Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1566: : GMP welcomes you at any time! (4 more)

The internship is over.

But the work of Xia Xiaolan and Matthew has not yet been completed.

It's just that their internship attendance form is filled, and both of them have to finish their work.

On August 6, the two must return to Cornell to choose courses for the fall semester.

Two days before, even after Cornell’s school started, Xia Xiaolan and Matthew still had to spend the weekend in New York to handle the finishing work on the GMP side.

Matthew himself is not qualified to accept the commission at all, and Tina's commission also goes through the GMP office.

Before the party started, Matthew ran over:

"Are we still a two-person team fighting side by side?"

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "Yes, at least tonight. When the party ends and we walk out of the GMP office, we will automatically dismantle the partnership."

Matthew's face changed, "Can you break up the gang after tomorrow?"


"Tina asked me to go to her residence to sign an agreement tomorrow. She hopes that you will be there. Xia, I beg you once. I really want to get this commission."

Not only is he yelling about getting a commission, Matthew has put a lot of effort into Tina's commission these days, and he has drawn a lot of sketches.

Before returning to Ithaca, this matter should be confirmed.

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "Okay, this is what you said, owe me once."

Xia Xiaolan and Matthew did not expect that many people from the company stayed to participate in the evening party.

It even includes Hoffman, who has been stationed in Washington for the Wilson Hotel project.

Hoffman is back too!

"I just went back to New York to see the kids. Kissinger told me that there was a party. I thought why not attend it!"

Hard mouth is hard.

Xia Xiaolan has met many people like this:

"I hope there will be opportunities to learn from you and cooperate with you in the future."

Hoffman nodded stiffly, "...I really came back to see the child."

Matthew drank some wine and laughed. "Mr. Hoffman, Grey said your son is on a graduation trip. Has he returned?"

Hoffman stared at him.

Matthew's laughter became lower and lower, "So, are you back?"

Xia Xiaolan almost laughed to death. Matthew definitely drank too much. Why should he pierce Hoffman's excuse? Don't you allow senior architects to have their own little tsundere!


Grey came over with a wine glass.

"Thank you, Grey, Matthew and I didn't understand anything when we first arrived at GMP. You took good care of us!"

Grey smiled, "Matthew really doesn't understand, you do. I think Mr. Kissinger's meaning is very clear. The door of GMP is open to you at any time."

Grey was just a little angry at first.

When Xia Xiaolan has now made the design plan for the theater's renovation, there will be nothing wrong with her.

A person with talent and strength does not need to talk about seniority. If she has such a talent, she doesn't need to be an assistant for so many years.

But there are still a lot of ordinary people in this world, don't people who are not talented live?

Grey has adjusted her mentality. Xia Xiaolan and Matthew are GMP's passers-by, and she is going to die with GMP!

The door of GMP was open. Kissinger had said this and called her to the office alone and asked Xia Xiaolan about her plan.

Naturally, Xia Xiaolan used the same old saying and went back to China after the exchange student.

Kissinger was more straightforward than Professor McCarthy, saying that returning to China would be harmful to her future professional development, and supported her to stay in the United States to complete her studies. After graduating from Cornell's Bachelor of Architecture, she naturally entered GMP work:

"Xia, I know that you are not an ordinary overseas Chinese student. You may not be short of money, but you also really like architecture. The enthusiasm in your work is not fake... Why not stay? Become a real architecture in New York Teacher! Cornell is right for you, and GMP is also a good platform."

No, she is short of money.

Xia Xiaolan's choice is destined to disappoint Kissinger.

She likes building more and more, but compared to making money by riding the wind and waves, it's still a lot worse.

In Pengcheng, Qihang just spent 7 million Chinese dollars to photograph a piece of land covering an area of ​​35 acres. This time it is a very conventional land, unlike Jinshachi, which can be picked up cheaply-there is nothing cheap to pick up. With so many eyes watching, it was the smelly ditch garbage pool that made it so cheap for the first time. Now the Pengcheng government has learned to be smart and won't sell the land cheaply anymore.

35 acres of land, more than 20,000 square meters, more than 12 acres larger than Jinshachi, those people are waiting for the sailing or Xia Xiaolan's next move.

Will Qihang build a real estate that is more expensive than Jinshachi?

Anyway, it is impossible for Xia Xiaolan to stay longer in the United States.

After the party, Matthew was drunk and Xia Xiaolan drank a lot.

She slept at ten o'clock in the morning the next day when she was woken up by the phone ringing:

"Xia, you said you want to accompany me to see Tina..."

It's really full of resentment.

Xia Xiaolan got up from the bed, "Tell me the address of Tina's house and meet in the Upper East Side in half an hour!"

Matthew slapped her a bit of flattery. Xia Xiaolan didn’t have time to listen. She took a quick shower and changed clothes and went out. Tina’s house and the Wilsons’ house are two blocks away. Na's house is a four-bedroom apartment.

Why does a young girl need 4 bedrooms?

Tina obviously thinks the same way.

When Mark met Xia Xiaolan, he was talking about his thoughts after talking with Tina:

"She wants to knock down three walls and rearrange the layout of the house, leaving only one large bedroom, and opening up the rest to make it an open space..."

Xia Xiaolan nodded, "Very rich in second generation thoughts."

Xia Xiaolan used to be an ordinary person herself, and she understands the ideas of ordinary people very well. The more rooms in a limited total area, the better. A house of 90 square meters with three rooms will definitely sell better than two rooms!

She also captured this characteristic when she engaged in residential development.

But this is not for the rich.

The rich have more than just a set of real estate.

It doesn't matter how many people can be packed in a house, they don't need too many rooms, they need spaciousness and a wide view. It is normal for Tina to make four bedrooms into one.

Xia Xiaolan followed Matthew, the apartment was strictly managed, probably more than ten times better than the place Xia Xiaolan rented.

With Matthew all the way up to the 9th floor, there is only one household on the first floor!

The door of Tina's house was open, and Tina's voice was sweet and waxy:

"I just want to redecorate the house, why not? Oh my god, I am 18 years old, and I have the right to decide what kind of place I sleep in... Isn't this house given to me by Daddy and Mummy? "

There is also a young man talking in the room with a very gentle voice:

"Of course you can call the shots, but Tina, don't be too impulsive before doing things, okay? Every piece of furniture and every decoration in this house is personally selected by your mother. If you say you don’t want to throw it away, I think Mom will be sad!"

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