Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1473: : The first family letter 18 years later (1 more)

What a special apology.

It is also a unique scene of mutual encounters.

Originally, he went to Professor McCarthy's office to draw a lottery, but he was surprised to see such a scene.

Heidi's strength is simply not enough, and he was dragged down in the CW game.

But this exchange student is also very strong, not as accustomed to forbearance as ordinary Chinese students.

Such a person would not be willing to be a green leaf to set off someone... This is more troublesome.

Xia Xiaolan actually said that she was not qualified for evaluation because she did not get an A+. This is the case, and it would be too much to say it! Heidi could not refute, and quickly left Professor McCarthy's office.

Jonathan thought for a while, and followed him.

If you can't be a couple, you can still be friends. With Heidi's character, I'm afraid it's uncomfortable at this time.

Jonathan didn’t want to see Heidi’s depression. It was an opportunity to go to Foster for an internship. He wanted to persuade Heidi to calm down and focus on this internship-although it was a lottery that determined their respective destinations, this time Internship is not another kind of competition, which firm can win the Wilson Hotel project, and what kind of performance the 10 interns have in the process, not only is the school of architecture watching, but also affects everyone’s future after graduation !

He has to tell Heidi that it doesn’t matter if he loses before. The two months of internship in the firm is a brand new start. No matter the number, there is no difference in the eyes of the firm. They are all undergraduates majoring in architecture at Cornell University. , Everyone is exactly the same starting point.

The Daisy trio were still dumbfounded.

Heidi really apologized, still in front of Professor McCarthy.

Although the apology is finished and hatred, after all, it is also an apology.

Not long after fluttering, McCarthy suddenly hummed:

"I have already won the bet, don't you hurry up?"


"I have to prepare for the lesson now, please leave."

The big devil was really indifferent, and Xia Xiaolan was interrupted by him, making it clear that he did not want to communicate with Xia Xiaolan.

Can she keep silent? She still has to take other courses taught by Professor McCarthy. The Devil is so naive ==

Leaving the office, Daisy wailed:

"Xia, I don't want to be separated from you! We are a team!"

"Of course we are a team, but I went to GMP, you and Lyle were in Foster, and Richard went to P&W. No matter where the four of us are, we can’t relax! We are a team and we want to be an architecture school. The best team!"

Xia Xiaolan hugged Daisy and patted her on the back.

Lyle was sucked tightly by what she said:

"Xia is right. As long as we work hard, we can do anything. The opportunity for an internship in a large office was originally only for top students like Jonathan. Now, we are the same starting point as Jonathan! Scenario simulations are true. Now, the electronic square has been put into construction. Is there anything else impossible?"

The scenario simulation that Lyle said was the encouragement Xia Xiaolan gave them when he was designing "Electronic Plaza" and asked them to pretend to be designing projects for the client. Lyle imagined himself as working in a large office... Is everything a fantasy? ? No, they are indeed designing the electronic plaza for the client, and now he is indeed going to work at Foster!

Although only 2 months.

OMG, Lyle really loves this internship opportunity!

Xia Xiaolan joked with the three people, and found Liu Fen three people in the school.

"Xiaolan, what's it like?"

"It's okay. The professor asked us to draw lots to decide where to go for the internship. A senior student and I are going to a GMP office in Germany. Of course we don't have to go to Germany. It has an office in New York."

Xia Xiaolan was full of spirits, and Liu Fen was very proud.

Liu Fen also didn't think that going to school was a delay in doing business and making money. These two things did not conflict. The more knowledge you learn, the smarter your brain will be. It will definitely help you do business.

And in such an environment, Xiaolan is obviously happy and enjoys it, and Liu Fen is very happy about it!

Grandma Yu beat her leg, "Xiaolan is going to do an internship for two months. It's boring for us to stay in the United States. We've seen everything that should be seen, so let's pack things up and go back in these two days."


Grandma Yu interrupted Liu Fen, "Everything that should be done is done. It depends on the person and the day. Whether there is a result may not depend on the present. I have waited for 20 years, and I don't care if I continue to wait!"

As long as people live, there is hope.

If it was to find a son, and Liu Fen's mother and daughter were harmed, Grandma Yu would not be able to do such a thing.

Thinking of giving up, I must be very uncomfortable. Xia Xiaolan introduced her as "grandma" in front of her classmates before, prompting Grandma Yu to make a more decisive and straightforward decision!

Xia Xiaolan set out to book their return tickets again.

From San Francisco to New York, New York to Ithaca, and back to New York, changing places so frequently, Min Xiaoju finally found that someone was following them:

"The action is very concealed. Who would have thought that they would be homeless? They are already everywhere, lazily staying on the side of the road."

Xia Xiaolan pondered, "Do you think it's weird? It's a tramp who is monitoring us. It's a coincidence and a contradiction that we told us that the mouse has a strong identity before!"

The homeless man who ran away for only $100 would not be a gangster in San Francisco. How can there be a gang that pits his own.

This thing is very strange.

What's even stranger is that when Xia Xiaolan sent Liu Fen and Grandma Yu to the airport, a black kid didn't know where he came from and bumped into Liu Fen. Liu Fen was okay. The black child fell to the ground. Liu Fen subconsciously helped the child. When she shook her hands, someone put something on her palm.

Like stacked papers.

Liu Fen was a person who had watched the open-air movie "The Letter from Chicken Feather", and he was immediately excited.

She just came back to her senses, the airport security has come, and the black child crawled around the airport lobby like a loach, and soon disappeared.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Liu Fen shook his head, "Xiaolan, I want to go to the toilet."

I just went there ten minutes ago.

Grandma Yu looked at her strangely, "Let's go, I'll accompany you."

What the **** is going on in Effinguri?

Naturally, Xia Xiaolan had no objection. Many people were not used to going to the bathroom on the plane. They were always nervous before getting on the plane. She asked Min Xiaoju to go with him and stay by herself to check the baggage.

The daughter didn't understand what she meant, and Liu Fen couldn't say it in public, and was very anxious.

I can only go to the bathroom with Grandma Yu. In the compartment, I spread out my palms and lowered my voice:

"That kid just gave it."

Grandma Yu’s heart thumped, her hands trembling unfolded the folded paper, white paper and black writing, vigorous writing, a bit familiar, but also a bit strange——

"Go back to China!"

Go back to China?

Who is telling her to go back to China?

With tears in her dry eyes, Grandma Yu didn't even believe it. She probably received the first letter from home after 1968.

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