Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1545: : Why is Zhaohui just fine? (2 more)

"Are you going to tell me the truth? I'm a bit thirsty now."

Xia Xiaolan asked Matthew back.

Without a word, Matthew poured her a cup of coffee.

"Matthew, thank you, I don't want to hide it... The real feeling is very troublesome, there is no slightest joy."

Matthew: (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

If it hadn't been for Xia Xiaolan to hold the cup firmly in his hand, Matthew would definitely want to grab the coffee back.

It is too much for a full man to know that the hungry man is hungry!

Matthew turned anger into motivation and repeatedly confirmed with Xia Xiaolan:

"You can agree to me. This time I am commissioned to help. We are from Cornell's team, right?"

From the resort to the theater renovation, Mrs. Wilson called for Xia Xiaolan to accept the commission. Matthew did not know who the HK client would be responsible for. Now it seems that Xia Xiaolan must have great power in the commission of the theater renovation!

Big enough to choose who to be her assistant.

Xia Xiaolan saw that the door of Kissinger's office was opened, and didn't tease Matthew anymore:

"OK, we are the Cornell team, I agree to let you join."

Matthew, this scheming Boy, has met Feng Zhuo Ruo very much. So far, he hasn't really done anything to push Xia Xiaolan's legs. It is normal to want to stay in GMP. What's wrong with wanting to be exposed to the project?

Matthew is a real newcomer in the workplace, working hard to find a good job for herself, Xia Xiaolan saw in him what she used to be.

Kissinger sent Tang Yuan out.

"Mr. Tang, don't you really want to think about it? GMP not only has Xia, but also many excellent designers. Once Mrs. Wilson's commission is completed, I will let Xia join the resort project immediately..."

Kissinger is a fool.

If you can cheat, you can cheat, and keep Tang Yuanyue first.

Is Tang Yuan better cheating?

If it weren’t for knowing that Xia Xiaolan came to GMP for an internship, he would almost believe it!

At Cornell University, Tang Yuanyue also specifically inquired and knew that Xia Xiaolan's internship period was only two months, which means that during GMP time, even the theater renovation could not be completed, and how could he care about the resort.

This project was requested by Tang Yuanyue from his younger brother, and it was an excuse to create an intersection with Xia Xiaolan.

But it is obviously impossible to extend it indefinitely because of Xia Xiaolan.

"It's a pity, I hope we have a chance to cooperate next time."

Tang Yuanyue shook hands with Kissinger. Kissinger was heartbroken and knew that GMP had lost this customer.

But is there any way, he couldn't split Xia Xiaolan in half, and put one half for Mrs. Wilson and the other half for Tang Yuanyue.

"Mr. Tang——"

"Can I borrow her to say a few words? It only takes 5 minutes."

Tang Yuanyue pointed to Xia Xiaolan.

"Of course!"

Kissinger blinked Xia Xiaolan's eyes. He still hoped that Xia Xiaolan could obtain this commission for GMP.

The assistants behind Tang Yuanyue dispersed, and Xia Xiaolan sent President Tang downstairs.

Tang Yuanyue broke the silence:

"Will you really not accept any commissions related to me?"

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while and nodded, "I was afraid of the ropes after being bitten by a snake for three years. I don't want Mr. Tang to have any misunderstandings."

If it can be said to be a coincidence at first, Tang Yuanyue will retreat from GMP after she chooses to make a plan for Mrs. Wilson. Everything is clear. It wasn't that Tang Yuanyue suddenly ran into him today, but he was in GMP and came to her deliberately.

I haven't seen each other for 5 months. Xia Xiaolan had a fulfilling life in the United States. To be honest, she didn't hate Tang Yuanyue as an enemy.

She was just very surprised that a man would be so obsessed with a woman who didn't get it. Five months was long enough, and Tang Yuanyue unexpectedly found it again.

Tang Yuan didn't understand: "Why can you cooperate with Du Zhaohui but refuse to accept my entrustment?"

"Mr. Tang, business and personal emotions are two different things. I and Mr. Du are clearly priced and mutually beneficial, and you want me to design the resort not because of my strength... Your commission is mixed with too many private individuals. Emotional, I like pure cooperation and don't want to be so vague."

There are no permanent enemies in the business arena, it just depends on whether we can achieve unity of interests.

Benefits are benefits, how good is it to simply break up the partnership after one vote?

She received 10 million Hong Kong dollars from Du Zhaohui, and the electronic square will make more than 10 million in the future!

Not only is it a win-win situation, but Du Zhaohui will be extremely grateful to her. Xia Xiaolan has no guilty conscience for making this money, and she will not feel that she owes Du Zhaohui!

Tang Yuanyue's commission is completely different in nature.

If she is already a world-renowned architect today, as long as she is free, she would dare to accept any commission from anyone. Does Tang Yuanyue have any thoughts about her design? A world-renowned architect will never lose money!

But it still doesn't work. Without making any distinctions, she will be short in front of Tang Yuanyue when she accepts the commission.

Tang Yuanyue's position was at the top, and she was at the bottom.

For the big client, she must be grateful to Tang Yuan for giving her exercise opportunities, and for using resources to help her grow... But she is not ready to accept Tang Yuanyue's pursuit, so don't have any of these things!

Simply more enjoyable.

Tang Yuanyue now understood what Xia Xiaolan meant.

Xia Xiaolan is too strong!

The mind is too clear.

Her pride makes her unwilling to accept the "help" of the suitor.

Does Xia Xiaolan know that Du Zhaohui likes her?

It doesn't seem to matter.

The most important thing is to cooperate with Du Zhaohui in the field of business operations, where Xia Xiaolan is dominant, but Du Zhaohui owes her favors, and she did not accept Du Zhaohui's help.

But in the field of architecture, the "commission" that fell from the sky like this time is because she hasn't been well-known enough... The suitor made a "coincidence" like this, Xia Xiaolan never thought about agreeing.

"I understand. Xia Xiaolan, you are not cute at all, but you are very upright. I may not be a good one, but you should not beat me to death. The United States is only your temporary battlefield. You will sooner or later. Go back to Pengcheng. We are enemies or friends. We don’t have to limit ourselves to death now. If you can cooperate with Du Zhaohui, then in business, we will definitely have the opportunity to cooperate, right?"

Tang Yuanyue said such a paragraph.

Xia Xiaolan couldn't fault the logic either.

"You are right, there will be a period later, Mr. Tang."

Tang Yuanyue stretched out her hand, and Xia Xiaolan shook his hand before going upstairs.

It's not the delicate and soft fingers that don't touch the sun and spring water, but it's the hands of the canary, the hands of the daughter.

Xia Xiaolan can never be a canary, and she is not a eldest lady either.

This woman whose personality didn't match her appearance at all made Tang Yuan more irritable.

It was a bit frivolous before.

He couldn't help being more solemn after today's affairs.

Is the unavailable in the commotion?

It seems more than that.

Tang Yuanyue only knew that if time could be turned back, he would handle the dissolution of the marriage more carefully.


"Mr. Tang really wouldn't choose GMP?"

Kissinger knew the answer in his heart, but still expected a miracle to happen.

Xia Xiaolan shook her head and shattered Kissinger's expectations:

"Sorry, sir, I have tried my best, Mr. Tang obviously has his own plans."

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