Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1474: : Yu Grandma's Premonition (2 more)

"Aunt Yu..."

Grandma Yu looked at it over and over again, and after confirming that she wrote four words, she put the paper in her pocket and wiped her tears with her sleeve:

"I'm fine, it's the little bug that has lost his eyes."

She shook her head slightly, beckoning Liu Fen not to mention the note. If a letter from a family has to be so troublesome to be handed over to her, you must not let others know about it.

As the old saying goes, the walls have ears, and Grandma Yu thinks it makes sense.

After all, this is a place for foreigners.

Only after returning to China can I feel at ease.

Whose heart is safe?

An Zhongyi's heart!

Grandma Yu will never admit her mistake, this is the handwriting of her son Xu Zhongyi.

Not seen in 20 years, a person's handwriting must have changed, and this change is acceptable to grandma. As long as the foundation stays the same, she can recognize it—the first time Xu Zhongyi took a pen when he was a child, it was taught by her husband hand by hand, and the handwriting of the father and son is the same.

Zhong Yi told her to go back to China, and it was impossible to harm her.

Zhong Yi is still alive.

This is a fact, no one can guess, this note can prove everything!

Grandma Yu carefully sorted out her embarrassment, and the big mirror in the airport bathroom reflected her appearance. Her eyes were red, but the corners of her mouth were always upright.

"Affin, don't show anything strange, just take it that nothing happened."

Liu Fen nodded:

"I can do it."

She definitely couldn't do it before. Now Liu Fen is making progress. If she doesn't hide her thoughts, she won't be able to succeed in business.

The two wandered around in the bathroom and went out for a long time.

Xia Xiaolan thought the two of them were strange, but didn't think much about it, thinking that Liu Fen and Grandma Yu were reluctant to bear her.

"Don't worry, I can take care of myself alone, and Connie will look after me when I am intern in New York."

Liu Fen resisted and said nothing.

When Xia Xiaolan sent them on the plane, Grandma Yu suddenly hugged Xia Xiaolan uncharacteristically, and whispered in her ear: "Zhong Yi contacted me. I read the note he sent them. He asked me to go back to China. He is really alive! Zhong Yi is so careful, I can't make him worry, I have to listen to him and wait for him in China... Xiaolan, don't check it down, I have a hunch that Zhong Yi will meet himself Come see us!"

Grandma Yu's words are very informative.


Just now the black child hit her mother, and her mother suddenly said that she was going to the bathroom.

The message delivered at that moment?

Since Xu Zhongyi can send a message, why don’t you contact grandma earlier, even if you send a text message like this, telling Grandma Yu that he is still alive — Xia Xiaolan’s loss of consciousness, Grandma Yu has already patted her on the back, so it is natural to be with her Separate.

"The flight from New York to Tokyo, Japan is coming soon..."

It's time to board the plane!

Xia Xiaolan waved at Liu Fen's trio. Liu Fen looked back three steps:

"Go back, we'll call you when we get home."

When I got home, I said I was in Pengcheng.

Xia Xiaolan nodded and stood still until the backs of the three people disappeared.

"Jim is still tracing the antiques that Xu Zhongyi brought out. Xu Zhongyi sent a message to Grandma Yu to let Grandma Yu know that he is still alive, so I don't want to continue the investigation?"

Why not.

Will it disrupt Xu Zhongyi's original layout?

Xia Xiaolan thought Xu Zhongyi was stupid at first. According to some clues now known, he may be a good man protected by his grandmother and his wife. He lacked independent living experience when he went abroad, but he was definitely not stupid.

It’s impossible for an idiot to survive such a situation. He was not killed by the gang. The gang has been looking for him for a long time. He can be patient in the basement of Benfield’s house for half a year and wait for the wind to escape before escaping. It’s really patient. .

When he was seriously injured, he didn't faint somewhere else, but it was in the back alley of Field's house. It seemed that Field could save him.

Such a person has suddenly undergone major changes. For many years, he has not been in contact with Grandma Yu, and perhaps it is really impossible to contact.

The more Xia Xiaolan thinks about it, the more creepy she gets. Xu Zhongyi doesn't know what kind of trouble she is in. It's definitely not just as simple as gang robbery. This time I went to San Francisco for an autopsy to find people, and the pool seemed to be muddier...If they didn't find the past, no After making such a big noise, Xu Zhongyi doesn't plan to let Grandma Yu know that he is still alive?

Thinking about it this way, it seems like another **** thing.

Ever thought that the old mother would be worried?

There are thousands of reasons, as long as you want to see, you can always get in touch secretly. Grandma Yu is not the kind of ignorant old lady who cannot bear the pressure. Just now I learned that Xu Zhongyi is still alive, and she was very calm!

Xia Xiaolan cursed Xu Zhongyi a few words in her heart.

Anyway, she is more familiar with Grandma Yu, and has no sympathy with Xu Zhongyi, and there is no pressure to scold her.

When leaving the airport, Xia Xiaolan was also a little nervous, always driving the car to see the tramp on the side of the road.

Hold it back, it's impossible for all the tramp to be sent by others to watch, and if it is true, she can't show any strangeness.

Xia Xiaolan has to see a good house. She will report to the GMP New York office tomorrow. She will live in New York in the next two months, and it is impossible to stay at Winmany's house forever.

The couple is earnestly repairing the relationship between husband and wife. What is it like for her to be an adult at someone else's house?

But tonight Wen Manni invited her to stay at home, so Xia Xiaolan couldn't refuse.

Winmany also deliberately got off work early today:

"Klaus is on a business trip...Don't look at me like that. It's a real business trip. We don't need to wait for him to eat. Today I want to send your mother and the others. The law firm is too busy!"

Xia Xiaolan can fully understand that Winmani went to San Francisco several times for her grandmother's affairs, and insisted that there was no fee for legal aid, not only did she have no income, but also delayed a lot of other work before and after. Now she must be very busy just returning to New York.

"Connie, I can fully understand. I have asked my friend to rent the apartment, and after going to the GMP report tomorrow, I will move in directly."

Winmany nodded, "New York is different from the suburbs. If you don't want to be late for work tomorrow, go out earlier. Traffic jams are not only a daily routine for me."

As for workplace experience?

Winmany didn't mention it.

Many things other people say are useless, and the interns must have experienced it before they can understand. Wen Manni thinks that Xia Xiaolan is so smart and she will learn quickly.

"Don't be too nervous!"

Xia Xiaolan nodded obediently. She was actually not nervous at all. Xia Xiaolan had already experienced this step from school to the workplace. Nervous is not nervous, she is a little excited instead.

The GMP firm can be ranked within the top ten in the world. This is why she wants to get a good university entrance exam in this life. She does not expect to assign jobs after graduation, but wants such a platform, from Anqing to Beijing, from Huaqing to Cornell.

After graduating from the previous life, she was forced to switch careers as a salesperson. In this life, she was able to go to a top firm for an internship after only two years of university studies. Mr. Xia was very satisfied with the improvement-it is not important to stay in GMP, but she can definitely study in GMP. No one can take away things and knowledge.

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