Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1481: : Difficult delivery (1 more)

Guan Huimo said only one sentence, but the situation at that time could not be accurately described in just a few words.

Zhou Yi started on the evening of the 3rd, and Yuan Han immediately sent her to the hospital.

Nearing Zhou Yi’s birth, Yuan’s mother and Yuan’s sisters came to Beijing again. The courtyard rented by Yuan Han was not small, and even a few people from the Yuan’s family lived in it.

The family was crowded and lively, and Yuan's family was holding her again, and Zhou Yi had no objection at first.

Only one thing is not good. Sister Yuan came back to Beijing and brought her youngest son with her. Sister Yuan was not too young. The youngest son was 8 years old, and he was just the age of mischief.

Zhou Yi felt very strange at the time, "Why doesn't the eldest sister send the child to school?"

Don't think that Zhou's family does not have a schoolmaster, but there is no delay in sending the children to school. It is really rare to not go to school at the age of 8.

Some of the students who are early in school are in the second grade. How can they bring their children to the capital city at the end of May?

Yuan Han smiled bitterly: "The eldest sister said that she would increase her knowledge and ask the school for half a month off. It was only when she arrived that I knew, should I send people back now? Come on, I'm also at home usually, and I can teach him ."

When Sister Yuan found out, she specifically explained:

"Brothers and sisters, in that shabby place in our hometown, the teachers are poor, it doesn't matter if you don't go to school for half a month. If Xiaolong can come to Beijing to go to school, everyone here can take the exams for Huaqing and Beijing University?"

Zhou Yi vomited blood silently.

Everyone can take the exams of Huaqing and Beijing University. She had gone to study long ago, and she had the turn to be the son of Sister Yuan's family?

Zhou Yi was blinded by love, and that also depends on who he is facing.

What does Yuan Han say, she believes, and what Sister Yuan said Zhou Yi will turn a corner-what does this mean? Do you want to send Yuan Han's nephew to Beijing to raise her and Yuan Han?

Zhou Yi only agrees unless she is crazy.

She herself needed Yuan Han to take care of her. She didn't feel bad about having her own children, so she ran to take care of Yuan Han's nephew, but Zhou Yi refused.

The Yuan family didn't force her to raise a nephew, and Zhou Yi didn't answer the conversation, and the topic went aside.

The eight-year-old boy was very naughty. He was timid for the first two days, and soon he became familiar with him. Zhou Yi didn't see him at all. Anyway, there are Xiaolong's own mother, aunt, uncle, and grandmother in this family, but Zhou Yi is unfamiliar with an aunt, and he can be his own home in two or three days. The energy is so energetic that Zhou Yi can't rest well.

Zhou Yi can bear all these. On the evening of the 3rd, Xiaolong ran around in the yard again. Zhou Yi came out of the hall with her waist and just crossed the threshold. Xiaolong didn’t know where he caught the mouse and pinched and played, suddenly. Leaning in front of Zhou Yi: "Auntie, look!"

The mouse's long tail swept across Zhou Yi's face. She was startled and sick, and her stomach hurts at the time.

The stomach was shrinking, and a rush of heat flowed outwards. Zhou Yi also felt something was wrong and shouted Yuan Han's name.

"Yuan Han, Yuan Han, come here soon..."

Yuan Han is stewing chicken for her in the kitchen. The mother and daughter of the Yuan family are also there. The Yuan family’s feelings are so good, there are endless things to say every day, and they always get together!

Yuan Han rushed out of the kitchen, and Zhou Yi's cotton trousers had traces.

Sister Yuan wailed: "Brothers and sisters, this is because the amniotic fluid has broken. Have you started it?"

Sister Yuan said to go to the hospital as soon as possible. They had also prepared for Zhou Yi to give birth these days, so they prepared everything in advance.

Only Mother Yuan muttered in her heart that the daughters of this cadre's family are more expensive, and people in small places still have children at home. However, Zhou Yi has a well-paid unit, and don't have to pay for having a baby, and Yuan's mother has nothing to bear.

She mainly felt that Zhou Yi was too spoiled, and she didn't talk about it when she got married. She has been married for more than half a year, so she should turn her son around.

