Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1532: : George is to blame for this! (2 more)

It's not cute.

He is so fragrant, he is just curious to figure out the answer, and blame him for sexual harassment?

Harold didn't realize that he squatted for a few hours just to ask what kind of perfume Xia Xiaolan was using.

"I really just... wait, I'll take you back to the hotel."

Xia Xiaolan had already stopped a taxi, "No, I'll go back by myself, and see Mr. Harold again."

Xia Xiaolan wanted to stay away from perversion, running faster than a rabbit, Harold watched her rush into the taxi, and smiled stupidly, though she thought she was hideous.

Xia Xiaolan probably didn't know that he also lives in the same hotel, right?

GMP people come from New York and all live in the same house, and Harold naturally lives there in Washington.

Harold just asked the assistant to know which room was booked for Xia Xiaolan.

"Change my room to her next door."

The assistant has no objection, but Allen butler has an opinion: "Sir, Miss Xia lives in an ordinary single room. The room next to her is naturally of the same type. If you move in—"

Harold has a lot of luggage wherever he goes.

There are many boxes for clothes. He is going to live in an ordinary single room. He can't even put the boxes, let alone the various scenes matching Harold's identity.

"I moved in, Alan, you stay here to live in a suite."

This is a difficult problem, and it can be easily solved.

So the husband has to pack lightly to pick up girls, and the old butler who has taken care of him for many years has become a useless burden. Should he be abandoned with a lot of luggage?

Allen's butler's eyes were full of accusations, and an old butler obviously couldn't stop the rushing employer.

The move of changing rooms was very fast. Harold quickly moved into room 603, and Xia Xiaolan lived in 605 next to him.

It is a pity that Xia Xiaolan got off the plane and went straight to the construction site. She was so tired that she took a bath and rested after returning to the hotel. Even the dinner was solved by room service, and she never went out of the room.

Harold lay down on the bed for a long time without falling asleep.

Not enough rest, when he finally fell asleep, Xia Xiaolan got up early and went downstairs for a run.

It was not until breakfast time that Harold finally met Xia Xiaolan in the hotel’s cafeteria.

He hadn't spoken yet, and an old man came rushing forward:

"Harold, we need to talk!"

Hearing someone called Harold's name, Xia Xiaolan turned her head to look at the plate, this person is a bit familiar.

Hey, she really saw it. It was at Jiya's wedding banquet. This is George's father and Harold's eldest brother!

He is also a member of the Wilson family. Even George, his nephew, is older than Harold. This old Mr. Wilson is also at the age of Harold's father.

But he is not Harold's father, but Harold's eldest brother.

If there is no such a nasty old son Harold, the Wilson family's estate is most likely to be inherited by this Ivan Wilson. Ivan also loved Harold’s young brother very much. After all, he was younger than his son. How could he have thought that Harold would become his biggest enemy when he grows up, and eventually surpassed other family members and became the wealth of the Wilson family? At the helm!

"Ivan, are you here? I heard that you are on holiday in Switzerland."

Harold looked innocent.

Old Ivan was so angry that his chest was up and down, "Why am I here? Dear brother, I'm here to remind you that you seem to have forgotten our agreement! Last year when you asked for help, you promised to hand over the Hua Guo project to George. How long has passed, you have trampled on your promise!"

Came for the golf course!

This matter had something to do with Xia Xiaolan, she was a little unable to walk with the dinner plate.

Harold knew she wanted to listen, and simply invited Ivan to sit down and talk:

"We can sit down and communicate if we have something to do. Do we want others to hear us quarreling? Ivan, you can restrain your anger. I don't want to see reports of the Wilson family infighting in the newspaper tomorrow."

Ivan looked around, and there were indeed many guests looking at them.

This is why Ivan must talk about it in the cafeteria instead of talking to Harold in private. Old Ivan wants Harold not to come to stage.

So although he sat down, he didn't lower the volume:

"I'm not afraid of being heard, just let everyone see how you treat George! Harold, you are not the only one in the Wilson family, and the family will not collapse without you! You are such a bastard!"

Xia Xiaolan sat on the back.

Ivan also met her at the wedding. I don't know if she didn't remember her, or at this time he wanted to focus the artillery on Harold and didn't have time to look at Xia Xiaolan so much that she could sit next to eavesdrop.

It was not only her who eavesdropped, but also other hotel guests.

"Ivan, of course I still remember your help. Without you, I wouldn't have stabilized the situation in the United States so quickly last year. If you scold me like this, always let me know the reason! You said the golf project decoration ...That's just a small matter. I invest in China, and of course I have to give face to the local government. Public bidding is a formality. Don't you have confidence in George?"

Ivan said with a sullen face, "Don't try to fool me, we all understand what is going on!"

The golf course is an internal project of the Wilson family, an investment led by Harold, whoever he wants to undertake the sub-project will undertake, and there is no need for public bidding.

This is also different from the Wilson Hotel, where the Wilson family dominates the hotel, but there are other minority shareholders.

Ivan Wilson is more than 60 years old and has long passed the legal retirement age. If he has no wealth, he is an ordinary bad old man, but he is not.

Once Harold's most threatening opponent, Ivan looked gloomy at this time.

Harold pondered for a moment:

"Dear Ivan, it seems that I can't lie to you. Well, I can only tell the truth. If you want to blame this thing, you will blame George. He offended many people in China for his love. Their wedding You also went there in person. The wife that George looked for was not helpful to his career, but would hinder him! If he stays in China, he will encounter other setbacks in his career... I can't help it, golf The stadium has invested so much money in it. Is it because George also affects the investment in Pengcheng? Family affection is very important. Believe me, I value the family affection, but it is Wilson's family motto not to go against the money!"

Xia Xiaolan almost squirted half of the milk in her mouth.

Harold is too shameless.

Obviously he regretted it himself, but he wanted to throw the pot at Lao Tangbei, implying that he was to preserve his investment in Pengcheng, so he could not organize a public bidding. Tell Ivan Wilson that George himself was confused and offended the local government officials——

Ivan Wilson didn't believe what Harold said.

But the facts are in front of him, George did marry an inappropriate wife!

What kind of love does the Wilson family talk about? All women who appear in the name of love want to cheat more money.

Ivan was swayed by Harold, "Damn! He and the Chinese woman didn't even sign a prenuptial agreement!"

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