Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1503: : She caught the customer's psychology! (1 more)

Huh? !

What is Hans Hoffmann talking about?

Matthew can't keep up with the twists and turns of the plot.

Mr. Hoffman meant that Xia Xiaolan was allowed to really participate in the project because her design ideas were recognized by the client?

What a joke!

The entire firm knows that Xia Xiaolan and her big client Harold Wilson have an unspeakable close relationship. Even if she designs a bunch of shit, Harold will nod her head to praise her.

GMP just pinched his nose and accepted the client?


GMP's ethics is so much lower than he thought.

But it is a hotel project, GMP will not go bankrupt without this business!

Matthew felt the cruelty of capital.

He has never hated Xia Xiaolan as a related household like he does now, and even compromised GMP, so what can he do? Matthew was madly complaining in his heart. Hoffman was still looking at him. His body was more honest than his heart, and he stood up and smiled:

"Yes sir, I am Matthew Carlton, also from Cornell University School of Architecture. I will assist Xia's work during the project bidding period."

Hoffman motioned for him to sit down impatiently.

The bidding is imminent. How can he listen to Matthew introduce himself in detail.

Xia Xiaolan knew that Matthew must be extremely depressed now.

When the meeting was over, Xia Xiaolan left Hoffman's office and wanted to go to the pantry to make a cup of coffee, but was blocked by Matthew:

"Hi! Are you interesting like this? This is unfair competition!"

I'm so angry!

I thought that Xia Xiaolan was going to sit down on a bench, and in a blink of an eye it became that he was going to give Xia Xiaolan a hand. They were also interns. Just because there was no capitalist behind him, he would be bullied like this?

Xia Xiaolan calmly pointed out his improper use of words:

"Matthew Carlton, we just went to GMP for an internship together. I know that you are on the verge of graduation and want to find a satisfactory job, so it is very important to look at the GMP internship, because you want to stay in GMP, right? You might do it. Wrong, I am not your competitor. I will not be in my junior year until the fall. I only work as an exchange student at Cornell for one year. I will not stay at GMP... Even if I want to stay, can't GMP be at the same time Are two new employees hired?"

Xia Xiaolan hasn't taken Matthew seriously, this is a scheming Boy, but it's not like a big bad guy.

But Matthew has always regarded her as an imaginary enemy. Xia Xiaolan herself can have a hard time trying to get ahead in GMP. If you don't make it clear, she will be even more uncomfortable if Matthew is pulling her back as a pig teammate!

Matthew was startled.

Xia Xiaolan pushed him away: "Think about it for yourself, if I really have such a big face and can affect such a big project, I still need to be angry at GMP? Professor McCarthy gave me A+ because I walked the back door? There are two CW competitions. The judges of the firm, and the other three judges are professors of the School of Architecture, are they also bought together?"

It's impossible to get angry when someone walks through the back door.

After changing Xia Xiaolan, she would only work harder, relying on her performance to crush the people who walked through the back door together.

What's more, she didn't go through the back door at all. Harold really killed her!

Matthew was stunned by Xia Xiaolan.

After a while, he changed back to the appearance of a little sheep and went to Grey, saying that in order to better assist Xia Xiaolan in his work, he wanted to take a look at the design drawing Xia Xiaolan conquered the client.

At the big long table, Matthew's position was too far behind, and others did not circulate the picture to an intern.

Grey nodded, "It just so happens, I want to see it too."

Matthew found the alliance in an instant.

It's not that he is not convinced by himself, Grey is also skeptical.

Grey, Hoffman's trusted assistant, easily found Xia Xiaolan's design drawing.

Matthew took a cursory look and felt that it was not much different from the previous design drawings of the Hoffman team.

Just like that, is it worth to be touted?

Didn’t it just change the details!

This kind of success is based on the original design works of the Hoffman team.

Grey looked seriously, as if he knew what Matthew was thinking, Grey murmured:

"Matthew, this is not a simple change, she has softened the work."

This is not easy.

What is the level of the Hoffman team?

Isn't it awkward that anyone can easily change Hoffman's work?

This is already a terrifying strength. Not to mention Hans Hoffman, it is definitely not just a Cornell architectural undergraduate!

Look, there is the same student Matthew around him.

Matthew didn't even understand why this change was necessary.

Matthew is definitely a top student at the Cornell School of Architecture, but the so-called architectural design of the current students is totally different from the familiarity required by the firm. Sympathy emerged on Grey's face. I don't know if he is sympathizing with Matthew or himself-this industry pays attention to accumulation and dedication, but also to talent. Talented people can really lead their peers.

Grey was silent.

Matthew stared at the design with wide-eyed eyes:

"Is it soft?"

The minimalist design of GMP is already very advanced, and Matthew does not understand why this softness is needed.

Grey doesn't really understand it either.

If Hoffman was at the scene, he would be able to confuse this person.


Hoffman was very angry at first, even if Xia Xiaolan didn't ruin the interview explanation, when he returned to the office, he wanted to kick this unruly intern away.

The partner asked him to show Xia Xiaolan's revised design.

From this look, Andrew Kissinger, a New York partner of GMP, saw the way:

"Hans, this is not just going through the back door, I think Xia caught the customer's psychology."

Isn't this nonsense? The two knew each other, Xia Xiaolan must know what Harold was thinking.

Kissinger shook his head, "No, no, put away your expression. I'm not talking about personal relationships. Even if their relationship is not simple, it will not affect the GMP project. It is a kind of help, no matter how small it is. It's also help, isn't it? If the GMP scheme is of the same level as Foster and P&W, this little help may make Wilson Hotel choose GMP!"

Hoffman nodded, "I know, that's why we will take her with her."

This is Hoffman's compromise.

Kissinger laughed, "It's right to bring her on. Xia is an enterprising intern. She is not happy to be isolated by people from the company. She decided to prove herself. This design drawing is the answer sheet she handed in. Hans, I said that she caught the customer's psychology, not referring to Harold Wilson's selfish affection. Even from the perspective of business affairs, Harold would also favor her revised version. Do you know why?"

Hoffman didn't know, he waited for Kissinger to answer.

Kissinger also did not continue to sell off:

"Do you remember the gunshot wound in the Wilson Hotel in April? According to media reports, the Wilson Hotel erroneously fired the security director, and some people even sympathized with the assailant... Although the matter passed, the reputation of the Wilson Hotel? It is still affected. It is a fact that the occupancy rate is declining. At this time, the new project of the Wilson Hotel may not be so suitable if it takes a high and cold minimalist style."

It is softer and weakens the sharp impact, so that guests staying at ease will not always associate the shooting incidents of the new Washington store with the old store.

Softness brings a sense of security.

This is the customer's psychology!

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