Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1788: : Want to mobilize work? (2 more)

Du Tingrong did not spend the night in the apartment tonight.

He came and went away.

Xia Ziyu touched her belly and laughed directly.

She took another step right!

Yes, she will go on like this, keep being right.

Du Zhaohui and Du Zhaoji, they both have to listen to Du Xingrong's words, she doesn't have to choose a team, at Du's house, she should hold Du Xingrong's thigh the most.

Du Xingrong knew she had been sent by Du Zhaohui for a long time.

But Du Xingrong didn't care.

Maybe I think I can control everything, I don't bother to expose it.

And always allow her to be by her side, because she can make Du Xingrong happy. Du Tingrong was willing to let her be the fifth concubine, and she was willing to let her have children, because although she was sent by Du Zhaohui, she had only provoke the alliance of the second and fourth houses, neither wanted to kill Du Tingrong nor touched Du Tingrong’s interests. !

Yes, for Du Xingrong, whoever wins is his son.

This man is too confident.

If it weren't for being older than her dad, Xia Ziyu felt that she might really admire Du Zongrong and fall in love with Du Zongrong.

Compared with Du Xingrong, Wang Jianhua is so immature, Du Xingrong is rich and powerful, and can play around with everyone in the Du family. Wang Jianhua and her are dealing with each other, but they can't even handle their parents. It's ridiculous.

Fortunately, she used to **** Wang Jianhua as a treasure.

Xia Ziyu really wanted to turn the clock of life back for a few years, and slapped herself up at the time!

With Wang Jianhua, she wasted so much time and energy in vain.

"Du Xingrong doesn't care, what else should I be afraid of? Du Zhaohui can't threaten me anymore."

For a long time, the big rock that was pressing on her was removed, and Xia Ziyu felt very relaxed!

But she could not reveal her true intentions.

Du Tingrong can not care who she is to send, but Du Tingrong will not indulge her to deal with Liu Fen and Xia Xiaolan, to provoke enemies for the Du family.

Xia Ziyu was not in a hurry anymore, she decided to follow Du Xingrong's side, and take care of her baby according to what Du Xingrong said.

If Du Zhaohui knew the truth, his expression would be wonderful, hahaha.

With 5% of the shares, if you win, you will win. As long as Du Xingrong is alive, the Du family must listen to him, and they are safe!


Xia Xiaolan didn't know why Xia Ziyu wanted to investigate her mother.

The results of the investigation must have been sent to Hong Kong now.

Xia Xiaolan has maintained the line of Xia Hongxia. She has an intuition that Xia Hongxia is still useful.

Xia Hongxia was also paid as a double agent, 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, plus Xia Hongxia's own savings, barely enough to make a small presence in the Renminqiao Small Commodity Market.

The area is quite small, the facade is only 2 meters wide, but it is very long when it extends back.

It's just this kind of facade, there are a group of people rushing to fight, and the small commodity market is now setting up a street stall to make money, okay?

Had it not been for Xia Xiaolan to ask him to do it, Xia Hongxia would never get this shop.

Xia Xiaolan didn't go to see Xia Hongxia specifically, and she couldn't get rid of Xia Hongxia. She had to wait for Xia Ziyu to contact Xia Hongxia again.

At the beginning, Xia Xiaolan did not discover Ye Xiaoqiong's disappearance. It was normal for Ye Xiaoqiong to leave Pengcheng and return to Hong Kong. After the investigation was made, Ye Xiaoqiong would of course return to Hong Kong to report to Du Zhaoji.

Xia Xiaolan was not disappointed by Ye Xiaoqiong's actions. After all, the two had different positions now. Ye Xiaoqiong, who leads Du Zhaoji's salary, must work for Du Zhaoji.

It was only when she met Ye Xiaoqiong for the first time on Hong Kong Island last year, Xia Xiaolan was truly happy for Ye Xiaoqiong.

A girl who was almost abducted by human traffickers can have a good job in Hong Kong. Isn't it inspirational enough?

Later, it was discovered that Ye Xiaoqiong was Yuan Han's ex-wife, and Xia Xiaolan received Du Zhaohui's consultant fee. The two stood in different camps, and they eventually drifted away from Ye Xiaoqiong.

Xia Xiaolan did not discover Ye Xiaoqiong's "disappearance" in time, and she was worrying about the drainage of Huangrong Square.

The first step is to attract merchants and let them accept rent, and the second step is to attract consumers to shop.

At this moment, Pan Yijun brought another news from Xia Xiaolan:

"Sheng Xuan can't go on anymore, she took the initiative to transfer to Pengcheng. I heard that she is going to work in southern Henan."

Pan Yijun thinks this is good news.

It didn't surprise Xia Xiaolan too much.

Sheng Xuan has been pressed and beaten by Pan Yijun. If she wants to pursue something at work, she can't spend her entire life with Pan Yijun.

The golden age of everyone's work is only a few years, Sheng Xuan is now a young cadre, with an advantage in age, but it will be delayed for a few more years, but it is just a stalemate.

"It doesn't matter if she wants to leave. Has the loan released by her been recovered?"

Xia Xiaolan had been waiting here long ago.

If you want to relocate your work, you must first transfer the business here clearly.

The sum of money that Sheng Xuan personally released was the millions that he lent to Ji Ya!

After returning home, Xia Xiaolan was busy with her own affairs and did not chase after Ji Ya...because there is no need, it will only be Ji Ya, not Xia Xiaolan.

Does Jiya have money to return to the bank now?

There must be none.

All the money is on the development of the brand.

Luna is taking the route of developing franchise stores. All of Ji Ya's branches are opened by himself. It seems that they are fully blooming and leaping forward. How can they have millions of liquidity in their hands?

I am afraid that even one or two million, Jiya can't get it out.

Will George pay this money for Jiya?

There is a high probability that it won't. George can't protect himself. Harold has forced the old Ivans to have nowhere to go. Although I don't know Mrs. Wilson's plan to come to China, it is obviously related to Harold.

George's family was embarrassed on all sides.

When he was rich, George could use hundreds of thousands of dollars to give Ji Ya a wedding, and now it would be difficult to ask George to repay the loan to Ji Ya.

Pan Yijun obviously thinks the same way: "It's okay to transfer work, but the loan approved by Director Sheng would be difficult for our sub-branch to handle without a statement."

To transfer jobs, you must first have the accepting unit, and then look at the current unit and not let go of the people.

Generally, current units are not too embarrassed.

But now, Pan Yi can have an unusual situation!

There are too many bad debts in the bank, and not every loan is collected, but no one will hold him accountable. If you really want to pursue it, how did Sheng Xuan embarrass Pan Yijun that day and want Qihang to repay in advance, Pan Yijun is now just a way to clean up Sheng Xuan and return it to Sheng Xuan.

He killed him and refused to transfer to Sheng Xuan, and asked Sheng Xuan to recover the loan. No one could say that he did something wrong!

Sheng Xuan must be angry.

Hearing from Old Pan, Sheng Xuan called Ji Ya to the bank. The two estimated that they had not negotiated well, and eventually separated.

Then something more interesting came when Zhu Suizhou came to see Xia Xiaolan in person.

"Mr. Xia, January 28th is the wedding of Comrade Sheng Xuan and I. You must come to attend!"

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