Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1502: : Come on, hurt each other! (4 more)

No, such a large project can be used to create momentum for Xia Xiaolan, and there is no need to put Xia Xiaolan into a GMP firm for an internship. Wouldn't it be better for her to design a new hotel independently and make her name popular in the architectural circle overnight?

"We will further improve the current design direction, which will definitely satisfy Mr. Harold."

Hoffman finally remembered that he should say something about it.

Harold smiled and asked the GMP sender to go out.

Xia Xiaolan was also relieved.

God knows how Hoffman will get angry after leaving the Wilson Hotel, Xia Xiaolan is willing to be scolded, but also to let Hoffman realize that she is not an incompetent waste.

Without a chance, how did she grow up in GMP?

Following Hoffman downstairs, the atmosphere was very solemn.

There was another architect who came with him. He didn't have a chance to speak today. At this time, he was obediently dumb.

Who knows how Hoffman will react.

After returning to GMP, what kind of storms are waiting for this intern?

Hoffman wouldn't just admit it like this, Xia Xiaolan just now repeatedly challenged his authority.

However, this intern is not as unbearable as the firm’s rumors. The design pattern added just now is not nonsense. It can be seen that he has worked hard to thoroughly understand the team’s existing design concepts. , Into my own thoughts.

None of the three spoke.

Xia Xiaolan has done everything he should have done, and her true ability is more convincing than words. At this time, it would be too much to show her tongue.

——Wait for her "handling"!

Back at GMP, Hoffman was called away by Kissinger.

Matthew ran over, "Xia, do you need help here?"

Xia Xiaolan gave him a blank look, "You did it on purpose!"

The whole company knows that she is sitting on a cold bench and is the most idle person in the entire GMP office. How could she need help? Moreover, she is an intern herself, enjoying "special treatment", but it is impossible to direct another intern to do things.

Matthew shrugged: "Well, I just want to know if your visit to the Wilson Hotel went well today."

Xia Xiaolan herself felt that it was going well, but she didn’t talk about her own affairs, instead “encouraging” Matthew: “I saw Mr. Holm from P&W take Ning Xue to the Wilson Hotel. It’s not impossible for interns to participate in the project, Carl Senpai, it seems you need to cheer."

This "encouragement" really stimulated Matthew:

"Xia, it's because you have a sense of crisis, and you also follow the project leader to meet customers. Ning relies on your own strength."

What does Xia Xiaolan rely on?

Everyone knew it well, and Matthew thought he didn't need to speak too clearly.

In fact, bad rumors are only confined to the GMP firm, rather than spread throughout the Cornell School of Architecture. Matthew thinks that he is already very gentlemanly!

He was just the gossip he heard in the office’s pantry, and it did not spread maliciously. Shouldn't Xia Xiaolan be grateful to him?

"Matthew, come here."

Miss Grey was asking Matthew to do something again, and Matthew shook his head and left.

Xia Xiaolan laughed angrily by him, and she was so happy doing miscellaneous things, it was really easy to be satisfied.

Grey called Matthew over, but instead of letting Matthew do the chores like Xia Xiaolan thought, the sudden surprise almost stunned Matthew.

"Grey, is this true?"

Grey nodded, "Of course it is true. Mr. Hoffman just asked about your performance during this period. I said that you performed very well. Mr. Hoffman decided to give you some simple design work. Don't let Hoff be disappointed. Mr. Man’s trust!"

Matthew retained a trace of reason in his ecstasy, "No, Grey, this is your trust. If you hadn't recommended it to Mr. Hoffman, he would not give me a chance."

She couldn't help but look in the direction of Xia Xiaolan.

What a pity, how correct Xia Xiaolan took at the beginning, as long as she wins Grey's trust, she will naturally have the opportunity to get in touch with the project.

After all, Hoffman doesn't care about the interns, but Grey can give Hoffman feedback on the performance of the interns.

It's okay now. I am too anxious to expose myself as a related household, and GMP is extremely disgusted with Xia Xiaolan.

An hour later, the Hoffman team had a meeting, and Matthew was also in the office.

Xia Xiaolan was sitting at the long table, and Matthew was actually allowed to sit at the end of the table. If he was ranked according to seniority, he should indeed sit next to Xia Xiaolan.

At the same long table, Matthew felt differently.

Xia Xiaolan relies on relationships, he relies on his own efforts!

Not because Xia Xiaolan is alone, let GMP's impression of him worsen.

Matthew has great ambitions.

Xia Xiaolan ignored his pride.

Hoffman glanced across the crowd, and suddenly said a decision that surprised everyone:

"From today, Xia officially joined the Wilson Hotel project design. A few days later is the final bidding time. I met P&W's Holm at the Wilson Hotel today. The progress of P&W deserves our vigilance..."

Hoffman talked a lot, and everyone present only heard the first sentence.

Let Xia Xiaolan officially join the project design?

Does it mean what they think?

Because today, I took Xia Xiaolan to the Wilson Hotel, and the family members played such a huge role that Hoffman had to compromise?

Matthew looked at Xia Xiaolan next to him with contempt in his eyes.

Shouldn't it be ashamed to be allowed to join this way?

He can still sit here without changing his face, just as he thought at first, Xia Xiaolan's psychological quality is so strong that it is difficult to deal with!

Xia Xiaolan can naturally feel that everyone's sight is not kind.

What does Hoffman mean, recognize her strength, but want to punish her for self-assertion?

Hoffman was more generous than Xia Xiaolan thought. After talking about the work arrangements in the last few days, he took out the design drawings Xia Xiaolan had shown in front of Harold:

"Look at this picture, what's the difference."

"Hey, who changed our design?"

"There have been changes, and the sharp angles have been softer."

"Hans, if you have a new idea, you should tell us soon..."

Hoffman knocked on the table, "No, this is not what I modified, but Xia's idea. In today's meeting, our customers also recognized her idea. This is the reason why I let her join the project! There are still a few days left. Whether we can win Foster and P&W depends on our work in the last few days. I don’t want suspicion within the team. We must work together to win this customer!"

Hoffman wanted to teach Xia Xiaolan a lesson so that she should remember the serious consequences of wanton challenging authority.

But after being called to talk by partner Kissinger, Hoffman decided to focus on the overall situation.

Since the client likes the design direction Xia Xiaolan modified, Hoffman supports this modification. Without explaining the facts, the team will still exclude Xia Xiaolan and it is impossible to cooperate harmoniously.

The team members were whispering, and Hoffman added:

"Xia is a student who just came to the firm for an internship and lacks practical work experience. You can help her adapt as soon as possible. Cornell sent two interns this time. Since Xia can join the project design, another intern... Yes, In other words, you, your name is Matthew? You are responsible for assisting Xia and getting her to work faster!"

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