Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1544: : Tiger and wolf must choose one! (1 more)

"President Tang, it's been a long time!"

Tang Yuanyue took the initiative to say hello, and Xia Xiaolan was not good at pretending not to know each other.

She didn't want to deal with Tang Yuanyue very much. Just after the Hong Kong newspaper exposed the scandal, Xia Xiaolan thought she should "avoid suspicion."

Besides, Tang Yuanyue really confessed to her.

She couldn't respond to Tang Yuanyue, so why bother with Tang Yuan?

Even business involvement, if you can avoid it, just avoid it.

So what should she do now?

With a big smile, reunite with Tang Yuanyue’s old friend, to get rid of Mrs. Wilson, or to challenge the theater field that he has never touched before, and is forced to accept the olive branch from Mrs. Wilson, so that he does not have to contact Tang Yuanyue, a Hong Kong client?

Xia Xiaolan hesitated for three seconds before decisively choosing Mrs. Wilson.

No matter what the Wilsons want to do, at least Mrs. Wilson and her will not gossip!

Tang Yuanyue looked at her, concealing the greedy covetousness in his eyes.

From February to July, I haven't seen each other for 5 months, and Xia Xiaolan is still so beautiful.

No, it seems to be more beautiful. This Xia Xiaolan is in a more free and easy state. In GMP, she is obviously just an intern who can be called at will, and she has a sense of freedom.

"Xiaolan, why are you here?"

Xia Xiaolan made a choice in her heart, and her mouth relaxed: "I followed the school's arrangement and came to GMP office for an internship. It was surprising to see Mr. Tang here."

"I was also surprised that this resort project was originally in charge of my third brother. I didn't expect...In short, I am very happy to see you in the United States! You work in a GMP office, and I can invite you to participate in the design of the resort. Right?"

Andrew looked at Tang Yuanyue, and then at Mrs. Wilson.

In the end, his eyes still fell on Xia Xiaolan.

——Interns, can't you ask your contacts to come separately?

——It is very difficult to do this!

——Look at the other intern's eyes are red. Do you still want to get along with colleagues in the future?

"Mr. Tang, I am very glad that you can choose GMP, an architect who trusts GMP——"

Mrs. Wilson interrupted Andrew's and Xi Mu, "I will only entrust the renovation of the theater to Xia. I came first. This Mr. Tang seems a bit rude."

"Hello, madam, may I ask you who are you?"

"Cynthia Wilson, young man, I think you should—"

"Madam, I came to GMP yesterday. If anyone can make a request first, it should be me."

Another Wilson!

Tang Yuanyue definitely couldn't give in.

Kissinger fainted happily.

Such a sweet burden, you can come several times a day.

"President Tang, but I have promised Mrs. Wilson..."

Xia Xiaolan said decisively.

With Tang Yuanyue's accusing eyes, Kissinger interrupted the troubled Xia Xiaolan:

"This is not a conflict. Both Mrs. Wilson and Mr. Tang want you to participate in the project design. You can do both at the same time!"

Matthew watched the farce.

He doesn't mind having such troubles. Children will only do multiple choice questions. Of course, adults want them all!

"Mr. Kissinger, can you come out?"

It is a taboo to refute the boss in front of others, and Xia Xiaolan can't bear it, and must have a private conversation with Kissinger.

"OK, wait a moment..."

Kissinger calmed the client and went next door with Xia Xiaolan.

"Take two customers, I will calculate the commission for you according to Hoffman's standards! Give you the right to sign the project!"

As soon as he entered the house, Kissinger threw a big bait.

Of course, the young interns do not have the right to sign, just like the Wilson Hotel project, there is no Xia Xiaolan's name.

"Sir, I am very excited! The conditions you gave are very good! I am very grateful for your trust... But there is not much time left for my internship at GMP. There is only one choice between the theater renovation and the resort... Actually, you can complete a commission. Very difficult!"


Kissinger was also beaten up.

Xia Xiaolan is different from other interns. Most interns are willing to stay at GMP. For example, the kid who interned with Xia Xiaolan, Kissinger knew he wanted to stay without even remembering his name.

"What grade are you in this year?"

Kissinger finally remembered this crucial question.

"The fall semester starts in the third grade, sir, I did not come to Cornell University to study, I am just an exchange student from China."


The third grade must go to class. Kissinger also wants to use GMP work to make Xia Xiaolan insist on it. Xia Xiaolan said she is an exchange student! The exchange students will return home soon.

"Why not finish your studies at Cornell? Isn't it good to stay in America?"

Obviously, Xia Xiaolan has certain connections, which can help her quickly gain a foothold and become famous in the New York architecture circle.

So, is it that Cornell's Bachelor of Architecture is not good, or is the GMP firm not good?

As Xia Xiaolan smiled bitterly and shook his head, Kissinger also felt like he was about to collapse. At this time, Mr. Partner and Professor McCarthy must have a very common language!

"Then which commission do you want to accept?"

What a painful choice, why should he be forced to make a choice!

Xia Xiaolan had already figured it out clearly:

"Mrs. Wilson's theater is renovated."

The theater was refurbished on Broadway. Xia Xiaolan is no stranger to that place. She only sent Zhou Yi to the language school over there yesterday.

The resort is in Indonesia.

Do you want her to visit Indonesia in person?

Even if her internship at GMP is over, the distance between Ithaca and New York still allows her to insist on completing the theater renovation.

"OK, let's talk to our enthusiastic customers. If possible, Mr. Tang can stay."

Tang Yuanyue's tone was not as tough as Mrs. Wilson.

Without Xia Xiaolan's participation, Mrs. Wilson turned her head and left.

Without Xia Xiaolan's participation... Kissinger hoped to hang Tang Yuanyue.

Kissinger returned to the office next door and finalized Mrs. Wilson's side first: "Madam, we have confirmed that Xia will take over your entrustment. We can discuss the entrustment details slowly. If you have any ideas, you can communicate with us at any time. "

Mrs. Wilson was very satisfied:

"Then wait for the next meeting to talk."

Between her and Tang Yuanyue, Kissinger was biased towards her, which made Mrs. Wilson save face!

Tang Yuanyue frowned, "I think GMP doesn't seem to be short of customers. Between domestic customers in the United States and foreign customers who come here especially, Mr. Kissinger chose the former."

"Mr. Tang! Please listen to my explanation, I can understand your joy of seeing old friends, but you came to GMP before..."

Kissinger put her hand behind her back and waved, Xia Xiaolan slowly withdrew from the office.

Matthew's eyes are piercing:

"How does it feel?"

Xia Xiaolan was puzzled.

Matthew licked his lips: "How did it feel when I said there were two clients vying for you? This is the treatment that a well-known architect can get!"

It turned out to be asking this.

Xia Xiaolan swelled a little for a moment, and became sober within three seconds.

How do you feel, left wolf and right tiger, neither of these two "customers" came because of her strength, with ulterior motives, which one is wrong!

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