Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1459: : I hate iron but not steel (plus)

May 8.

Xia Xiaolan ushered in the day of final exams at Cornell University.

This is also the time for Jiang Yan to undergo surgery by Dr. Bellman.

Even if Zhou Cheng is ruthless, he should go to the hospital at this time. After all, Jiang Yan is going to receive the first repair operation in a foreign country. There is no relatives around him, and it will be more at ease to have friends.

Xia Xiaolan happily approved Zhou Cheng to go over:

"You don't want to go back to Ithaca tonight. It's so troublesome to run around. Aren't you going to pick up my mother and Grandma Yu at the airport tomorrow? I will live in New York tonight."

Jiang Yan had surgery in the afternoon, and Zhou Cheng watched Xiaolan enter the examination room before leaving.

"Take a good exam and let the people at Cornell take a look. My daughter-in-law is the best anywhere."

Zhou Cheng has confidence in Xia Xiaolan.

Daisy and others were worried that Xia Xiaolan actually took a week off before the exam. She didn't see her review, and she didn't know how well these courses would be tested. The only thing I don't need to worry about is Professor McCarthy's "Structural Elements". The usual homework is great. Xia Xiaolan is at least an A. Whether he can get an A+ depends on how the big devil judges it.

Professor Lipton, who was unfortunately hit by a stray bullet at the CW awards site, was also discharged. He appeared on the Cornell University campus when the exam week arrived. However, it takes time for the wound to heal completely. Professor Lipton's actions are still slow. Swallowed.

He would like to thank his colleague McCarthy for not abandoning him in a critical moment, but to stop the bleeding for him at the risk of being hit by a stray bullet.

Watching the students start taking exams in the classroom, Professor Lipton groaned:

"Do you value the exchange student from China? I prefer the designer of "Library on the Cliff". Her work is full of spirituality. Students do not need to consider so many practical issues. Pure design is better...Professor McCarthy , Are you listening to me?"

Abominable hook nose.

Although he was treated, he was still very unpleasant. Professor Lipton felt that McCarthy did not respect him enough for not listening to him!

McCarthy’s hooked nose reveals the emotion of "I’m not happy," and even Professor Lipton can see it. He valued Xia Xiaolan, but Xia Xiaolan refused the invitation of P&W and his proposal.

Xia Xiaolan is not willing to stay at Cornell!


Isn't Cornell not good enough, or is he not good enough to teach!

What a confused Chinese girl.

What was rejected by Xia Xiaolan will not be told to others if he is killed by McCarthy's temper.

In fact, Ning Xue also refused the invitation of P&W, but McCarthy was not angry at all. Because Ning Xue told him that he wanted to work in a German GMP firm, students have the freedom to choose a firm. Ning Xue obviously has a clear plan for her career future, and McCarthy respects her choice very much.

P&W can invite Ning Xue, and according to the current trend, it is normal for Ning Xue to go to GMP.

But Xia Xiaolan... Xia Xiaolan is totally joking about her career prospects. It is better to return to the Chinese National Assembly than to stay in Cornell to develop?


The world's top architect firms don't even recognize the architectural qualifications from China.

It is extremely difficult to return to China on the platform of Cornell University.

McCarthy's anger, in the Chinese old saying, hates iron but not steel, Professor Lipton can't understand his mood at all.

McCarthy retracted his attention.

Such a student who doesn't want to be motivated still wants to get an A+ from him?


"No, I don't value her, she is not worthy of me!"

Professor McCarthy's answer stunned Lipton.

Not valued, not worth it?

Then, in the CW finals, what kind of championship will you fight for her!

Lipton thought he had been fooled, and his anger overwhelmed his gratitude to McCarthy:

"Don't be so careful, I won't grab this girl student with you!"


In the classroom, Xia Xiaolan had no idea that the two professors were upset because of her trouble.

She couldn’t estimate how disappointed Professor McCarthy was in her. Xia Xiaolan took everything seriously, and she had to take the exam seriously. When she returned to China, she swiped an “A” on her transcript. Comrade Lao Mao would Thankfully, the Huaqing Department of Architecture also recognizes it.

"At this time, my mother and Grandma Yu should have already boarded the plane from Hong Kong."

Tang Hongen asked Min Xiaoju to come with him. Xia Xiaolan was not worried about the safety of Liu Fen and Grandma Yu on the way. However, accidents happened when they were away, and Xia Xiaolan would always miss Liu Fen and Grandma Yu if they did not arrive in New York.

Trying to suppress distracting thoughts, Xia Xiaolan decided to concentrate on the exam.

Only one subject was taken a day. When she finished the exam, Zhou Cheng had not yet arrived in New York.

It was not until 3 o'clock in the afternoon that Zhou Cheng called Wen's house from the New York Hospital:

"Not long after I arrived, Jiang Yan's surgery has already begun."

"Oh, how is her condition?"

What's the status?

I must be happy to see him coming, and I talked to him for a while while preparing for the operation.

"It seems very confident that Jiang Yan will be able to learn more about Dr. Bellman in the hospital these past two days, and the two sides have established a good relationship of trust."

That is the state is very good.

The one who complained about it was the operation, and the one who was happy was the operation. The patient's mood affected the progress of the recovery, and Jiang Yan was the best to face it positively. It was not in vain that she took the initiative to let Zhou Cheng go to New York, Xia Xiaolan thought about it, she was so kind.

When Jiang Yan was pushed out of the operating room, it was almost 7 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Cheng called Xia Xiaolan again:

"Dr. Bellman said that the first operation was a success!"

"That's good."

Xia Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you going to stay in the hospital tonight?"

It still feels weird to have a caregiver.

Zhou Cheng may feel the same way, he can no longer vain Gu Jiang Yan's gender differences as before.

Now that you know that Jiang Yan likes him, and he can't respond, then don't do anything that makes Jiang Yan misunderstand:

"No, I will wait until the effect of her anesthetic is over, and she will leave when she is conscious. Don't worry about where I don't live. Director Deng and the others are still in New York, so I can just squeeze it all night."

Xia Xiaolan coughed slightly: "Comrade Zhou Cheng, for your active avoidance of suspicion and timely reporting of your whereabouts, I want to praise you!"

Zhou Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, so she had to coax her to go to bed earlier.

The two talked for half an hour before hanging up, and Hu Ying brought her milk:

"Your mother will be in New York tomorrow. Are they back in Ithaca?"

Xia Xiaolan shook her head, "My mother definitely wants to come, but grandma Yu's body and mood may not be suitable for such a trip. When she gets off the plane tomorrow, she will accept the bad news that her son may have died long ago. I'm not there yet. I don't know if Zhou Cheng can Take care of this."

It's really a tragedy on earth to send a white-haired person to a black-haired person.

Substitute yourself into grandma and think about it. If Mannie had any accident, Hu Ying would collapse on the spot.

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