Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1764: : I didn't say anything! (2 more)

Xia Xiaolan's attitude made Xia Hongxia dazed.

"What do you mean?"

Xia Xiaolan smiled, "I mean, we don’t have the fate of being good sisters, but I don’t intend to retaliate against you. You don’t have to be so afraid of me. If I want to do something, you can still stay in Pengcheng and sell box lunch. Do you think about it, those who I particularly dislike, can't stay under my nose for too long."

Xia Hongxia felt a little in her heart.

Who is Xia Xiaolan not particularly fond of?

Uncle's family.


Second uncle.

The fairy Xia Xiaolan was right, all these people were unlucky... Xia Xiaolan actually frightened her deliberately. Xia Hongxia was terrified by the content of her own brain, and she trembled more severely, with a big mouthful of rice in her mouth. This time it was really choking.

Xia Xiaolan pointed to the water next to her. Xia Hongxia grabbed her and poured it down. She choked and rolled her eyes!

When I met Xia Xiaolan, there was really no good thing!

Wait, Xia Xiaolan said not to retaliate against her, so why did she come here?

Xia Hongxia was watched by Xia Xiaolan with a smile, and a guilty conscience and anger rose from the soles of her feet, and she dropped the lunch:

"Xia Xiaolan, you, you let people come to test me! It must be yours, you have to try me..."

What to try her?

Try to see if she will fight Xia Xiaolan.

If she and her mother agreed to the person who brought the talk, Xia Xiaolan would find an excuse to drive her away from Pengcheng.

No, she didn't want to leave Pengcheng. The box lunch business was so good. The money earned in Pengcheng would definitely not be earned after returning to the business. Even if Xia Hongxia was killed, she was reluctant to leave.

Xia Hongxia was both scared and angry.

Originally only half of his **** was sitting on the chair, and this fear fell off the chair.

Xia Hongxia simply couldn't get up on the ground, and stared at Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Xiaolan closed the smile on her face, and Xia Hongxia suddenly burst into tears: "I was wrong before, I'm sorry, can't you? You are living well now, I'm having a miserable life, why are you still having trouble with me!! "

Set up a stall on the main road, her face was gray, and Xia Hongxia was howling and crying, her tears also washed out two black marks from the gray on her face.

She is so unlucky!

Obviously, the second uncle made a fortune in Pengcheng, and the whole family came to live a good life.

But what did she have done!

When he arrived in Yangcheng, he was fainted by Ke Yixiong's people taking medicine, and he woke up in the small hair salon.

Hungry and scared, but also worried that the people in the small hair salon forced her to pick up customers!

Fearing her hungry, she herself thought about picking up guests at all, wasn't it just sleeping with a man, could it be worse than having a hungry stomach?

Bah, baah, she didn't pick up the guests.

Xia Hongxia firmly refused to admit her thoughts at the time.

Anyway, after being found out from a small hair salon, he was detained for a long time because there was no letter of introduction.

Finally arrived in Pengcheng, and did not have a good life for two days, the second uncle Xia Dajun was not seen by the boss again, she was left to work at Ke Yixiong's construction site... Enjoying the blessing? Spicy and spicy? What blessing is she enjoying!

Xia Hongxia took the palm of her hand and slapped the ground, still feeling wronged to death.

Xia Xiaolan saw her howling nasal blisters came out, and couldn't help touching her face: Am I so scary?

She was irritated by Xia Hongxia. When Xia Hongxia cried out of breath, she threw some paper over:

"Xia Hongxia, I found that I couldn't speak to you properly, and I didn't hit you. Why are you howling? Quickly clean your face and sit down and speak by yourself!"

Ma Dan, people who didn't know heard this voice, and thought she was killing pigs upstairs!

Xia Hongxia lay on the ground for a while before getting up.

Wiping his nose with toilet paper and choking:

"Why are you having trouble with me? Is my selling box lunch obstructing your eyes?"

Xia Xiaolan looked at her with a sneer, "Yes, it's in my eyes, then what do you plan to do."

What can I do?

Xia Hongxia was perplexed, "...Then I will do another business?"

It's so embarrassing!

To be honest, Xia Xiaolan felt helpless when encountering such hob meat.

But she found out that she couldn't be too polite to Xia Hongxia.

Xia Hongxia had already made her mind a cruel person, Xia Xiaolan was a little more polite, and Xia Hongxia was even more frightened.

Being in awe, Xia Hongxia, an idiot, has actually made a lot of progress.

Even if Xia Xiaolan really hated the little bit of grievances in the past, and saw Xia Hongxia rolling on the ground like a clown, she should have calmed down.

Xia Xiaolan tutted twice:

"Xia Hongxia, I underestimated you, you really have grown a lot."

Xia Hongxia lowered her head and said nothing.

Xia Xiaolan knocked on the table and said, "Don't worry, I still don't look down on your box lunch business. You can continue to sell box lunches in Pengcheng, but you have to tell me first that someone has come to you in the past two days. Why?"

"That's not yours—"

Xia Hongxia was startled.

That is not the person sent by Xia Xiaolan, is that Xia Ziyu is really looking for someone to speak?

But Xia Xiaolan knew so soon... Xia Hongxia shrank her neck, and Xia Xiaolan had been keeping people watching her home! Xia Hongxia wanted to question but had no guts.

Xia Hongxia didn't even know that her family still had the value of surveillance.

This actually confirmed Xia Xiaolan's "cruel heart".

Xia Hongxia felt that Xia Ziyu probably still couldn't handle Xia Xiaolan, so she squatted out of her mind.

"...Really, that person said that it was sent by Xia Ziyu, and asked us how the second aunt is doing, and gave me money, I dare not ask for it."

Xia Xiaolan looked at her and said nothing.

Xia Hongxia cursed and swore: "I really didn't ask for the money. He left the money and ran away. I chased it up and paid it back! Besides, I don't know how my second aunt is doing, I didn't say anything! "

Xia Xiaolan looked at her for a long while, Xia Hongxia wanted to cry again because of fear, Xia Xiaolan nodded:

"If you collect the money, you will definitely not be able to sit here now. The other party really said it was Xia Ziyu's person?"

Xia Hongxia nodded vigorously.

Xia Xiaolan thought for a while, "In this way, when the person comes to the door again, you will say that you agree. You can answer whatever he wants to ask, and if you don't know how to answer, come and ask me."

"I can't, I dare not—"

"Are you stupid, I let you do this, naturally there is a reason, you want me to explain to you in detail?"

Of course I dare not.

Xia Hongxia was afraid that Xia Xiaolan would die.

No matter how she screamed God's unfairness in her heart, she actually understood subconsciously that in addition to having a female demon face that would deceive men, Xia Xiaolan had a better brain than her, better than most people, or a provincial champion. , Admitted to Huaqing University...This is also the reason why Xia Hongxia felt that Xia Ziyu could not do Xia Xiaolan.

It's all better than the brain, Xia Ziyu is obviously still close.

Otherwise, Xia Ziyu will get a higher score and go to a better university.

What Xia Xiaolan wants to do, don't need to explain to her, Xia Ziyu is not an opponent, let alone Xia Xiaolan.

Xia Hongxia's brain was like a ball of paste.

Xia Xiaolan didn't force her, but changed the subject:

"This year, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce will issue'operating licenses' to some self-employed individuals with fixed facades. Do you know what this means?"

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