Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1531: : What brand of perfume do you use (1 more)

Do you think too much?

Xia Xiaolan is also not sure.

It is not easy to gain Xia Xiaolan's trust. She will not listen to what a person says, but will look at actions.

Even if it is a selected partner, Xia Xiaolan will observe for a long time, and she does not know Ye Xiaoqiong deeply, she will not trust it 100%, the future is still long, let's take a look!

Xia Xiaolan rushed to the airport and arrived in Washington to settle down. She told Zhou Cheng about Ye Xiaoqiong's call.

"Uncle and they should have gone abroad for Zhou Yi, right? Let's talk about everything when she comes to the United States!"

Zhou Cheng has also been in close contact with his family recently, knowing that Zhou Yi is working hard to learn English—seriously, if Zhou Yi had worked hard two years earlier, she would have sustenance in her spirit, she should not easily fall into Yuan Han.

However, it is not too late to work hard. Zhou Yi is only in her 20s, and it is just a few years at the peak of a person's energy and learning ability.

Of course, as long as you know that you are making progress, it is not too late at any age.

"You can go on a business trip to Washington with peace of mind, there is still me in the country."

Xia Xiaolan hummed softly.

She actually knew that Zhou Cheng had just mentioned the deputy team. To adapt to the work, the relationship between the upper and lower levels must be coordinated, and Zhou Cheng is not easy.

Unlike her old cucumber painter, Zhou Cheng is really only 23 years old. Everyone's life experience is accumulated. It is naturally not easy for Zhou Cheng to take into account all aspects of being so young!

She is sharing the burden for Zhou Cheng in her own way.

However, Xia Xiaolan would do a little help as Zhou Cheng had to go. It was impossible for her to pull Zhou Cheng down and put her sleeves on her own.

Xia Xiaolan is willing, but Zhou Cheng is not willing yet.

She feels that this is good now, she doesn't need to be an old mother, and it's easier to get along with.

So Zhou Cheng told her to travel with peace of mind, and Xia Xiaolan left Zhou Yi's worries behind when she left the airport. She had to meet Hoffman. As the lead creator of the design team, Hoffman has been in Washington recently.

GMP is one of the few architect firms that can carry out all-round design. The average small firm may just produce an architectural design plan, but GMP is different. From architectural plan design to construction, including the final interior decoration, GMP is different. Can provide services to customers.

This is why Hoffman will stay in Washington after winning the bid.

Even team members like Xia Xiaolan have to travel to Washington frequently!

Xia Xiaolan came to the scene, and Hoffman and the construction engineer were discussing that the land bought by the Wilson Hotel was an abandoned factory, which failed to survive the economic depression in the previous few years and closed down, not to mention the city planning did not allow the factory to open. In the urban area, the demolition work began after being bought by the Wilson Hotel. By the time the GMP bid was successful, the land had already been cleaned up.

What Xia Xiaolan saw was an open area that had restored the original appearance of the land. Many construction machinery had already entered the site, and there was a buzzing sound of work.

"Mr. Hoffman."

Hoffman and a few people got together and looked at the drawings on the table. They looked at the construction drawings. More drawings are still being drawn by GMP. Xia Xiaolan came to Washington this time and also sent some of the latest updates for Hoffman. Construction drawings released.

The heads of the few that got together lifted up instantly, because they were all wearing hard hats, Xia Xiaolan saw that Harold was there.

What do billionaires wear hard hats?

No matter how handsome people are, once they enter the dusty construction site, they can't be handsome again.

In the same way, Xia Xiaolan walked all the way wearing a hard hat, but also a little bit ashamed.

The impact of appearance is less, and each other is more authentic.

At this time, Hoffman didn’t take the customer’s thoughts into consideration. The customer paid for it. Once the design plan was finalized, the customer appeared on the construction was superfluous. Hoffman was afraid that Harold would be a layman. Expert!

"Xia, did you bring the drawings?"

Xia Xiaolan handed the box to Hoffman, and Hoffman took out the drawing inside and spread it on the table, and said smoothly:

"Let's see it together."

Of course Xia Xiaolan has to look at it. Some of these drawings were made by her.

She was fortunate that Lao Mao forced her to draw the drawings of Huo Chenzhou's office building by herself before leaving the country. If it hadn't been for that experience, she had finally received some recognition in GMP and couldn't draw construction drawings. Xia Xiaolan would probably be beaten back to the prototype again.

Xia Xiaolan moved her head forward.

Only Harold had an empty seat next to her, and she could only huddle with Harold.

There are eight or nine people discussing with Hoffman, only Xia Xiaolan is a woman. The profession of architecture is really unfriendly to women, there are few female architects, and even fewer female architects come to the construction site!

Xia Xiaolan listened carefully, but when she got closer, Harold felt a little bit awkward.

What brand of perfume is this, suppressing the smell of dirt and dust that has been surrounding Harold, and burrowing into his nose.

He took a deep breath, and his breath was so strong that he couldn't breathe well.

Xia Xiaolan and others didn't notice Harold's actions, and didn't even know when he left.

Harold walked out and pulled off the helmet on his head. The assistant asked him if he wanted to go back to the hotel. Harold grabbed the hair that was crushed by the hat.

"No, I'll stay in the car for a while by myself."

His car is parked nearby.

Harold got into the car, smoked two cigarettes himself, and took aim at Xia Xiaolan's direction from time to time.

Xia Xiaolan was fully engaged in work. Harold waited for three or four hours. Hoffman decided that the purpose of communication was achieved before letting everyone leave.

"You stay in Washington for two more days and act as my assistant."

Xia Xiaolan was very surprised when Hoffman left this sentence.

She immediately agreed without hesitation: "No problem, sir, I'm happy!"

Those who are not happy are fools.

Matthew might be willing to hire a killer to kill her for the same opportunity.

It's like Ning Yanfan asked her to be an "assistant" in the Grand View Garden before, stating that he wanted to teach her something.

It seemed that it was not her illusion, Hoffman really changed his attitude towards her.

Xia Xiaolan smiled and walked out, a black car suddenly dropped its window, revealing Harold's confused face.

The air brought by the sudden drop of the car window poured in, and the fragrance almost knocked him down. Harold held his breath and looked serious:

"I have a question for you, can you answer it for me?"

Xia Xiaolan said helplessly: "Of course, you are now a client of our firm, and I am just an intern!"

Xia Xiaolan meant to ask casually on business, she would know everything to answer when faced with major clients, but she should not talk about private matters.

Harold pretended not to understand:

"What brand of perfume do you use?"


What the **** is this!

She comes to the construction site, is it appropriate to spray perfume?

No, she is a straight daughter of steel. Not only is she coming to the construction site, she can't use perfume on other non-essential occasions.

Harold also said seriously, Xia Xiaolan thought it was a kind of molesting:

"...Harold, I think you are workplace harassment. You don't want me to answer your questions for you, you want to receive a lawyer's letter."

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