Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1482: : Rescue and slapped (2 more)

When Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang arrived at the hospital, Zhou Yi was rescued.

There are many reasons for maternal shock. Miss Zhou Yi has a temper, and she has to come to a good hospital to have a baby. This saved her life—

At that time, Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang didn't know.

When Zhou Yi arrived at the hospital, Zhou Yi was still in danger, and no one was in the mood to see Zhou Yi's newly born child.

Mother Yuan was still disappointed to give birth to her granddaughter, and she was rescued in shock. The doctors went in and out and frightened Mother Yuan. Seeing Zhou Yi's parents came, he yelled at her in-laws and Jiang Hong squeezed her away.

After a while, another older doctor enters the operating room. This is the fastest obstetrician and gynecologist to find. Whether it is Guan Huimo or Zhou Wenbang’s job, when there is a need, at least he can find a suitable one more quickly. Doctor.

The old doctor went in for an hour and came out and took off the mask:

"It's okay. The blood pressure of the parturient has risen and it has become normal. It is not shock caused by hemorrhage, but it is more dangerous than hemorrhage... Now the danger has been turned into peace, and the family can rest assured."

Zhou Wenbang looked grateful, but the old expert didn't take credit:

"It's because they rescued in time. The situation was very dangerous just now. If it was done earlier, it won't happen."

The old expert is not shirking responsibility. If he doesn't say it clearly, he thinks it is the hospital's cause.

The mother wanted to have an autopsy a long time ago, and the doctor also felt that she should go for an autopsy. He urged her family members twice before and after they came out. The mother-in-law's family still couldn't make a decision, so they had to call the mother's family... Is this call now? The transfer was delayed for a while.

"Thank you so much!"

Zhou Wenbang is also scared.

People don't take credit, it doesn't mean that the rescue just now was easy.

This is a bit later, or there was a slight mistake in the rescue process, Zhou Yi's life will be confessed to the operating room!

He was very disappointed with Zhou Yi's hatred of iron and steel, and didn't want to care about Zhou Yi. When she was air, it didn't mean that Zhou Yi would die for the birth of a child surnamed Yuan. Is it worth it?

It took another hour before Zhou Yi was pushed back to the ward. It was not a crowded room with a few people, but a single room.

Zhou Yi's face was white and blue, and she was still drinking water.

Jiang Hong wanted to touch her nose to see if she was still venting her breath.

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, I..."

Jiang Hong also endured it for too long. At this time, he couldn't take care of any demeanor, so he slapped Yuan Han on his backhand:

"Zhou Yi was sent to the hospital last night, and you only informed us today. She said that she wanted to have an autopsy, but you didn't listen. The doctor said she wanted an autopsy, but you still didn't listen. Your family with the surname Yuan has a bad heart and lungs, just trying to kill her!"

The "pop" slap was loud and loud.

Yuan Han was drawn and never recovered, Yuan's mother was also stunned.

What's the matter with her son again, Yuan Han is not a doctor, Zhou Yi has also been rescued!

Zhou Yi gave birth to a daughter. Yuan's mother was disappointed. Yuan Han still had to slap her. Yuan's mother couldn't help but: "Mother-in-law, the doctor said that the doctor is terribly scared. Annunciation. If you want to be angry, just scold me and beat me, don't show offense to Yuan Han."

A **** man who is almost 30 years old, and was slapped by his mother-in-law. Her son doesn't want face?

Jiang Hong didn't bother to look at Yuan's mother. She beat Yuan Han and said that she could stand up, but Zhou Yi's mother-in-law would not sound very nice.

Zhou Wenbang said coldly:

"The due date was not yesterday, right? Why did it start in advance?"

Sister Yuan shrank aside and dared not talk, Zhou Yi was scared by the mouse Xiaolong caught.

Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang left the Yuan family speechless with a few words. Sister Yuan carried the child over: "No one has seen the child yet, everyone."

