Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 1798: : I want to stay in the capital (3 more)

Luo Yaozong thought too much.

He Shiyuan doesn't care if he takes pictures or not.

He Shiyuan installed a pinhole camera in the car and hid a recording tool. After leaving Yuan Han, He Shiyuan returned to her residence, took out the tape, listened to it, and was very satisfied with her results.

Not to mention, she also found it very exciting. It was not the excitement of the field battle with Yuan Han. It was her acting in this scene. What she did was very exciting.

He Shiyuan wanted to take the tape to find Ye Xiaoqiong to ask for credit, but found out that Ye Xiaoqiong hadn't come back from HK yet—hey, after meeting her last time, Ye Xiaoqiong never contacted her again. Doesn't she care about her progress?

"Could she be returning to Hong Kong for the Spring Festival..."

He Shiyuan murmured a few words.

She didn't lie to Yuan Han, she also wanted to return to Hong Kong.

Of course, it is not to spend the holidays with the fictitious family, but to return to Hong Kong for medical treatment on a regular basis.

Although her illness is very difficult to treat, but now suddenly someone is giving her such a good reward, she still has to try to save herself.

If she can live longer, she can spend a few more days without losing her mind.

He Shiyuan brought her things and went back to Hong Kong for treatment.

After she left, someone sneaked into her residence, looking for something, turning He Shiyuan's residence into a mess.

However, she found nothing, and the person tried her best to restore her things to the original condition.

The same thing happened to Ye Xiaoqiong's residence in Pengcheng.

Ye Xiaoqiong was more cautious than He Shiyuan, and naturally it was less likely to let others find useful things.

Even the photos He Shiyuan gave her before were reposted.

On the other side, Yuan Han had 50,000 Hong Kong dollars given by He Shiyuan. This time he returned to the capital with rich wealth.

Section Chief Yuan was still a little bit weak, and he had money in his pocket, and asked someone to buy him a plane ticket, only to return to Beijing one day later than Xia Xiaolan.

Yuan Han bought a bunch of things for the children and was confident that he visited Wenbang's home last week.

Jiang Hong asked Zhou Wenbang, "Do we really want to see this person?"

The sight of Yuan Han affects her mood. She still wants to spend a good year.

Zhou Wenbang heard that Ye Xiaoqiong had already started, and couldn't bear Yuan Han for too long.

"When Zhou Yi passes the 111th grade in the language school, we don't have to worry anymore."

The later grade exams became more difficult. When Xia Xiaolan returned to China, Zhou Yi passed the 109th grade. Two days ago, she took the 110th grade but failed. This was the first time that Zhou Yi was frustrated after studying English seriously, but Zhou Wenbang didn't even scold her this time, and made a phone call overseas to comfort her and encourage her for a long time.

Zhou Wenbang knew that the last two levels were particularly difficult. It was not that Zhou Yi didn't want to pass the exam. She was really not a smart student. She would inevitably be frustrated if she tried her best. It is obviously the latter that is more important to clean up Yuan Han and flog Zhou Yi.

Jiang Hong came with interest:

"After passing the 111th grade, Zhou Yi can apply to the school, isn't she, what is she going to learn?"

Zhou Wenbang nodded, "You can learn anything, it's best to be a highly technical professional, with a skill, and she will definitely not be hungry in the future!"

In this regard, Zhou Wenbang did not particularly understand.

Not to mention the foreign situation, he doesn't even understand the domestic situation.

He joined the work at the age of seventeen. At that time, just two years after the liberation, the whole country was engaged in major construction. He was a young revolutionary who was well-established and entered the factory smoothly. There were no academic requirements, and even the technology was advanced. Only learned it after the factory.

Now the 38th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the country has resumed the college entrance examination and initiated reform and opening up. The domestic situation is very different from when Zhou Wenbang was young.

Work and future, no longer just look at the class composition of the roots.

More and more attention is paid to academic qualifications.

College students who are willing to go to the remote grassroots level can become section-level cadres as soon as they go.

Even in general units, the starting point for a bachelor's degree and a college degree is different...Zhou Wenbang didn't expect Zhou Yi to have a great future, and all sent them abroad, at least to give the students the ability to settle down and come back!

He still has to carefully consider what Zhou Yi wants to learn.

Jiang Hong let Yuan Han come in.

Yuan Han scatters smoke for the guard, but the guard does not accept it.

"Go in, it's cold outside."

Yuan Han smiled all over his face, but turned his head away, but his face was gloomy.

When someone's son-in-law arrives at the old man's house, he has to wait at the door of the family's courtyard. The wind blows on Yuan Han's face, just like the slap of a cold fan on his face! The Zhou family despised him, and even a gatekeeper despised him.

After reaching the door of Zhou Yi's house, Yuan Han rubbed his face and put on a smile.

The nanny opened the door for him. Yuan Han was holding things in both hands. Jiang Hong was sitting on the sofa. Yuan Han was smiling all over his face. I bought more for Zhou Ke."

Yuan Han looked at Zhou Ke with genuine joy.

This daughter looks like him and is still the child of him and Zhou Yi.

With this child, Zhou's family must admit him, Yuan Han understands in his heart.

Can bring him rich children, even if it is a girl film, Yuan Han also has a bit of sincere love.

Zhou Ke was still less than one year old, babbling syllables that adults didn't understand. Yuan Han's eyes were so hot when he looked at her. The so-called sincere love is more like seeing a golden doll.

Jiang Hong shook hands.

She doesn't like Yuan Han, and sometimes angers Zhou Ke.

But Yuan Han can be kicked off, and the child must not have any relationship with Yuan Han. With Yuan Han's biological father, what if Zhou Ke has been in contact with him for a long time and it becomes worse?

Jiang Hong said softly, "Let's put things down, you are interested."

Yuan Han's eyebrows opened and smiled, but Jiang Hong's conversation changed, "I will take care of the children. You should go back to your hometown for those who are celebrating the New Year."

Yuan Han suddenly froze.

It is impossible for him to say that he wants to run a relationship in the capital. He doesn't need Zhou Wenbang to introduce him to someone. As long as he stays at Zhou's house with a cheeky New Year, he will naturally meet those who come to pay Zhou Wenbang's New Year greetings.

Then he sent others out.

Take the opportunity to get acquainted.

Outsiders don’t know that Zhou Wenbang hates him. He is the son-in-law of Zhou Wenbang, and others will naturally pay attention to him. In Pengcheng, Yuan Han did just that. It was very effective and made him very proud.

Jiang Hong wanted to tell him to go back to his hometown!

Yuan Han was itching with hatred. Of course he missed his mother and two sisters, but when is this, the critical period of career advancement, how can he delay it?

He also received money from He Shiyuan.

He Shiyuan's woman, if she doesn't see any progress after the Chinese New Year, she will definitely make trouble.

He Shiyuan and Ye Xiaoqiong have different tempers from Zhou Yi.

Yuan Han's eyes flashed, and he replied smoothly:

"You still think about me, but I have already told them that after the Chinese New Year, I will pick them up and go to Pengcheng for a round of fun. They are very considerate of me, knowing that I usually don’t see my daughter, so I can spend more time with them in Beijing. Ke."


After all, I just want to stay in the capital.

Jiang Hong couldn't hide his contempt by lowering his head.

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