Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1735: : Return to Huaqing, a warm welcome (1 more)

It's been a year since I left.

It is impossible for Huaqing University to make a big change because of Xia Xiaolan's absence for a year.

But her return still made the department head happy!

What do you say, Xia Xiaolan did not behave badly when she went to Cornell as an exchange student for a year!

"Your transcript, Cornell has already passed it over, Xiaolan, do you know what Cornell thinks of you?"

Xia Xiaolan was embarrassed by the dean's words.

She knew that the evaluation would not be too low, but she was still embarrassed to ask her to praise herself.

"Director, just tell me, don't tease me!"

"You, everything is okay, but the mentality is anxious, and you will have to be more calm in the future."

This is not criticism, but love.

At least the department head smiled all the way when he said this.

Young students, they should be vigorous and energetic before they are as calm as loose. They are the light of the first sun!

The dean picked up a few faxes, which turned out to be written by several professors at the Cornell School of Architecture.

The words "talented" and "excellent" have a high degree of overlap.

In particular, Professor McCarthy praised Xia Xiaolan in the letter, and recognized the happiness of the Huaqing Department of Architecture-the dean of the Department. It may not only be the model Xia Xiaolan received personally, but Xia Xiaolan went to Cornell to exchange for a year. It proved the teaching level of Huaqing Architecture Department to foreign universities.

The overall ranking of Cornell University is not the first in the United States.

But its undergraduate major in architecture is one of the best in the United States.

The dean himself thinks that the Department of Architecture of Huaqing is very strong, but this is a closed self-evaluation. What is the level in the world? No one has made this evaluation yet.

Can the dean of the department be upset that the Cornell School of Architecture professors are so bluntly recognized?

The head of the department sighed. Professor McCarthy said in the letter that he had tried to retain Xia Xiaolan and let Xia Xiaolan complete her studies at Cornell, but Xia Xiaolan refused! McCarthy was disappointed with Xia Xiaolan's choice, and feared that she was really young and ignorant, and insisted on returning to China and was delayed by her talent. Professor McCarthy's blunt praise and analysis of her own mentality without any disguise was nothing more than adding weight to Xia Xiaolan. Code.

He hoped that the Department of Architecture of Huaqing would value Xia Xiaolan more and don't let this talented student obscure everyone!

Xia Xiaolan also understood McCarthy's intentions, so she was silent.

No matter how perverted the big devil, the mind of a professional boss has always been there.

In fact, the devil doesn't care what the color of the student is, what nationality, or how to enter Cornell University. He only saw that another excellent seedling chose the architecture major. This seedling did not fall into his hands, but sooner or later would take root in the field of "architecture" and become a member of the continued development of architecture.

In Huaguo's words, Xia Xiaolan is a screw in the field of construction.

Thousands of screws have built a certain industry mothership. To move forward, the mothership needs all the parts to work together!

Xia Xiaolan admired the great devil's mind and thanked him for his value.

The dean's mood is more complicated.

He was very happy that Xia Xiaolan chose to return to China decisively and was not confused by the colorful world of the United States.

He was also afraid that it would really delay Xia Xiaolan's future.

If you stay in the United States, stay at Cornell University, finish your undergraduate, and then study for a master's degree, according to the professors of the School of Architecture like Xia Xiaolan, her studies and career will go smoothly-alas, Xiao Xia's ideological consciousness is still very high. Of.

"You don't need to take the final exam, but I will give you an assignment. You can write me a text material about your feelings during your study at Cornell, such as the specific teaching mode, and write it for me. Are there any problems?"

There are differences in hardware, and the Huaqing Department of Architecture is certainly not as well-funded as the Cornell School of Architecture!

But in terms of software, the dean of the department thinks that he can refer to and learn more.

It's not shameful, so learn from the barbarians to master their skills to control the barbarians.

Ouch, I was wrong, it was mutual exchanges and learning, ahem.

This was not a difficult task, and Xia Xiaolan readily agreed.

After leaving the department, a few familiar figures were waiting outside.

Xia Xiaolan waved: "Comrades, I, Hu Hansan, are back again!"

The roommates waiting outside are naturally 307's roommates, Yang Yonghong, Zhou Limin, Su Jing, Chen Yiyi and Lu Yan.

There are eight people in a dormitory, and these five have a better relationship with Xia Xiaolan. As soon as Xia Xiaolan reported back to school, they came to block people.

"Little Liu is still the same, no one says he is a big bully, hahaha."

"Go, go back to the bedroom! Your bed is reserved for you."

Hugging left and right, surrounded by a few young female college students, Xia Xiaolan felt like the pinnacle of her life at this moment.

"Listen to you, go back to the bedroom and talk about it!"

After a year of separation, Xia Xiaolan also has a lot to say to her roommates, and in turn, her roommates also have a lot to ask.

Her bed was not occupied, and even the sheets were clean. It was obvious that her roommates were maintaining and cleaning it for her. Xia Xiaolan doesn't need to take the final exam, but she can choose to live in school tonight and talk to her roommates Bingzhuye.

The 307 bedroom has been lively until the lights are off.

After all, Xia Xiaolan returned to Cornell as an exchange student, and everyone was curious about her experience in the United States.

Some people in bedroom 305 asked her about Ning Xue, and Xia Xiaolan was very polite:

"Study of God is wherever you go. Ning Xue has been there for less than a semester, and the professors like it!"

More people still want to hear Xia Xiaolan talk about the situation in the United States.

Xia Xiaolan has nothing to hide, no matter whether you plan to study abroad or not, she can talk more, and those who want to go abroad should be more prepared. Studying abroad is certainly helpful for personal development, but the United States is not a paradise. Whether you can live a better life through studying abroad depends on how you work hard.

Some of the international students who impressed Xia Xiaolan the most.

Xiang Li and Li Yong are both considered a case.

These two people were very beautiful for a while. They actively expanded their contacts and became central social figures in the circle of Chinese students in New York.

But the two of them didn't have a good time to the end, they eventually failed.

This is related to their annoyed Song Minglan, and also to their lack of confidence. Xiang Li wanted to take a shortcut, and Li Yong also wanted to take a shortcut, but did not put her mind on her studies. If Xiang Li is good enough in school, she can find a foothold in the United States by her own ability, and she will also be able to get her status in the future! If Li Yong has invested heavily in his studies, he will naturally not be reported as falsified thesis... These two people are completely negative examples.

Positive examples include Xu Jing and Ma Hai.

What's the hardship of life? They learned something. If they don't have a real level, Xia Xiaolan will invest in them if she is full.

There is also Qi Wei as a positive example.

People who can only study a language school when going abroad, have they given up?

Didn't give up!

I have completely overcome the language barrier, and now I find a way to enter a law firm for an internship. The next step is to apply for law school.

Xia Xiaolan picked herself out of the story and used a pseudonym. Just using these people as an example, the audience was thoughtful.

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