Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1554: : Internet celebrity theater (2 more)

Mrs. Wilson watched probably the most popular theater "Cat", the overall level is different from her own theater.

Xia Xiaolan looked at the interior decoration of this theater.

New technologies are used in both the stage sound effects and the background.

The seats are also more comfortable than those in Mrs. Wilson's theater.

As for the level of musical performance, Xia Xiaolan can’t tell. The performance on stage is indeed very contagious, and the duration of the whole praise is well controlled. It always mobilizes the audience’s enthusiasm for watching and will not feel dull... Anyway, Xia Xiaolan thinks , It feels better than she thought.

This made Xia Xiaolan look weird.

She thought she would be very resistant, but she didn't expect it to be difficult to accept.

Mrs. Wilson's eyes were full of tears, and the kindness of a rich lady could only be shed on this occasion.

She wiped her tears:

"Xia, aren't they great acting?"

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "It's pretty good, do you like the interior style of their theater?"

The stage technology is very advanced, but the interior decoration is very retro and luxurious.

The audience bought tickets to watch the performance, and part of the money was spent on the decoration and popularity of the theater.

Broadway theaters are highly competitive. It is hard to get a ticket for a good show for popular theaters, and theaters with difficult operations often discount tickets for attendance.

The audience just has to spend more to buy full-price tickets, what can the theater do with them?

In addition to looking at the location of the theater, it also depends on how it is operated. Mrs. Wilson wants to give the audience a new internal feeling, which is a means of trying to turn losses into profits.

Will the refurbishment be effective?

No, it must be coordinated with other means.

But other things have nothing to do with Xia Xiaolan. She is only responsible for the renovation of the theater this time.

Xia Xiaolan began to meet with Mrs. Wilson in the theater. This night's "Cat" was just the beginning. In the next few days, Xia Xiaolan basically maintained the speed of watching six or seven games a day, and soon went around the Broadway theater. Eight eight.

After all, Mrs. Wilson is over 60 years old. No matter how young she looks, Xia Xiaolan has no energy. Watching six or seven games a day, Mrs. Wilson does not have that good energy!

But she basically guaranteed that she would accompany Xia Xiaolan to watch at least one event a day.

Mrs. Wilson thought she knew Xia Xiaolan very well.

You know, during this week, she didn't have time to meet with George Xia Xiaolando!

"George and the others went back to New York and went back to China today."

On this day, leaving the theater, Mrs. Wilson said suddenly.

"Madam, congratulations to you and Mr. Ivan for getting what you wanted!"

Xia Xiaolan wanted to skip this topic quickly, and Mrs. Wilson hummed: "The real idea between Ivan and I is to let George go back to the United States. It's still far away."

George also acquiesced in signing a marriage property agreement with Ji Ya, but he refused to give up Ji Ya, and he still wanted to return to China with Ji Ya.

"Madam, this is true love. In our Chinese speaking, you and Mr. Ivan should let the flow go."

I don’t know if Ji Ya really loves, George must be true love.

However, this true love has changed after Ji Ya died several times... It depends on whether Ji Ya can recover it.

Some people didn't help wipe their butts, were not smart or beautiful enough, and they could use up their luck in a lifetime, so ordinary people should live their lives honestly.

Some people relied on the goodness of the Lord to appreciate food and have a good baby. Fortunately, they still have a beautiful face. That is really a death time and time again.

If you don't do it, you won't die, no one will really have a thousand chances to come back, and a good hand will be broken if you play a card randomly. Xia Xiaolan doesn't comment on this.

After finishing walking around the theaters on Broadway, Xia Xiaolan gathered her team for a meeting:

"I'm a very open-minded person. Everyone can mention anything. What do you think of Mrs. Wilson's commission?"

Xia Xiaolan is not alone in preparing.

She chose to integrate into Broadway, but Matthew turned out the theater projects that GMP had done before in all parts of the world.

Lisa looked at Xia Xiaolan and said nothing.

Kissinger actually asked her to cooperate with Xia Xiaolan!

Even if she cooperates with Hoffman, she has not been able to become a senior architect for many years. Now she is asked to cooperate with an intern. Lisa's unhappiness is inevitable, but she has been suppressed by her habit after entering the industry and dare not resist the authority of a GMP partner. She couldn't openly say that it was a humiliation to cooperate with Xia Xiaolan, she could only softly resist.

That is silently not expressing opinions!

Let's see what kind of movement Xia Xiaolan can make.

Didn’t it rely on personal connections?

Let's see, if you design a pile of shit, will the customer pinch his nose to buy it.

"Xia, I have no opinion."

Lisa smiled.

Xia Xiaolan didn't frown, "If everyone has no objections, I will follow my own ideas. I think it is a consensus to replace the complete set of facilities such as more advanced stage sound effects and lighting. In this regard, Lizardo is also needed. Bother, as for the interior decoration of the theater, I also have my own ideas."

It doesn't matter whether it is soft resistance or not, Xia Xiaolan simply split the plan.

She does what she is good at. She can look up more information if she doesn't understand. Colleagues will hide their privates. The professors at Cornell School of Architecture will never hide privates, right?

Assign the work directly to Lisa and others. Anyway, Xia Xiaolan asked if she had any comments, but Lisa answered that she did not.

Xia Xiaolan directly took out the concept map of her two-day flower:

"Lisa, do you think this is technically problematic?"

Lisa flipped through her concept map, "The stage sound effects can use the new technology of Dolby Laboratories, that's no problem."

As for whether there is a problem with the plan-

Xia Xiaolan wanted to completely overthrow the previous style of the theater. When Mrs. Wilson showed people to the theater that day, she was very affectionate for the theater. Even the renovation in 1971 retained the general style and layout of the theater.

Xia Xiaolan wants to change the luxurious style into a very modern minimalist art style. Will Mrs. Wilson agree?

"The renderings are beautiful."

After watching for a long time, Lisa gave such an opinion.

The renderings are of course beautiful. This requires a lot of lighting transformation. When the theater's headlights are all turned off, Xia Xiaolan hopes to see the galaxy flowing slowly above her head.

There is an illusion of enjoying a musical under the wilderness and night sky.

The Galaxy cannot be fixed and rigid. It has to flow slowly, with small lights surrounding the theater auditorium. If there is an Internet celebrity check-in in 1986, she hopes Mrs. Wilson's theater will be like this.

I can’t talk to Lisa about the Internet celebrity economy. Mrs. Wilson has her own aesthetic, and Xia Xiaolan has her own plans for the renovation of the theater.

Matthew collected a lot of information, from the heart he was in favor of Xia Xiaolan's design concept.

"There are so many theaters on Broadway, and each one is similar. If this is the case, Mrs. Wilson's theater might stand out."

This flattery was really on the point, and Xia Xiaolan couldn't help but cast approving glances.

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