Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1565: : Our internship is over (3 more)

There are actually three gifts in the office.

There are flowers from Tang Yuanyue, drawing tools from Du Zhaohui, and one from Matthew.

Matthew discovered that two gifts from Xia Xiaolan had come around the same day, with flowers and gift boxes, and then looked through her information and wrote her date of birth.

In order to please his immediate boss, Matthew also hurriedly bought a gift.

He gave Xia Xiaolan a book about architecture at $89, which is really not cheap.

It is also a practical gift. Matthew gives it normally, but Du Zhaohui gives it very abnormal.

Xia Xiaolan called Matthew in:

"I'll give you the book money—"

"Do you despise me?"

Matthew's expression is ugly.

"No, how is it possible, but we are all students, this book is not cheap."

Xia Xiaolan really feels expensive.

Native American students often buy second-hand textbooks. Matthew may not use new textbooks himself. It would be too expensive to give her such an expensive book.

Matthew suddenly laughed: "You didn't come to work on the 24th. The office gave us last month's bonus, and Miss Tina and I went to see the opera. We had a good conversation. She basically agreed to Give me the design of the house."

Therefore, this gift is not only a flattery to Xia Xiaolan, but also a sign of gratitude to Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan found a check in the drawer as expected.

GMP actually gave her a $2,000 bonus?

It is more than the intern salary that she and Matthew received last month. The tax paid is only more than 1,200 US dollars. This is the tall GMP firm. Well-known architects earn a lot. Eat and rent.

"I thought there would be no bonus, Matthew, thank you for the gift, I like it!"

I don't know how much bonus Matthew received. It should be the same as her. After all, both of them are interns. Last month, Xia Xiaolan had not been responsible for Mrs. Wilson's entrustment, and GMP had a clear view of it.

It's hard to tell this month.

Kissinger said that the commission for the renovation of the theater will give her a design commission in accordance with the standards of a senior designer.

That's far more than $2,000.

After all, Mrs. Wilson's theater renovation, GMP gave a budget of 2 million US dollars.

Matthew thought that Tina's decoration commission was basically confirmed, and he was full of expectations for his income next month.

"I can't bear to leave GMP anymore."

Matthew is full of passion for work. He can do it if he has a commission and can get a salary. The internship at GMP makes Matthew reluctant to think about it. Xia Xiaolan encouraged him: "After finishing the theater renovation and Tina's commission can be confirmed, it will not be difficult for you to enter GMP in the future."

Yes, now it's up to Tina's commission to find Matthew.

"Miss Tina obviously likes you better..."

This is what Matthew doesn't understand the most.

The relationship between Xia Xiaolan and Mrs. Wilson did not seem to be so good.

The commission of 2 million US dollars is to call Xia Xiaolan to be responsible.

Tina was even more nonsense. She met Xia Xiaolan for the first time that day, and she suddenly wanted to ask Xia Xiaolan to help design a house decoration plan... Xia Xiaolan also said that the door of the Upper East Side was difficult to pry open. People from the Upper East Side just stand in the door and pull her hard, okay!

Thinking of this, Matthew looked strange:

"Seriously, I have endured it for a long time, and have always wanted to ask, do you have a particularly remarkable family background in China? Although China's economy is underdeveloped, maybe your family is a Chinese politician—"

Xia Xiaolan wanted to haha.

She told Matthew that the Xia family had been poor peasants for three generations, and Matthew didn't believe it.

But when it comes to politicians, Comrade Tang is still far away from the dignitaries.

Xia Xiaolan cleared her throat, and Matthew looked expectant, but Xia Xiaolan knocked on the table with her hand:

"What are you doing standing there to inform Lisa, how is the drawing done?"

The person in charge of the team takes a day off. It does not mean that the entire team has to take a vacation. The work that should be done is still to be done!

Matthew raised his **** to Xia Xiaolan in his heart, and ran out with the wind under his feet.

Look at the copy of the bonus check.

Look at Tina's commission.

He decided not to care about Xia Xiaolan!

This time, Lisa obeyed Xia Xiaolan's instructions honestly and helped a lot in the refinement of the entire concept map.

In the middle, Zhou Yi called Xia Xiaolan and said that she had found a part-time job in the back kitchen of a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown near the language school. It was introduced by a Chinese student in Class 108 of the language school.

The other party also works part-time in the same Chinese restaurant, and they can go back to school together after work at night.

As long as you do not place an order, the chance of being robbed is greatly reduced.

The salary is not high.

The minimum hourly wage in the United States is currently US$4, and the owner of the Chinese restaurant only gives them US$1.5/hour.

"How many hours do you work a day?"

"5-6 hours, 2 hours at noon, longer evening time, and two meals included."

Zhou Yi herself is still quite optimistic. She can only get $9 for a six-hour work day. The salary is very low in the United States, and no Americans are willing to do it. The minimum hourly wage set by the state is $4. The owner of a Chinese restaurant is squeezing too much.

But the money does not need to pay taxes, and it can save two meals. For most students, it is a net income. If Zhou Yi wants to go, others will naturally want to go.

The owner of a Chinese restaurant is not at a loss for two meals. After all, it is a restaurant. Some of the leftovers that customers haven't touched are that as long as Zhou Yi doesn't dislike it, it's okay to eat casually...Zhou Yi has no right to dislike it.

Xia Xiaolan heard that she was quite optimistic, and she left it alone, waiting for Zhou Yi to toss herself.

On her side, she was busy until the end of the month. Two days after the internship at CMP, she completed the drawings for the renovation of the theater and handed them to Lisa to collect them. "Tomorrow, Matthew and I will not come to the office. "

Lisa didn't react at first:


"Because our internship period is over."

Lisa: "...!"

She completed a commission with an intern!

She was led by another intern to complete a commission!

Xia Xiaolan stretched out her hand, "It's been hard during this period, and the cooperation is happy."

It was a bit unpleasant at first.

Afterwards, the filming gradually became in harmony, and Lisa was not the kind of person with a streak either.

The two of them held their hands together, a little bit of a smile and grudges.

Kissinger said that he had arranged a farewell party for Xia Xiaolan and Matthew in the evening, and the people in the office would stay after get off work if they were willing to attend.

"Mr. Kissinger, you are so-"

Matthew was so moved that he choked.

Kissinger looked at Matthew's eyes as if he were looking at a sand sculpture. Young people's tear ducts are always well developed, but what is this little trainee excited about? He just politely added Matthew's name.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is a party for Xia!

Alas, don’t pierce the young man’s illusion, Kissinger smiled kindly:

"It should be, you performed very well during your internship! I hope GMP will be your first choice for work after graduation!"

——Oh, who didn’t even want interns before?

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