Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1753: : Fresh flowers with brocade, hot fire cooking oil (3 more)

Du Zhaohui has been a little fluttering recently, so why not Xia Ziyu?

It was embarrassing to be a wife for a man older than her dad, but the way Hong Kong Island is to laugh at the poor and not to laugh at prostitutes, to be the fifth aunt of Du Hongrong, no one laughs at her, but there are counts. Endless compliments.

Everywhere she went, she was called "Mrs. Du", and no one who kept her eyes open would deliberately remind her of her "fifth concubine" identity.

Du Xingrong's wealth is also huge that Xia Ziyu could not imagine.

There is no real feeling outdated, just to hear that so-and-so is a billionaire, it is impossible to imagine that it is multiple weight.

Anyway, the former Xia Ziyu couldn't imagine it.

She is fond of a pair of shoes and can buy all the colors of the same size because she likes them.

She is fond of a bag and can find someone to transfer the goods from Paris.

She goes shopping, walks into a fashion store, can choose to pick out the styles she doesn't like first, and then ask the clerk to deliver the rest.

Try it on?

Does not exist.

The clerk knows her code. It doesn't matter if one or two don't look good on the body, just throw it away.

In addition to buying things at will, Du Xingrong also often gave her gifts, such as diamonds and gemstone jewelry, Xia Ziyu really took a lot. Du Xingrong also gave her two cars, one was a commercial car, which was convenient for others to pick up her, and the other was a sports car, which was obviously driven by her.

To be honest, she used to hate Du Zhaohui for leaving her in Jiulongzhai to endure so much hardship, and had her undergo plastic surgery, and let her learn so many things... But if it weren't for Du Zhaohui, it would be absolutely impossible for her to escape to Hong Kong as a smuggler. Became Du Xingrong's fifth concubine in such a short time.

Xia Ziyu felt that she had been abused, and sometimes she was a little grateful to Du Zhaohui!

After enjoying the ultimate wealth in the world, Xia Ziyu also gave birth to thoughts that he shouldn't have.

In fact, it is not the most important thing to find Xia Xiaolan for revenge. The most important thing is that she must keep her current life.

Even if Du Zhaohui would not cross the river to demolish the bridge, Xia Ziyu was worried about Du Xingrong's age.

How many years can Du Xingrong live?

5 years, 10 years, or 20 years?

If she just doesn't want to sleep with an old man, she hopes that Du Xingrong will live as short as possible.

If she wants to live such a life for a long time, she hopes that Du Xingrong can live for more than 20 years!

Isn’t it the property of the Du family that made Du Zhaohui and the Du family’s three-bedroom robbed of bloodshed? Du Zhaohui wanted it, and Du Xingrong's three aunts and his other children wanted it too-why couldn't she? Do you want her to sleep with an old man for nothing, but get no benefits?

No, this is not what she wants.

Xia Ziyu is not only indulging in pleasure, but also has a sense of crisis.

Everything she has now is unstable. After Du Zhaohui wins, she won't need her anymore. What should she do then?

Du Zhaohui asked her to separate her from the three-bedroom Du family, and she was not allowed to have children... Xia Ziyu frowned. She really wanted to have a child. If she could give birth to a child for Du Yurong, her family property would have her share. Child.

To give birth to two is to take two.

Xia Ziyu can calculate this account clearly.

However, she did not dare to disobey Du Zhaohui's meaning, who knows whether the pervert has sent someone around to monitor her.

Even if she was secretly pregnant and Du Zhaohui knew about it, she would definitely not allow her to give birth smoothly!

A haze flashed in Xia Ziyu's eyes:

"It would be great if Du Xingrong could value me more..."

Du Zhaohui is a wolf cub, but Du Xingrong is still the wolf king of the Du family.

Don't want to be torn apart by wolf cubs, only the wolf king can protect her.

Will the wolf king clean up his own son because of his own relationship?

Xia Ziyu analyzed her situation. She was written by the Hong Kong media tabloid as the winner of the rich family's favor, but she also knew that Du Xingrong seemed to be romantic, but in fact, he firmly held the right in hand and did not allow any woman to mix his business with him. On the matter.

Xia Ziyu also thought about whether to show his "talent" to attract Du Xingrong's attention.

Give up after thinking about it.

After the snack bar and cram school failed one after another, Xia Ziyu was still a little bit timid about this. Unless he is sure that he can make money without fail to make Du Chengrong look at him, don't be ashamed in front of Du Chengrong.

"Then what else can I do to fight for favor with all my heart? No, this is different from my own personal setting..."

The people of vivi are set to be that kind of female fairy.

She just wanted to hang Du Xingrong to make him think he couldn't figure it out.

If the means are used to compete for favor, they will become mediocre and unattractive, just like the other women of Du Xingrong.

Therefore, Du Tsung Rong gave her the status, and she refused to go back to Du's mansion. She still lived in the apartment outside. She was rather indifferent.

Everything was not what she wanted, it was given to her by Du Yurongsai. She just wanted to simply maintain the relationship with her lover, and she didn't want to get involved in the troubles of the Du family... This is Xia Ziyu's personality to attract Du Yurong.

If the human set collapses, what else would she use to attract Du Xingrong?

She dances well, but there are those professional dance students.

Her bed skills are pretty good... It depends on who you compare to, the high-end socialite on Hong Kong Island, which one is a fuel-efficient lamp!

Xia Ziyu's mood was going bad for a while, and her current state was that outsiders looked at the flowers and the fire was cooking oil, but she was walking on thin ice! Du Yurong agreed to live outside, but asked her to go back to the Du's mansion once a week, so as to prevent the Hong Kong media from writing indiscriminately, saying that he even made a few women at home.

This is a hard task assigned by Du Xingrong. Just as he said that he would give Xia Ziyu a name, he couldn't allow Xia Ziyu to say no.

On this day, Xia Ziyu also returned to Du's mansion as usual.

Greet the second wife as usual.

As usual, Liu Keying and the third wife misunderstood.

Liu Keying, a milf's fourth concubine, is just one of her defeated men, why should she be afraid.

But today is a bit unusual. Xia Ziyu yelled "Second Sister" softly, but the second aunt, who had always treated her coldly, nodded and smiled at her:

"Xiao Wu, let’s have a cup of tea with me. We are also the people who are going to serve Du Sheng together. We haven’t talked well yet. Last time I went to see you with Keying, but we had a joke. I always wanted to find someone. Chance to apologize to you!"

What kind of crazy is the second wife?

Mingming usually has a cold face and insists on getting rid of her relationship, but today he actively wants to invite her to drink tea.

Is this not afraid of being seen by Liu Keying?

Break the pot, break it, knowing how to explain Liu Keying will not believe it, just want to win her and form an alliance with her?

Xia Ziyu also smiled back:

"I have forgotten a little bit of unpleasant things in the past. Drink tea. I listen to the second sister."

Xia Ziyu sat in the garden with her second aunt. There was a wide view here and there was no obstruction. She was not afraid of others overhearing what she said. The second aunt called the Maid of Tea Paocha and she couldn't help laughing:

"Should I call you vivi, or Xia Ziyu better?"

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