Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1736: : Xiaolan, I want to sign up to support teaching (2 more)

If it weren't for the lights to check the bed, the crowd of onlookers in bedroom 307 would definitely not be able to disperse.

Although the roommates are still very excited, they can only hold back the excitement. Anyway, Xia Xiaolan has returned to China and can't run away for the time being. Keep it and ask slowly.

Xia Xiaolan didn't take the final exams of Huaqing, they did.

The treaty of being responsible for the sanitation of the entire dormitory without a scholarship is still valid.

Xia Xiaolan, a big idler, got up the next morning to buy breakfast for her roommates. Yang Yonghong also got out of bed: "Xiaolan, I will go with you."

Boss Yang seemed to have something to say, and Xia Xiaolan took her arm and walked out.

Xia Xiaolan guessed right, Yang Yonghong wanted to tell her about the current situation of the Yang family.

"Xiaolan, our family now has two to three thousand ducks. Last year, we made several thousand yuan by raising ducks. I really don't know how to thank you."

Earn thousands of dollars a year.

The annual income is ten times that of ordinary peasant families.

If Yang Yonghong's younger brother, Yang Jie, had been working in Pengcheng, he would earn several thousand yuan a year.

But in this case, Yang Jie can’t continue to go to school... The thousands of yuan that Yang Yonghong said was made by Yang’s parents doing farming at home, which would not delay Yang Yonghong’s schooling, but also allow Yang Jie to review with peace of mind!

"By the way, boss, did your brother take the college entrance examination in the summer? How did he take the exam?"

Yang Jie went to work in Yuanhui with Yang Yonghong during the summer vacation of 1985. After the National Day, Yang Jie returned to his hometown with his salary, and gave the gift money to his target and kept the target.

Under Yang Yonghong's insistence, Yang Jie chose to repeat the reading.

In July 1986, Yang Jie should have taken the college entrance examination.

Yang Yonghong patted her, "What are you worried about? I'm going to talk about this soon. Yang Jie was admitted to the Beijing Institute of Technology!"

Beijing Institute of Technology?

Isn't this the later Beijing University of Science and Technology!

It's just that the name of the Institute of Technology is still used, and it has not been officially renamed.

"Yang Jie did a good job!"

Yang Jie took the college entrance examination in the same year as Yang Yonghong, but he only took the college entrance examination at that time.

Yang Yonghong was admitted to Huaqing University after repeating his studies for three years. The Yang family was already very poor. Yang Jie didn't go to a junior college, so he pulled the notice and went home as a farmer. If it weren’t for the gift money, Yang Yonghong wouldn’t have thought about letting Xia Xiaolan introduce part-time jobs, and Yang’s sisters and brothers would not go south to work.

The money earned by Yang's siblings not only solved the gift issue, but also made a surplus.

Yang Yonghong saw the difference between earning money by brain and earning money by labor, and forced Yang Jie to go back to school to repeat.

Yang Jie's object also supports Yang Jie to continue to go to school.

The economic situation of the Yang family has improved, and Yang Jie can devote himself to studying... Less than a year after the repetition, Yang Jie was admitted to the Beijing Institute of Technology! The country has not yet started the 211 and 985 projects. It is only divided into key universities and ordinary universities, with ordinary universities going down to junior colleges.

The Capital Normal College where Xia Ziyu and Wang Jianhua were admitted is a normal university.

Jingcheng Institute of Technology is a heavyweight.

To be honest, Yang Jie jumped from a specialist line to a heavy school. Xia Xiaolan was quite surprised. She also knew someone like this, Chen Qing.

No, no, Chen Qing also went to the undergraduate course at the beginning. It was a mistake in his assessment and failed to fill in his volunteers. Later, Xia Xiaolan helped to improve his English scores for another year. Chen Qing was admitted to the University of International Business and Economics.

Yang Jie really went from a junior college to a heavy book, and there is still more than a year in between to throw away his books!

It's not normal, it's strange.

Xia Xiaolan couldn't help saying: "Boss, isn't Yang Jie hiding his strength from the beginning, or did he perform abnormally in the college entrance examination for the first time?"

Yang Yonghong hummed softly:

"I asked Yang Jie’s former teacher later that his grades were not bad at the time and he had no problem with the undergraduate exam. I think he wanted to give me the opportunity to go to university. I was admitted to Beijing University and he could only study. It’s a college, so that my family won’t hesitate about who to go to school! I was too **** at the time, I just wanted to take the exams, and repeated three years paranoidly, and I didn’t care about Yang Jie at all."

So Yang Jie did the test deliberately?

The Yang family's brains are really suitable for studying.

Yang's sisters and brothers have good feelings.

Whether it is an urban worker family or a rural family, Xia Xiaolan has heard more about her daughter’s sacrifice for her son. If there is only one chance to go to school, it is usually her daughter to let her son, especially when her daughter ranks as the oldest, she is destined to be the younger brother. The younger sisters sacrificed... the Yang family was the other way around. The younger brother was willing to let her sister continue to go to school.

"Boss, your brother is really kind to you! Although the approach is not worth promoting, he is really responsible."

Why should the younger brother make the older sister sacrifice?

As a younger brother, you can also **** your sister. Yang Jie did just that.

Yang Yonghong wiped his eyes with his sleeve, not wanting to be very sad in front of Xia Xiaolan, and soon recovered his heartiness:

"So you know how much I thank you, don't you? If it weren't for you, Yang Jie would really be a farmer in his hometown. I didn't look down on the farmer. It was Yang Jieming who had the opportunity to change his destiny. It shouldn't be because of my sister's giving up. "

Xia Xiaolan didn't dare to take credit, "Yang Jie himself is great, everyone in your family is very smart."

"It's not you. If you didn't mind my family's breeding and changing the family's conditions, Yang Jie's sensitive and thoughtful character would really feel relieved to go back to school and repeat!"

For children of the same parents, sisters should not sacrifice for their brothers, and on the contrary, brothers should not sacrifice for their sisters.

Yang Yonghong has been thinking about this. She wants to understand that to really avoid this situation is not only to solve the family's financial difficulties, but to change the overall environment...

"Xiaolan, can I ask you something?"

Xia Xiaolan was at a loss, "Boss, you said, I will definitely not refuse to help."

"I heard that the Ministry of Education is offering education assistance. Although Huaqing can apply, our counselor advises everyone to wait and see. This is the same in the department. Willing to go to the grassroots level, I want to go home to support education."

Yang Yonghong wanted to participate in the student aid program, and Xia Xiaolan was not surprised.

There are always all kinds of college students will attend.

Part of it is completely stress-free. The living environment has been good since childhood. I don't know how poor and ideal the remote rural areas are.

Part of it is "people of insight", from which I saw opportunities, like the title of "outstanding university student pacesetter". I feel that I have the experience of helping school and teaching, and I can get many benefits in my future work.

Another part is like Yang Yonghong, who was born in poverty, understands how terrible poverty is, and is willing to go.

Yang Yonghong looked at Xia Xiaolan hesitantly, a little anxious, and lowered her voice:

"Xiaolan, others don't know, can I still not know? I heard that Pengcheng's company participates in this student assistance program. After hearing the name, I know that it is related to you. As long as you agree, I will definitely be able to register! "

The young eagle sets sail.

Set sail real estate.

Yang Yonghong was probably the person who knew the inside story best in the entire 307 bedroom. Even Zhou Limin, her uncle Zhou Maotong didn't tell her everything.

Isn't Xia Xiaolan not letting Yang Yonghong participate in the student aid program, but is this time appropriate? !

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