Zhou Yi's daughter was wrapped in a swaddle, her cheeks were red, and her hair was dense under her hat.

Zhou Yi is not lacking in nutrition during pregnancy. She eats well and is active. The child's nutrition is actually quite good.

Jiang Hong glanced around and found that the child's mouth and chin were very similar to Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi was also red when she was born, and later became longer and whiter. Jiang Hong thought of Zhou Yi when she saw this little baby. She couldn't help but want to reach out and hug him. But when she saw Yuan Han standing next to him, Jiang Hong's heart became cold again. .

This is the daughter of Zhou Yisheng and the daughter of Yuan Han.

Half of Yuan Han's blood bleeds, and his surname will be Yuan in the future... Jiang Hong feels sick when he thinks of Yuan's family, pushes Sister Yuan away, and walks out of the ward quickly.

Zhou Wenbang chased after him.

But I saw Jiang Hong crying silently at the top of the stairs.

"Wen Bang, that was Zhou Yi's child. Zhou Yi almost died on the operating table just to give birth to this little thing. If she didn't marry a surnamed Yuan, how could these things happen?"

Yes, if you don't marry Yuan Han, you won't be unfamiliar with your parents.

No matter who is Zhou Yi’s husband, Zhou Yi’s move will definitely notify Jiang Hong and Zhou Wenbang as soon as possible.

There are two people here, and the caesarean section will be cesarean, and the rescue will be rescued. The opportunity will not be delayed. Zhou Yi will probably not encounter the danger of shock.

Zhou Wenbang leaned Jiang Hong's head, and Jiang Hong began to weep with sobs.

Zhou Wenbang patted his wife on the back:

"This is a hurdle for Zhou Yi. She used to be ignorant. We don't let her suffer such hardship. She can be a blind man for the rest of her life. I will let the Yuan family go back and we will stay in the hospital to take care of her."

Jiang Hong hesitated, she let the Yuan family relax and take care of herself?

"Just listen to me."

He wanted Zhou Yi to suffer, and Zhou Yi's illness would not be cured without suffering.

But he didn't want Zhou Yi's life to be in danger.

At this time, if the couple hardened their hearts to leave, Zhou Yi was about to fall to the Yuan family. Zhou Wenbang is not stupid. He didn't want to use some methods on his family members before, but he doesn't use it now, waiting to collect Zhou Yi's body in the future?

Guan Huimo hurried over.

Hearing that Zhou Yi almost died after giving birth in the hospital, Guan Hui's soul was almost frightened.

"Big brother, sister-in-law, how is Zhou Yi?"

"People are out of the danger period, and they haven't woken up yet. Don't go there and listen to me."

Zhou Wenbang stopped Guan Huimo and told Guan Huimo a few words. Guan Huimo kept saying yes: "The family members of the Yuan family are all the same. At this time, they must pretend to be a good seller and follow Zhou Yi. , Why should they take advantage of this."

Jiang Hong wiped away the tears:

"Let me go and see how I clean them up."

Guan Hui Mo held her down, "Sister-in-law, wait, let me go, I will offend people, so that you can be a good person in front of Zhou Yi."

Guan Huimo said this paragraph on the phone with pride.

When Zhou Cheng listened to his mother like a cross talk, he knew that Zhou Yi's situation is quite stable now.

"You drove the Yuan family away, and you are still in the hospital?"

Guan Hui Mo was repressed and happy: "You were wrong. I really didn't drive them. Zhou Yi didn't want to see them. Not only did she get angry with her mother-in-law and two aunts, she also had opinions on Yuan Han."

Zhou Cheng was really angry when he heard the first half and was disappointed with Zhou Yi. Zhou Yi was also his cousin. What kind of stuff the Yuan family was, almost delayed Zhou Yi's rescue.

After hearing the second half, Zhou Cheng felt that it should have been so long ago:

"Is the uncle's method effective?"

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