Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1555: : Your opinion does not count (3 more)

"Lisa seems to have an opinion."

When only Xia Xiaolan and Matthew were left in the office, Matthew leaned forward and whispered.

"She doesn't trust your design ability, and she refuses to say it. She must be thinking of watching us make a joke."

Matthew tied the interests of himself and Xia Xiaolan together.

Xia Xiaolan produced this concept map, and Matthew also contributed.

To be honest, he thought that Xia Xiaolan could only design a practical style with a strong commercial flavor like "Electronic Plaza". He did not expect that this time it was also simple, but took a romantic route.

Is Xia Xiaolan romantic?

This woman just looks deceptive, but in fact she is stronger than the man.

But the interior decoration of the theater is really designed like this. Apart from other things, young people may be very interested. Young couples can go to the movies, why can't they go to the musicals?

It doesn't matter if Matthew is a man, but his girlfriend will choose a more beautiful place...Wait, let's imagine it again, as if he really has a girlfriend!

"Are there few people waiting to see my jokes? Most people in GMP are waiting to see the jokes. If I disagree with your participation, you are also a member of the team waiting to see the jokes. I don't care about Lisa at all. Ideas."

Xia Xiaolan pierced Matthew's careful thoughts.

Matthew said bad things about Lisa, just to exclude Lisa and to get closer to the core of the team.

Xia Xiaolan will not be deceived by him.

At least Lisa has more experience than Matthew, and Matthew cannot completely replace Lisa's role.

Matthew looked serious, "I didn't! We have always been a team from Cornell. The two teams must work together to gain a foothold in GMP. You see me and those people are getting close. I just want to inquire about the news and see if Someone secretly speaks ill of you behind your back...Hey, look, Lisa has gone to Mr. Kissinger's office. I bet Lisa is going to speak ill of you."

Matthew tried his best to deny his mentality of ever seeing jokes.

What jokes did he watch? Now he is afraid of being watched jokes.

Just after the meeting, Lisa went to see Kissinger alone, and even Xia Xiaolan couldn't help but think about it.

"I hope Lisa didn't go because of this. If so, I can only replace Lisa."

If you don't have an opinion to her, go over her to find a superior, which is a taboo in any workplace!

Kissinger mentioned several candidates at the time, and Xia Xiaolan chose Lisa herself. She remembered that Lisa did more than talk with Hoffman and worked very hard. There are few opportunities for women to get ahead in this business. She is also a woman, so she is willing to choose Lisa... Now it seems that this may be a wrong choice.

Replace Lisa?

That still needs the participation of another architect. Who will it be? Matthew's mind quickly turned.


"Lisa, how is your group's progress? I heard that Xia had an appointment with Mrs. Wilson all day long to watch a drama. It seems that she has been inspired by the theater's renovation plan."

Kissinger stopped his work, smiled and talked to Lisa.

"Yes, sir, today Xia came up with her concept plan. It is a very beautiful design. I liked it very much when I saw it. I think you don't have to worry that customers will be dissatisfied."

What Lisa said was interesting.

She is a member of the team, but today she saw Xia Xiaolan's conceptual plan for the first time. That is to say, Xia Xiaolan made the conceptual plan independently and has not consulted the opinions of the team members?

No wonder Lisa would come to his office.

Kissinger frowned. "It seems I need to talk to Xia, but Lisa, you should talk to Xia first if you have anything. This commission is different from the other commissions of the firm. It can only be led by Xia."

Without Xia Xiaolan, the business ran away.

The customer called the name, and only allowed Xia Xiaolan to design. What can Kissinger do?

In order to retain customers and ensure the reputation of GMP, he could only let Xia Xiaolan do the design, and at the same time send Xia Xiaolan some useful helpers.

Lisa goes to Xia Xiaolan's side, and it means to supervise, but this "supervision" is not always to report to Kissinger, but to help Xia Xiaolan correct her mistakes when she discovers that Xia Xiaolan made mistakes... Lisa's real role is to help Xia Xiaolan Instead of complaining!

The team has only been assembled for a few days, and the concept plan hasn't been tested by the customer. Is it going to be a quarrel?

Kissinger felt very troublesome and couldn't help but click on Lisa's words:

"Whether the plan can be liked by customers is Xia’s business, Lisa, I have to remind you that at the beginning of your team’s establishment, I recommended Nigel and Galton to Xia. Xia took the initiative to name you. I think you have to make your work worthy of Xia’s trust, okay?"

Nigel and Galton!

Both of these are more senior architects than Lisa.

Not as famous as Hoffman, but much more famous than Lisa.

Lisa blushed.

What Kissinger meant, shouldn't she come to the office to give a small report?

"Sir, I'm going out first."

Lisa was a little embarrassed when she left.

Kissinger's meaning is very clear. Everyone in this team is to serve Xia Xiaolan, because this time the customer was brought to GMP by Xia Xiaolan herself. Without Xia Xiaolan, the customer would run away.

If Lisa is unwilling to cooperate with Xia Xiaolan, in order to ensure the smooth completion of the commission, Kissinger will change someone else to cooperate with Xia Xiaolan.

Lisa wasn't unclear before, she just didn't expect... Kissinger's position would be so firm.

A female architect has been in the office for many years without making her head. Apart from the prejudice against women in the field of architecture, it has something to do with her own abilities.

Competence is not only a professional field, but also emotional intelligence.

The team can't see the situation clearly, no wonder Lisa will be buried.

After leaving Kissinger's office, Lisa became uneasy, especially after Xia Xiaolan went to Kissinger's office again.

Lisa thought that Xia Xiaolan would replace herself, but Kissinger didn't seem to tell her what Lisa had said, and Lisa continued to stay in Xia Xiaolan's team for the time being safe and sound.

At this time, Lisa's mentality was different, and she did not dare to resist softly.

Xia Xiaolan asked her opinion again, and her attitude was much more correct.

Matthew often stared at her, just waiting for her to make a mistake... The two interns who came this time had their own difficulties.

In a flash, two days later, Xia Xiaolan came up with a further improved conceptual plan and made an appointment with Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson said that she did not have time to come to the office and asked Xia Xiaolan if she could send the plan to her residence in New York:

"You already know my driver, he will come to pick you up, Xia, it will definitely be worthwhile for you to come here this time."

Mrs. Wilson is very mysterious.

Although it was broad daylight, Xia Xiaolan brought Matthew with him.

Matthew is a member of the design team, so naturally he can also go to see clients together!

The car drove her and Matthew through downtown New York, and finally arrived at the residence of the Wilsons in New York, along the Central Park north to east, which is the very famous Upper East Side where the rich live in New York.

"Here are rich people in finance and investment banks. Xia, a Mrs. Wilson has become your client. Perhaps the entire Upper East Side has opened to you."

There was envy in Matthew's tone.

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