction of the production line."

Allen felt that Mr. Harold would be more disappointed. Based on his understanding of his employer, Harold was definitely waiting for Zhou Cheng to bow his head and ask for help—it was for nothing, the Chinese delegation actually negotiated the business by themselves.

Harold looked up as expected:

"Did they increase the price?"

For the vain self-esteem, I would rather pay more without asking him for help.

Harold thought Zhou Cheng was ridiculously arrogant.

Butler Allen shook his head: "No, sir, as far as I know, the final transaction price between the two parties was 8.4 million U.S. dollars, which is a drop of 300,000 U.S. dollars from the initial offer."

Did not increase the price, but negotiated the price instead?

Could it be that Alan was telling a joke, or he underestimated the value of his own face, and Elmer actually accepted the $8.4 million offer.

It's ridiculous!

Harold sneered. "She must have helped."

What kind of ability to rely on a woman!

Allen butler silently sighed, Mr. Zhou can fight against the gunmen for Miss Xia, and Miss Xia helps Mr. Zhou's investigation group to negotiate business. Is it weird?

They are always lovers.

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