Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1480: : How to pay for insomnia? (4 more)

Liu Fen doesn't have much culture, but she just knows what Tang Hongen read.

With so many people in the customs, Tang Hongen said it seriously, and his face didn't blush.

Liu Fen blushed very much.

Xiao Wang, Grandma Yu and the others pretended not to hear Tang Hong En's dog food, and they pretended not to understand the poems and words.

Tang Hongen also knew that enough was enough. A Fen's face was thin, and such things could only be said privately by the couple.

"You go home with me and rest, and have a meal with your eldest brother in the evening. If you go abroad, you have to report your safety when you come back."

No, Liu Yong didn't know what she did when she went abroad, but thought that she went to see Xiaolan and took a trip. Liu Fen still brought gifts for everyone to share.

Xiaolan bought everything and brought it with him when he returned home. Compared to when he went out, there were two more large suitcases.

Some were brought to Liu Yong's house, some were to Mao Kangshan and his wife, and many were brought to Tang Hongen. Xiao Wang received gifts from the United States, including the new secretary beside Tang Hongen.

The new secretary was flattered, but Liu Fen was glad that he thought of it.

If you don't give it away, you won't have any. How bad is it to leave people behind?

Grandma Yu and Min Xiaoju went to the guest house to rest. Tang Hongen took Liu Fen home and brought Tang Hongen a watch, a pen, a few ties, a full suit and a few shirts. Taking into account his position, they all chose Can't see the Logo.

Tang Hongen tried on the clothes, the size was right, and the cuffs and trousers had to be changed. They were all minor problems:

"I am also wearing a foreign brand."

Liu Fenbai glanced at him, "Xiaolan bought it for you with the game bonus."

Tang Hongen took off his clothes. It was too hot this day. Unless he stayed in the air-conditioned room and didn't go out, he couldn't wear the whole suit.

The cadres like to wear short-sleeved shirts for anyone who wants a suit and leather shoes.

"No Bai feels sorry for her."

Speaking of the prize money for the game, Tang Hongen was actually very stunned, but when he reached his position, it was not appropriate to find anyone to show off sed. Show off Xia Xiaolan fiercely-Liu Yong was almost impatient with him. Liu Zitao was only in elementary school. Don't talk about the honor he earned for Liu Yong. The teacher didn't complain that Liu Zitao was mischievous, and Liu Yong wanted Amitabha.

If you want to wait for Liu Zitao to be successful, you will have to wait at least ten years.

He got married late and gave birth late, so he didn't want to care about people like Tang Hongen.

A lonely widow like Ying Jinchuan also gave Tang Hongen a few eyes.

Liu Yong still has a seedling to look forward to. Ying Jinchuan is really not there, Tang Hongen is really too much!

Tang Hongen didn't think he was too much, so why can't he be allowed to talk about being excellent?

As a leader, you have to thicken your face. No one can compare to it.

Just like this time, Liu Fen was packing his luggage, and Tang Hongen took the other's hands: "Comrade A Fen, why don't you feel sorry for me? Since you went to the United States, I have not been able to sleep well at night, and I always suffer from insomnia."

How can this hurt?

Soon Tang Hongen answered her questions.

If you don't sleep well, you can find someone to "compensate"!

Anyway, I had dinner with Liu Yong and his wife in the evening. Li Fengmei received a bunch of cosmetics that Liu Fen brought from abroad. Seeing that she was sleepy and wanted to yawn, she said to Liu Yong: "Eat when you eat, don’t drink, A Fen just sits here. It's been so long since the plane came back, you see she is tired."

Liu Fen tried his best to pretend to be natural. Actually, it’s not very tired to fly by plane, but some people are so shameless and want to "compensate". Liu Fen's hallucinations are average.

Tang Hongen is discussing business with Liu Yong:

"The house in Jinshachi, is it almost time for delivery? Xiaolan is not here, brother, please watch it for her. Jinshachi is also a residential complex supported by the municipal government. It must be delivered on time and quality is guaranteed."

The first piece of land that was approved for private real estate companies to build commercial houses, Xia Xiaolan once again screamed the reputation of Jinshachi, and the price was so expensive that it was difficult for others to pay attention to it.

"Actually, it's finishing off now. The greening of the community has been completed. Many owners are also anxious to close their houses for renovation. I must help Xiaolan watch."

If you have any problems, you can't hand over the house lightly. You can't fool around with the rest of the project just because Xiaolan is abroad. What if you smash the signboard of Qihang Real Estate?

Tang Hongen thought:

"I heard that George's decoration company went to Jinshachi and Yuanhui to grab business?"

Liu Yong chuckled, "There is such a thing, but he didn't take advantage of it."

Xia Xiaolan did not say that other decoration companies could not enter the venue. Liu Yong still has a way to deal with George. Regardless of Yuanhui’s low qualifications, now this company is also well-known in Pengcheng and has done many successful cases. The Hong Kong decoration company that George bought , Yuan Hui will get down on the offer.

For the same decoration, Liu Yong bravely quoted 50,000 yuan, while the Hong Kong company also wanted 70,000 yuan.

What happened to the extra 20,000?

Hong Kong’s wages are high, unlike Yuanhui’s “Anjia Building Materials” in Pengcheng that provides first-hand low-cost decoration materials.

George wants to report 50,000, and he doesn't even want to make a penny.

But Liu Yong can make money at the same price.

Of the more than one hundred owners of Sands Pool, only a few chose George's Hong Kong company, and 90% of the business was acquired by Liu Yong.

Tang Hongen nodded, "You don't have to be polite with him. Everyone is a legitimate business, and foreign businessmen must also follow the rules. According to market choices, Hong Kong decoration companies can compete with Yuanhui, and Yuanhui can also compete with Hong Kong companies."

Liu Yong's heart moved. This is the decoration of the project that encouraged him to pry the golf course?

He thought it was all Wilsons, and George must have taken care of the decoration of the golf course... Listening to Tang Hongen's meaning, it's not the same thing! So why not grab it? Although Yuanhui relied on Luna’s dozens of store decorations and Jinshachi’s home improvement business to make Liu Yong soft, he can’t think he has too much money and can take away the decoration of the golf course. It is equivalent to another Nanhai hotel project!


"Zhou Tuan, there is your call!"

The correspondent also informed Zhou Cheng to answer the phone, the next door Chief Fang Ying had a sore tooth.

"Why so many people are looking for Zhou Cheng."

Gao Fei hissed, "I am now a deputy regiment, which is one level higher than you. Don't open your mouth and just call your name, think about what our uncle said, bear with him, and after a few months it will be clear!"

Fang Shizhong didn't want to understand why he waited for a few months to show up.

He just didn't feel convinced and complained privately. When he was really in front of Zhou Cheng, he still knew that people were one level higher than him, and he didn't need to be respectful, and he certainly wouldn't dare to be yin and yang.

The couple was sour, but Zhou Cheng received a call from home.

At noon on June 4, Zhou Yi gave birth to her next daughter at the Beijing Hospital.

"She had a dystocia and almost lost her life."

Guan Huimo was scared when she said it.

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