Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1765: : I don’t know how to be strong, just climb along the way! (3 more)

Xia Hongxia couldn't understand.

So I suddenly talked about the Bureau of Industry and Commerce.

Xia Hongxia was scared when she heard about the Bureau of Industry and Commerce.

Because her box lunch stall was operated in violation of regulations, she ran around everywhere, and she would be fined no matter who was caught.

In fact, in 1984, Pengcheng carried out city appearance, sanitation, and traffic rectification, and cleared a large number of self-employed sites that did not conform to the municipal planning. At that time, roving stalls like Xia Hongxia were the objects to be cleaned up.

Other places will be cleaned up after being cleaned up. Pengcheng is a special zone, and it is much more tolerant of individual economy. After seeking the consent of the municipal planning department, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce used some non-traffic arteries to build a number of neat and unified The iron sheet house with steel beam structure is arranged to be leased to the self-employed.

In addition to these tin houses, a number of stores are allowed to be rented to self-employed individuals, including the Renmin Bridge Small Commodity Market, Xiangnan Medicinal Material Market, and major farmer’s markets.

If it were not for this policy, the first building materials store would not have opened in the small commodity market.

This is the house where Xia Xiaolan and Xia Hongxia are located at this time.

But Xia Xiaolan was able to find this place, even White Pearl, because they had no shortage of capital at the time, and they also had the means.

Xia Hongxia didn't have anything, and the stores released by the loose policy, a carrot and a pit, had long been occupied by people.

Even if it is free now, it will not be Xia Hongxia's turn to grab it.

She is a bit smarter than before, but compared with those old oilers who had been able to get the appearance early and had been in Pengcheng for several years, Xia Hongxia's smartness was nothing.

Just like Lao Duan, a second-hand dealer, when you look at the advertisements in the "Yangcheng Morning Post", you know that the stalls in the Hongrong Square will be very popular.

But when you show the newspaper to Xia Hongxia, she may just join Wang Jingui for a few moments of excitement, not knowing that opportunities are fleeting.

At this time, Xia Xiaolan told her about the policy, and she was also unable to turn her mind.

Xia Xiaolan sighed.

Fortunately, she didn't regard herself as Xia's family or Xia Hongxia as a cousin.

If her cousin was so dull, Xia Xiaolan would even be suspicious of her IQ!

Talking to Xia Hongxia, she didn't say in detail, Xia Hongxia couldn't understand——

"With a business license, you can do business in Pengcheng with peace of mind. No matter if you are selling box lunches or selling something else, no one will come to chase you anymore. You don’t have to be afraid to see you wearing a uniform. Just pay the fee. Even though you are an outsider, you will be upright here."

Xia Xiaolan said so clearly, Xia Hongxia finally understood.

Is the Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce going to issue a certificate to the self-employed?

Those who have this permit are their own sons. You can rest assured to do business in Pengcheng. Those who don't have a permit are picked up halfway, and you can throw them away at any time if you don't want to raise them at home!

Xia Hongxia is an exciting spirit:

"Yes, but I don't have a fixed facade..."

Rent a store?

If you pay enough money, you can sublet it from others.

But where business is good, why don’t others do business on their own?

The better the business, the more expensive the storefront. The storefront may have been several hundred yuan or one or two thousand yuan in the first two years. Now it is sublet and the rent is already several thousand yuan or ten or twenty thousand yuan.

Xia Hongxia couldn't afford to rent, didn't have the courage, and didn't save so much money.

Xia Xiaolan looked at her with a smile but a smile:

"What do you think of this small commodity market? If there is a small shop here, even if it only sells box lunches, it will definitely make a profit."

Xia Hongxia licked her lips.

That would definitely make a profit. There are too many people buying and selling things in the Renminqiao Small Commodity Market every day.

"What do you mean?"

Xia Hongxia had already guessed it, but she couldn't believe it.

"It's what you mean, what else do you mean, think about it yourself, do you want to do what I say."

Xia Hongxia's brain began to sweat:

"You want me to be a spy, a spy, and then—"

Then set up a shop for her and ask her to do a "business permit"?

Can Xia Xiaolan be so good?

Xia Xiaolan asked her to go back and think slowly, and Xia Hongxia moved to the top of the stairs to figure it out.

Xia Ziyu asked her to help, and Xia Xiaolan asked her to help too. Who would she listen to?

Even if Xia Xiaolan didn't benefit her... Xia Hongxia didn't dare to stand on Xia Ziyu's side!

Now Xia Xiaolan is still willing to give her benefits, Xia Hongxia licked her face and moved back: "Sister Xiaolan, I listen to you. If you say, I will do it."

——Thank you, you should call me my full name.

Xia Hongxia really made progress.

Not only became smarter, but also learned how to climb along the pole.

But Xia Xiaolan was too stupid to use it.

She gave Xia Hongxia a few words to let her remember everything and send her away.

Sitting on the chair, I thought about the information Xia Hongxia had just revealed.

First, Du Zhaohui was unable to hold Xia Ziyu in time. There really was a problem. Xia Ziyu reached out to Pengcheng secretly, but Du Zhaohui didn't know that Du Zhaohui was really too drifting lately.

Second, did Xia Ziyu reach out to Pengcheng on his own, or was someone in the Du family helping?

Third, why Xia Ziyu wants to ask her mother!



Du Zhaohui was very happy every time Xia Xiaolan took the initiative to find him.

Although it's all for official business, it counts as one more time.

But the news that Xia Xiaolan brought made Du Zhaohui almost jumped up!

"Xia Ziyu is at Du's house and cannot protect herself. If I were not helping her, she could be killed by Liu Keying. If she could cultivate her own staff, my name would be written upside down!"

Du Zhaohui's eyes were dark.

Xia Xiaolan rolled her eyes and wrote "Du Gouzi" upside down. Is it going to be called "Dog Duzi"?

There is no way to change the facts even by calling the dog belly.

"I said long ago that people like Xia Ziyu absolutely can't give a chance. Now that the facts are in front of you, is it difficult to admit that you are negligent?"

Alas, the eldest master must be trained, and Ah Hua did not dare to listen.

The young master wouldn't do anything to Miss Xia, and when he saw the shame of the young master, there was absolutely no good fruit to eat.

A Hua wanted to sneak away, but Du Zhaohui's eyes had fallen on him.

Ahua bit her scalp and said: "Young Master, she absolutely cannot have the ability to deliver news to Pengcheng. Our people are staring at her firmly."

The driver Du Chengrong sent to Xia Ziyu was Du Zhaohui's.

Aunt Wu is out, how can she walk?

Ah Hua knows what Xia Ziyu is doing every day.

Even if he got some money donated by Du Xingrong, Xia Ziyu had no chance to use the money to find someone to help her.

What Xia Ziyu can see is--

"Then the situation is even worse. Xia Ziyu has joined forces with certain people from the Du family."

Xia Xiaolan interface.

Du Zhaohui lowered his head.

Who will Xia Ziyu team up with?

And the second room, the third room, or even the fourth room who hates her most on the surface?

Du Zhaohui couldn't believe his judgment after being put on by Xia Ziyu.

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