Where Yuan Han did these housework at home, two sisters took care of it since he was a child.

Now she would kill fish and chickens, and Yuan's mother felt distressed when she saw it. For several times, I couldn’t help but teach Zhou Yi how to take care of men, but I was persuaded by Sister Yuan:

"This is the Zhou family testing the little brother. How can he walk ninety-nine steps and fail in the end? Besides, Zhou Yi is about to give birth. You have to teach your daughter-in-law, and you can't let her hold a big belly to wash and cook!"

Yuan's mother wants to refute, isn't that also the case in front?

After all, I was a little afraid of the Zhou family, so I listened to Sister Yuan's words, and stopped talking.

This is actually foreshadowing, dissatisfaction is usually buried, and it will explode at critical moments. The Yuan family rushed Zhou Yi to the hospital. Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang didn't know it because it was started in advance.

Zhou Yi grabbed Yuan Han from start to finish, but it was only in pain, Zhou Yi couldn't stand it, and grabbed his arm bruise.

Sister Yuan said that she would inform Jiang Hong and his wife. Sister Yuan thought that her younger son had frightened Zhou Yi with a mouse, and she had an early attack.

"Wait for the baby to give birth and then announce the good news."

The first labor pain was tolerable, but later the pain was continuous, and Zhou Yi was pushed into the delivery room with tears in her eyes.

Mother Yuan sighed: "Yuan Han, your daughter-in-law is too spoiled. If a woman doesn't give birth, she will cry before she has a baby!"

Yuan Han said nothing.

There were several black spots on his arm, all pinched by Zhou Yi.

What can he say, he can't stop Zhou Yi from crying, and it's impossible to shake Zhou Yi's hand away.

Zhou Wenbang pressed him down, Yuan Han must have resentment, but Zhou Yi gave birth to him in the delivery room, and Yuan Han was worried and happy. Yuan Han is almost 30 years old, and he is inevitably excited to be a father.

"She is also the first time she gave birth. It is painful and frightened. What do you say about her."

Zhou Yi's first childbirth may have been out of luck.

From being sent to the delivery room at night, until noon the next day, the amniotic fluid almost ran out, and the people lost their energy.

It was the first time that the doctor came out and said that the parturient had requested a smooth transfer. Mother Yuan disagreed, "Let her give birth again, if there is a C-section, your hospital is too troublesome, so you can make a cut in the belly at every turn."

Zhou Yi continued to give birth. After an hour, there was still no movement. The palace mouth was opened, and the baby could not be born. This time, the doctor came out to urge him."

"Hurry up and decide, it's very difficult for pregnant women to give birth."

Yuan Han wanted to nod, and Sister Yuan pulled him aside: "No, you have to call the Zhou family. Caesarean section is dangerous. If there is something..."

There is something, the Yuan family can't bear the anger of the Zhou family.

Yuan Han's mind became clearer, "Doctor, you are ready for the operation, I'll call."

I have been born all night, and haven't notified my old lady's family?

Jiang Hong was about to go out to work when the phone rang. He heard that Zhou Yi had a difficult childbirth and had to wait for her and Zhou Wenbang to decide whether or not to have an operation. Jiang Hong cursed on the phone:

"Cesarean section of course, Yuan Han, you can figure it out clearly, Zhou Yi is alive and you are the son-in-law of the Zhou family. If you are in danger, you must keep it big!"

Of course, as long as there is a wife, the child can be born again.

With children without a wife, Yuan Han himself dare not think about the situation he will face.

If Zhou Yi had an accident, he would be like this for the rest of his life...

"Surgery, quickly cut the child out, if there is a danger, you must keep it big!"

Yuan Han trembled and signed the consent form for the operation, and before long, he cut off a daughter.

When Mother Yuan heard it, her eyes and mouth were drooping, "That's a mistake, I've seen it, her sharp belly must have given birth to a son!"

The doctor didn't want to talk to such an unseen old lady.

Yuan Han was also a little disappointed, but he didn't show it. What else the doctor wanted to say, he cried out from the operating room:

"The mother is showing signs of shock—"

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