Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1475: : Qiu Ye's realm (3 more)

Hong Kong.

"Master Qiu is not here?"

Du Zhaohui didn't believe it.

Chai Hai, who has been dealing with him all the time, nodded very sincerely, "Du Shao, I'm really sorry, Master Qiu encountered some trouble looking for goods this time, and has never returned to Hong Kong. It is not that his old man does not want to see you. As for you, you said you want to buy a vase and hide it. The family is unwilling to make a move, and we can't forcefully **** the vase over, right! Or, would you change another bottle?"

It's so perverted that I have to point to a bottle and touch it.

Can't you change the vase?

Chai Hai can see clearly that Du Zhaohui has no appreciation for antique vases, so why is he obsessed with a vase?

Du Zhaohui's expression is not good.

Xia Xiaolan asked him to find the other vases. Although I don't know what Xia Xiaolan did for this bottle, it would be better to buy the bottle. It's a pity that the owner of the bottle doesn't sell it alive and dead. No matter how many times Du Zhaohui finds Chai Hai, he gets the same result.

Can Du Zhaohui not be angry? Don't ask him to know who the owner of the vase is. Knowing that he really can't control his feeling of wanting to hit someone.

"Hmph, no matter how good other vases are, they are not what I am after. I don't believe that Master Qiu can never return to Hong Kong. I will visit again in a few days."

The rich and the young are really mentally ill.

Chai Hai heard that Young Master Du is doing business in the Mainland, and recently he has made a lot of noise. Even Yeh Qiu himself is unwilling to offend the rich in Hong Kong City easily... But for someone with an abnormal mind like Du Young, Chai Hai It's really irritable to deal with.

Du Zhaohui said that he would come to visit in a few days, and Chai Haitou was big.

Chai Hai left the villa as he sent Du Zhaohui away and drove all the way to a remote place.

Mr. Qiu’s private auctions are always held in luxury villas, but none of the villas belong to Mr. Qiu’s name. Those villas are rented. Subordinates like Chai Hai who want to deal with some wealthy buyers can Living in a villa, and all going in and out of the house, Qiu Ye himself lives in a village house.

Village houses are where the indigenous people of Hong Kong live. They are in the countryside of Hong Kong. Generally, people with a little wealth don't look down on them.

But Master Qiu lived very comfortably.

Chai Hai was also thinking that Master Qiu couldn't afford to buy a villa. He didn't know how he used to be. In the past few years, Master Qiu's network has been established and he has made money.

It is obvious that people who live in village houses want to swell their faces and fill up fat people to rent villas, which is called vanity.

Can buy a villa but live in a village house, this is called realm.

Chai Hai didn't understand the realm of Master Qiu, and he didn't dare to think too much, and he only listened to Master Qiu's instructions.

The car turned round and round, and finally drove to the place. Because it was night, the village was quite quiet. Chai Hai asked him to stop the car and walk over by himself. There were a few dog barks from time to time in the village. Hong Kong was already very hot in June, and Chai Hai was already sweating when he walked to the end of the village.

The broken wooden door was faltering, and Chai Hai knocked carefully.

With a creak, the door was opened, and a very thin man opened the door. There was no electric light in the yard, so he could only look at his figure in the moonlight. On such a hot day, Master Qiu was wearing long-sleeved trousers, as if not affected by the weather at all. This was another realm that Chai Hai could not understand.

Chai Hai lowered his head:

"Master Qiu."

"Come in, don't stand at the door, there are many mosquitoes here."

Master Qiu's voice didn't sound fierce at all.

Some people in Hong Kong have never seen Master Qiu, but they say everywhere that Master Qiu is cruel, he is a man who dares to dig his ancestral grave for money-really nonsense, if Master Qiu pays attention to material enjoyment, he would have lived in luxury long ago. After living, where would you live in the country to feed mosquitoes?

However, Master Qiu made so much money, and he didn't like to enjoy it. Chai Hai really didn't know where the money was spent.

Chai Hai is only responsible for part of the business in Hong Kong. Master Qiu's business network is not small. There are people in the Mainland and some people in some parts of Southeast Asia. They are only responsible to Master Qiu and will not meet and contact each other.

In the corner of this yard, there are still some bottles and cans piled up. They look inconspicuous, but they are all antiques shipped back to Hong Kong from other places.

The piled up may be goods that Master Qiu doesn't like, or it may be because of other reasons that he doesn't want to sell it for the time being. Just throw it in the corner and put it in the corner. It can also be worth a lot of money.

The real boutiques are kept in the room.

Chai Hai bent over and walked into the house.

An electric light is on, something is on the table, and the light is shining... Chai Hai looked up, and it was a table of jade. Jade bottles, jade pendants, jade rings, jade fingers, etc., are so dazzling that anyone who likes jade will go crazy when they see it.


Master Qiu ordered the table at random, "It took so long to have so many, so I can hold a jade special."


Chai Hai was thinking about how to make this jade special, but he was worried about the Du family:

"Today, the young master of the Du family came to me again. He did not give up inquiring about the buyer of the vase. The Du family did not know what was wrong. The young master of the Du family inquired about the vase. A few items, look at this—"

The Du family is really strange.

Chai Hai actually suspected that the Du family wanted to mix with Qiu Ye's business, so they would come to test separately.

The Du family is too greedy, the smuggling business is not enough for them?

"In February...Which items did Du Er Shao send someone to ask about?"

Mr. Qiu always didn't care about such trivial matters. Chai Hai didn't report it at first, or he encountered Du Zhaohui's unusual behavior. Chai Hai brought up the two things together.

"Lao Ding and the others sent it from the mainland. There are Qiu Ying's paintings, a few seals, and a few Song edition books. This batch of goods is absolutely clean. Lao Ding and the others paid for it. Come to find out, I don't know what it means."

You must make money in business.

Low-priced income, high-priced selling, businessmen in all industries do this.

Although Lao Ding and the others are very cheap to receive goods in the Mainland, once they arrive in Hong Kong City, they can sell dozens of times the difference after packaging, but this is also normal!

The seller doesn’t know Qiu Ying’s paintings, so those who collect antiques are still responsible for giving lectures?

When Chai Hai said "clean and clean", it meant that those things were originally well kept, and they were an orderly collection, not just dug out of the soil.

"Ming ware" is funerary goods. The kind of goods Qiu Ye does not want to touch. The porcelain just dug from the grave is sold to the rich in Hong Kong. Hong Kong talks about feng shui, and the rich are still unlucky!

There are also few calligraphy and paintings in the "Mingqi", and even the famous calligraphy and painting ancient books, once buried with others, can't be seen after being dug out in the soil for hundreds of years, and they will be finished as soon as they come into contact with the air.

Chai Hai was a loyal reminder of Master Qiu.

Ye Qiu himself didn’t care too much. “Didn’t Qiu Ying’s paintings have been bought by Er Young Master Du? He sent someone to inquire about it once, and did he mention it again? They say that he is a dude, but I think he might be the winner of the Du family's contention. If he comes again, you tell him not to sell the vase, but you can bring him to see me."

Chai Hai responded respectfully.

Qiu Ye's own business must be well known.

He only needs to report what he knows, can he still be the master for Master Qiu?

Qiu Ye meant that Du's family didn't want to touch the antique business-Chai Hai couldn't figure it out. The two young masters of Du's family had to find some sense of presence in Qiu's place!

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