Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1754: : God is so favored by one more person? (4 more)

Xia Ziyu's pupils shrank.

The second wife knows, and the Du family knows her identity!

What would the second wife do, send her back to the mainland directly, and let the police arrest her?

Xia Ziyu tried to maintain her composure, lowered her head to hide her panic, and after a long while he picked up the teacup nonchalantly:

"Second sister, what are you talking about, I don't understand."

"Do you think I'm making you speak? Xia Ziyu, I sympathize with you and pity you, so I speak to you straightforwardly."

The second wife really knows.

Seeing that the second aunt knew her identity, shouldn't she be the first to stoke Du Yingrong?

But she came to find herself the first time, Xia Ziyu told herself not to panic, maybe things still have a turn for the better. In the face of so many storms, she can survive from desperation, and she will definitely be able to do so this time!

Give yourself some encouragement, Xia Ziyu's fingers no longer tremble lightly.

She bowed her head and sighed, "No matter what you know, I think many people who come to Hong Kong Island will not survive in the Mainland. But when there is a glimmer of hope, how can we risk smuggling? Second sister, you don't need to threaten me with this. , I will confess my identity to Du Sheng... He can forgive my deception, I am naturally very happy. If he wants to drive me away, it will be my life."

Will Du Xingrong drive her away?

Xia Ziyu didn't think so.

Whoever stabbed her at this time would not be regarded as a messenger of justice, but would be disgusted by Du Yingrong!

After all, she is also the "fifth concubine" Du Tsengrong had just married the guests at the banquet. Someone immediately revealed that she was a fugitive from the mainland. Where did Du Tsungrong's face be put?

Du Xingrong is a face-saving person, Xia Ziyu figured this out, he was not afraid that the second aunt would be too threatening.

Even for the sake of his own face, Du Xingrong would not send her back to the mainland, but would shelter her and help her sit in a false identity.

Xia Ziyu answered the second aunt with a calm face, but in fact she was ecstatic: Why didn't she expect that the second aunt could not use this to blackmail her, and Du Zhaohui also had no more means.

If her identity is exposed by others, Du Zhaohui can't blame her.

As for Du Tingrong's side... the ghost knows what Du Tingrong would think, maybe Du Tingrong doesn't care at all?

If it weren't for being so close to the second aunt, Xia Ziyu would like to laugh in ecstasy!

The second aunt looked at her coldly:

"You are not afraid that Du Sheng knows your identity. It seems that you are really committed to Du Zhaohui, and you are willing to pay so much for him. Du Zhaohui will give you a wealth of life. You do things for him. This is also a good talk... You actually believe it?"

The second wife laughed as she spoke, and almost knocked over the teacup on the table when she raised her hand.

She was originally a rich and graceful wife, but at this time she lost her words and deeds.

Xia Ziyu ignored her, who Du Zhaohui was, didn't need the second wife to remind her.

"Xia Ziyu, I think you can defeat Liu Keying and think you are a smart man. I am afraid that you, a smart man, do not know that when Du Zhaohui wins the competition, it will be the time when your chess piece was abandoned, right? After all, He must choose one among the Xia sisters, or your cousin can bring more help."

The second aunt is full of sympathy, tusk.


Xia Ziyu gritted her teeth, this second wife knew a lot.

But Xia Ziyu also made progress.

She is more tolerant of temper than before.

"I don't want to mention the past things either. Thanks to Du Sheng's love, I am now the fifth concubine he has confessed to. What's the point of entanglement in the past."

"You are magnanimous! I smuggled into Hong Kong by myself, regardless of my parents and young brothers, cruel and ruthless, so it's no wonder that you can succeed in the ranks."

Looking at the survey data, Xia Ziyu's parents are still in jail, and another younger brother was adopted... The first thing most people are to support their family after they develop, such as Liu Keying and Liu Tianquan. Xia Ziyu is good, not taking his close relatives seriously. He wears gold and silver, eats fragrant and spicy food on Hong Kong Island, and leaves his parents and younger brother to suffer hardships on the mainland!

Such a woman, even if she cooperated with her, the second wife would not dare to believe her.

Xia Ziyu's eyes were red.

"Second sister, why are you aggressive, I will confess to Du Sheng."

Xia Ziyu stood up, and the second aunt grabbed her wrist: "Everyone, stop acting. I have no intention of exposing your old bottom. I want you to tell you this because I know more than you think! So I took it. If you come down, you have to listen carefully and don't miss a word."

The second wife is a very gentle person.

At least in the eyes of outsiders, Liu Keying has always been the highest-profile person in the three-bedroom concubine of the Du family.

But this gentle person is very strong now, holding on to Xia Ziyu's hand, Xia Ziyu can only sit down.

"That's right. You are doing things for Du Zhaohui, probably not because you love him. Everyone on Hong Kong Island is the most unruly and rules-conscious. Du Sheng puts a drink to let you in. You can only be his fifth concubine forever. , It’s impossible to have anything to do with Du Zhaohui. If Du Zhaohui even touches his father’s woman, the people outside will drown him with a mouthful of spit, and the company’s veterans will not convince him...Of course, this is not the point. It is possible that you are doing things for him for money, and he promised you several benefits. Now I want to tell you that those are all fake, and Du Zhaohui's real partner is your cousin Xia Xiaolan!"

Du Zhaohui and Xia Xiaolan?


Du Zhaohui and Xia Xiaolan didn't deal with each other, she used this to catch Du Zhaohui's line.

Or maybe it was Xia Xiaolan and her second uncle who reconciled, so they eased the relationship with Du Zhaohui?

Xia Ziyu has many guesses.

The second aunt looked at her expression carefully and guessed something:

"Time has changed. How long have you been to Hong Kong Island? You don't know that many things have happened in the mainland for such a long time. Du Zhaohui deliberately made you deaf and blind. Let me just say one thing, why did your cousin have it? Qualified to cooperate with Du Zhaohui, because after her mother remarried, she married the mayor of Pengcheng. She is now the mayor’s daughter. Du Zhaohui’s project is in Pengcheng again. Isn’t it normal for the two to help each other?"

The second aunt married the mayor of City Peng? !

No matter how calmly Xia Ziyu was, she wanted to curse ridiculously.

It's ridiculous, how could it be possible!

Just Liu Fen's airbag will be under the control of her second uncle for the rest of her life, even if Xia Xiaolan is so powerful, with such a dragging mother, she can still make her a joke.

Liu Fen and Xia Dajun should pull the old one.

A divorced country woman can still marry the mayor of Peng City... Xia Ziyu's heart is beating, and many things have deviated from the original trajectory. Where did they start?

She had always looked at Xia Xiaolan before, but she had ignored Liu Fen.

All changes started when Liu Fen took the initiative to leave the Xia family and filed for divorce with his second uncle!

Could it be that she is not the only person that God cares about, Liu Fen has also encountered the same thing?


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