Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1766: : Upgraded from Kaizi to friend? (4 more)

Du Zhaohui's complexion changed back and forth, very ugly.

"Then I won't let her stay in Du's house anymore. I can't use this chess piece, and no one wants to use it!"

He no longer needs Xia Ziyu now.

It is now in mid-January, and the third batch of stalls will be released soon in Hongrong Plaza.

The third batch of stalls has not yet formally admitted to renting, and interested merchants have been calling the square for consultation. As long as these stalls are released, they will be robbed in an instant.

By this time, Du Zhaohui no longer needed Xia Ziyu to divide the Du family for him. With such a short time left, Liu Keying and the second wife could unite again and could no longer shake his winning side.

Except for stocks, no investment will be profitable in such a short period of time!

When Xia Xiaolan reminded him, he actually wanted to destroy Xia Ziyu's pawn, but he had to take Xia Ziyu away from his old man and also find a suitable opportunity. After all, he promised Xia Xiaolan that he would give Xia Ziyu to him. She disposes of--

Now, Du Zhaohui can't care whether things can be done beautifully, Xia Ziyu can no longer help, and even get on the line with the rest of the Du family, this woman can no longer stay.

Du Zhaohui has made up his mind to get rid of Xia Ziyu. This removal is not to take Xia Ziyu back to the mainland and go to jail, but to create an accident and completely let Xia Ziyu disappear from this world!

Xia Xiaolan noticed it.

Du Zhaohui has always been like this, his eyes are lawless, and what he loves to say before is to tie someone to Shen Hai—seriously, Xia Xiaolan doesn’t want to be a life mentor for anyone at all. She puts down her scalpel and becomes a Buddha. I don't believe it either.

But during the year of her cooperation with Du Zhaohui, Du Zhaohui focused on Huangrong Square. Even Mao Kangshan had a slight change in this arrogant opening. Xia Xiaolan never said from him that he wanted to tie someone to Shen Hai. .

It seems that Du Zhaohui started from brutality and embarked on a way to learn to use his brain.

He scolded Du Zhaoji as rushing to the street. He was angry that several aunts of the Du family partnered to provide funds to Du Zhaoji. He did not say who was going to kill him. Instead, he felt that he could win those people by the test and put the Du family on the floor. Grab the family property, let everyone kneel down and call Dad-now, do you want to worry about it?

Pretending not to understand Du Zhaohui's subtext, let Du Zhaohui get rid of Xia Ziyu?

Anyway, she also hates Xia Ziyu. This scourge is always stumbling. With Du Zhaohui's hand, it will be wiped out in the future, and she can also be quiet.

As for whether Du Zhaohui is at risk, what does it matter to her, as soon as this competition is over, she and Du Zhaohui will end their cooperative relationship...


No need to speak, just pretend not to understand.

Xia Ziyu is not a good person either. Although he didn't kill people personally, he really forced "Xia Xiaolan" to death.


Xia Xiaolan was silent for a while, which made Du Zhaohui very nervous.

He was a little afraid of such silence.

Xia Xiaolan seems to be a person with no bottom line, but the truth is not like this.

Business cunning is one thing. The environment in the Mainland is not as steep as on Hong Kong Island, and the Xia family is not the Du’s family. It is too common to kill a person on Hong Kong Island... I heard it!

"Ha, I'm going to play—"

"Du Zhaohui."

Xia Xiaolan seemed to have finally made some determination, and Du Zhaohui suddenly became nervous.

"Huh? You say, you say!"

Xia Xiaolan took a deep breath:

"It's not worth it. You have set up such a big stall now. Maybe your career will be bigger than the Du's now. If you walk a lot at night, you will always run into ghosts. You really should change your way of doing things. ."

Hey, I still said it!

Xia Xiaolan herself wanted to lose her face.

She also didn't want to care about Du Zhaohui. Whether the other party was good or bad, her parents couldn't care about it. What did it have to do with her?

If you pretend you don’t understand--

Forget it, this is also within the cooperation period. In case of future incidents, others thought she and Du Zhaohui partnered to kill Xia Ziyu!

Xia Xiaolan quickly found an excuse for herself.

Du Zhaohui seemed silly to hear it, which made Xia Xiaolan very embarrassed.

"I don't want to interfere with your work. I think the worst is already the case. Why don't we pretend that we haven't noticed Xia Ziyu's abnormality, and see what she wants to do with the Du family."

"In turn, bewildered Xia Ziyu."

"No matter which room of the Du family is working with her..."

"I think it is more likely to be the second room. Of course, it is not good. Maybe it is the fourth concubine Liu Keying. She has been spoiled for so many years. She must have a good mind. It may be that she hates Xia Ziyu on the surface. There is a tacit understanding."

"Hey, Du Zhaohui, are you stupid?"

What Xia Xiaolan said, Du Zhaohui only nodded.

Can we still talk this day?

I can only talk another day.

When Xia Xiaolan left, Du Zhaohui was still sluggish and sat down on the chair without moving for a long time.

A Hua was a little worried about him.

This is not like the style of the eldest master.

What is the style of the young master?

The young master should seize every time he spends with Miss Xia. Even after talking about business, he should invite Miss Xia to dinner with a smile on his face.

If Miss Xia really disagrees, the young master will eagerly send Miss Xia downstairs.

It’s best to be able to be delivered home all the time, and there is still time to be alone along the way.

Of course, this kind of opportunity doesn't happen often, mainly because Miss Xia doesn't have any thoughts on that aspect. After talking about the business here, there is still the next wave of business waiting. She doesn't like to mix everything together.

Miss Xia didn't even know the thoughts of the young master.

Still know, people don't care at all?

"Master, I'll call someone to do something..."

Du Zhaohui, who was slow to respond, seemed to be tightened up: "What did you do, didn't you hear what she said?"

I heard it.

But I took the salary of the young master, of course it was for the sake of the young master.

In an environment like Du's family, the struggle is life and death. The woman Ahua from Xia Ziyu has never let go of her vigilance. It is best to get rid of the person in control.

But looking at the expression of the young master, obviously you don't want to kill Xia Ziyu?

Du Zhaohui had a dreamy face, and wanted to hold his face in a foolish laugh, but forcibly held back for the sake of face.

"Do you know what this means?"

Ah Wah shook his head honestly.

Du Zhaohui suddenly disliked it.

He wanted to talk about it and give Ahua an analysis, so that Ahua admired him.

But after thinking about it, he still closed his mouth tightly.

It was a kind of high-intensity, secretive, and sustainable happiness that ran through his heart like an electric current, so he didn't have the clever reaction of laughing and cursing.

Du Zhaohui was afraid that once he opened his mouth and let one more person know how he felt, he would be forced to wake up from this wonderful feeling.

He could see Xia Xiaolan's hesitation and entanglement, but in the end Xia Xiaolan still spoke out.

——Xia Xiaolan is caring about him!

——Yes, Xia Xiaolan is caring about him, not about her reputation, not about the electronic square, but just about him!

——Are he and Xia Xiaolan still a simple cooperative relationship? No, that's not the case. Xia Xiaolan at least upgraded him to a friend from the triumphant thrown away after using it up.

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